Cage Match


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I would say NOT the lion, the tiger would have a shot if he could stalk and catch the Kodiak by surprise. But either cat would be toast if the Kodiak laid a paw on them and then got his jaws around any part of them. The problem is the thickness of the Kodiak's fur and skin, it would be difficult to pierce the bear's hide and make a damaging bite, unless it was to the head or throat.

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Tigers are larger than lions but lions have more massive shoulders and protection from their mane. Lions in the wild top out at about 700 whereas a tiger has gotten as big as 850lbs.

Bear, on the other hand, are massive, up to twice the weight of the biggest cat. A grizzly bear is almost as fast as a lion or tiger. The bite force of a bear is about 1600 psi compared to a tiger of about 1000.

A bear would demolish any cat, any day of the week.

Interestingly - I just googled this about found that lots of people on other websites ask the same thing.

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Snow said pretty much what I would have said. Between a tiger and a lion, the lion would win, because although tigers are bigger, the lion has better neck protection- unless of course the tiger managed to avoid the lion long enough to get a good blow to the belly in.

But with the bear, especially a kodiak, the cats have no chance. Only if they had enough room to maneuver, were fast enough to avoid his claws, and could keep coming at it from the rear until they wore it out would they even be able to bring it down. And that's definitely not happening in a cage.

In the wild, wolves and bears sometimes come across each other, and even wolves supported by their entire pack will not take on a bear. They will even give up a fresh catch if a bear ambles along to take it from them. They may put up a little bit of a fight, but ultimately they'll flee.

Bears are tough customers. They may not be as sleek and graceful as cats, but they are powerful, and other animals know to stay away.

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Snow said pretty much what I would have said. Between a tiger and a lion, the lion would win, because although tigers are bigger, the lion has better neck protection- unless of course the tiger managed to avoid the lion long enough to get a good blow to the belly in.

But with the bear, especially a kodiak, the cats have no chance. Only if they had enough room to maneuver, were fast enough to avoid his claws, and could keep coming at it from the rear until they wore it out would they even be able to bring it down. And that's definitely not happening in a cage.

In the wild, wolves and bears sometimes come across each other, and even wolves supported by their entire pack will not take on a bear. They will even give up a fresh catch if a bear ambles along to take it from them. They may put up a little bit of a fight, but ultimately they'll flee.

Bears are tough customers. They may not be as sleek and graceful as cats, but they are powerful, and other animals know to stay away.

It's long been my opinion that you are a wise and thoughtful poster, especially in matters involving cages and large carnivores.

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I'm thinking that if they're playing Texas Hold'em, the lion wins.

Gold Fish: the Tiger wins.

Mano A Mano: bear wins.

Of course, if it were an actual Cage Match, no one would win. PETA and the ASPCA would have it shut down before it was started. Snow, you may be getting a visit from a bunch of protesting naked models, who will throw paint on your lion and tiger and bear furs. Oh my!

Edited by rameumptom
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I'm thinking that if they're playing Texas Hold'em, the lion wins.

Gold Fish: the Tiger wins.

Mano A Mano: bear wins.

Of course, if it were an actual Cage Match, no one would win. PETA and the ASPCA would have it shut down before it was started. Snow, you may be getting a visit from a bunch of protesting naked models, who will throw paint on your lion and tiger and bear furs. Oh my!

If that's all it takes, I'm going to start these cage matches nightly!

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Snow, would this be with Marquis of Queensbury rules or no holds barred?

Too bad you didn't add Chuck Norris to the list. ;)

While it is true that Chuck Norris could probably beat both big cat and bear, he wouldn't stand a chance against The Most Interesting Man in the World:

Posted Image

He lives vicariously... through himself.

He once had an awkward moment just to see how it feels.

His reputation is expanding faster than the universe.

He is the most interesting man in the world.

He can speak French in Russian..

He, my friends, is indeed.... THAT man.

His charm is so contagious that a vaccine was created for it.

His legend precedes him, like lightning precedes thunder.

He was asked by Alien abductors to have him probe them

He is a lover not a fighter, but he's also a fighter so don't get any ideas.

His enemies list him as their emergency contact number.

Police often question him ... just because they find him interesting.

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Evening! :)

Is it an African or a European bear?

A kodiak bear is a particularly large grizzly bear, the biggest sub-species of the brown bear that lives on the kodiak islands off of Alaska.

I think havejoy was making a reference to "Monthy Python and the Holy Grail". :lol:



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What kind of sicko would put a bear cub in a cage fight with a full-grown lion or tiger?

Sorry, I assume that when we talk about such things that all participants are fully-developed adults in their prime, and no performance-enhancing or -diminishing drugs would be used to 'even the playing field'.

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