2 questions, looking for your 2 cents


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I noticed on the forum that there are differing opinions when it comes to whether people are more evil today than they were fifty-years ago, a hundred-years ago, or even when Jesus walked among us. The question is, are we really any more unrighteous now versus then? Were the good ole days of our grandparents really any safer than today of our children? Or is society's morality the same? Are people just as mean and cruel to each other as they were before? Maybe the only reason we hear more about crimes now is because victims aren't silent like the used to be back in the day? But what have LDS prophets of recent times said regarding this subject? Don't they warn members of the increasing evils and wickedness around us?

This is a different question but it somewhat relates to the above. I've heard that the Lord is saving his more righteous spirits for the latter-days. So children that are born now and later, are the last leg of God's army to face the trials and turmoil of the last hour before Christ returns for the second-coming. If this is true, what are our children, our grandchildren, and their children, supposed to do against the downward spiral of mankind's morality? Maybe I'm the only one that has heard this?..

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Well when you think that in many areas 50 years ago you could leave your house unlocked and never have to worry about a thing...I would say things today are worse.

When I was a kid trick or treating, we would get popcorn balls and home made treats. You wouldn't dare let your child eat those today unless it was from someone you know very well.

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People are as wicked today as they were in the beginning. There's only better media coverage now.

Agreed, but I think people are more willing to act upon their more carnal urges today than in the past... so even though people are just as wicked, their actions are less restrained.

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Guest mormonmusic

I was debating this with a friend last week.

I think the answer depends partly what era of time you're comparing us to now. For example, Noah's generation was so wicked the Lord destroyed the earth. I don't think we're there yet.

Also, in ages past, slavery was rampant. Children would be born in slavery, and die in slavery as elderly people. If you wandered too far out of your city boundaries, or territory, and were captured by a neighbouring country, you'd be forced to be slaves. Not as much in today's world.

I think the question is a bit broad, however. I think if it was narrowed down to "Is the United States of America" more wicked today than 50 years ago, it would be easier to draw conclusions based on date. Or, is "Britain more wicked today than 50 years ago?" this would also be easier. Same question about Canada.

Also, how do you measure the overall wickedness of a nation? By the amount of people in prison? By the amount of child abuse cases? By the amount of dishonest business practices?

I think one would need to define how you measure the overall righteousness of a nation before you could answer this without a lot of uninformed discussion.

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Guest mormonmusic

I was debating this with a friend last week.

I think the answer depends partly what era of time you're comparing us to now. For example, Noah's generation was so wicked the Lord destroyed the earth. I don't think we're there yet as He hasn't knocked us off teh planet yet.

Also, in ages past, slavery was rampant. Children would be born in slavery, and die in slavery as elderly people. If you wandered too far out of your city boundaries, or territory, and were captured by a neighbouring country, you'd be forced to be slaves. Not as much in today's world, which is a case for saying we're more righteous in that regard.

I think the question is a bit broad, however. I think if it was narrowed down to "Is the United States of America more wicked today than 50 years ago?", it would be easier to draw conclusions based on data.. Or, is "Britain more wicked today than 50 years ago?" this would also be easier. Same question about Canada.

Also, how do you measure the overall wickedness of a nation? By the amount of people in prison? By the amount of child abuse cases? By the amount of dishonest business practices?

I think one would need to define how you measure the overall righteousness of a nation before you could answer this without simply generating a lot of uninformed discussion.

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The news is always the same; only the names change. Caine slew Abel, someone lay with someone else's wife, Pitiphers wife tried to bed Joseph and he was falsely accused of attempted rape for refusing, an Egyptian beat a Jew unjustly and Moses slew him because of it and had to flee Egypt...

On and on.

The news is always the same; only the names change.

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Just my personal views there are an awful lot more people in the world so along with more evil we also get more good. Yes times are worse than they have ever been but we hear about things we wouldn't have heard about less than 100 years ago because information flows so much faster etc.

A classic example is the current paranoia in my country about pedophiles and child abductions, children can no longer even walk to school alone. However the rate of non familial pedophile convictions and child abductions is no greater than it was when I was a child. In my area last non famllial child abduction and rape was 1795 or thereabouts

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Guest mormonmusic

This is a different question but it somewhat relates to the above. I've heard that the Lord is saving his more righteous spirits for the latter-days. So children that are born now and later, are the last leg of God's army to face the trials and turmoil of the last hour before Christ returns for the second-coming. If this is true, what are our children, our grandchildren, and their children, supposed to do against the downward spiral of mankind's morality? Maybe I'm the only one that has heard this?..

I've heard this a few times as well.

What are they to do? Stand fast in their values, stand up for them.

Also, they need to be on guard that living in the world you don't "get any on you". For example, it's really easy to let the values of television permeate your home. There are kids in our Ward who have seen restricted movies, and their parents don't seem to care very much. These values tend to to show up in their conversation and in the violence of their actions when they get angry.

Also, be prepared to suffer for their values if necessary. The rain will fall on the righteous and unrighteous, so there will be times when these righteous spirits will suffer or even be killed in the world's death throes.

Also, they need to remain firm and positive about their religion, with hope that it'll be worth it some day. If you want to see someone who had to live through extreme unrighteousness, read about the last Moroni in the Book of Mormon. He was a stark example of being one of the valiant in a world of wickedness.

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I've heard that the Lord is saving his more righteous spirits for the latter-days. So children that are born now and later, are the last leg of God's army to face the trials and turmoil of the last hour before Christ returns for the second-coming. If this is true, what are our children, our grandchildren, and their children, supposed to do against the downward spiral of mankind's morality? Maybe I'm the only one that has heard this?..

If you think it is bad now, just wait till the year 4711.

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One of the leading things to the destruction of the world in Noah's day is this:

Cain's secret combination was held by a small group for many generations. However, Lamech bragged about the secret to his wives, who then gossiped the information throughout the land. With the knowledge spread about, more secret combinations sprang up until the whole world was filled with violence.

Fifty years ago, gangs were found only in the largest cities, as was drug use, prostitution, etc. Marriages were common and strong, and people focused on their families. There were only 3 television stations, and they were only on a few hours per day. There was no Internet, cell phones, nor IPads. If a boy wanted to see some pictures of women, he would look at the Sear's catalog. Games included cowboys and Indians, using one's finger as a gun. There were no violent/sexual video games like Grand Theft Auto. There was no sexting.

I could go on and on. Today's informational glut has people distracted with entertainment info and everything they can imagine to satisfy their lusts. Pres Obama was correct this weekend, when he warned us to be wary of IPads. Not that the IPad is a bad thing, but that it and video games keep us from gaining real education and knowledge.

Our world is more violent and sexualized today, because there is greater access. Gangs can be found even in small towns. And many of the gangs are more violent than ever before. Drugs can be found everywhere. And sex outside of marriage is the norm on television and in society.

People used to focus on society and family. Now they focus on pleasure. Of course we are a more wicked society.

At the same time, with all the advances we also have the ability to be a more knowledgeable and righteous society. It all depends upon what we are focused on. Do we spend our Internet time looking at porn, or studying science and literature?

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I noticed on the forum that there are differing opinions when it comes to whether people are more evil today than they were fifty-years ago, a hundred-years ago, or even when Jesus walked among us. The question is, are we really any more unrighteous now versus then? Were the good ole days of our grandparents really any safer than today of our children? Or is society's morality the same? Are people just as mean and cruel to each other as they were before? Maybe the only reason we hear more about crimes now is because victims aren't silent like the used to be back in the day? But what have LDS prophets of recent times said regarding this subject? Don't they warn members of the increasing evils and wickedness around us?

This is a different question but it somewhat relates to the above. I've heard that the Lord is saving his more righteous spirits for the latter-days. So children that are born now and later, are the last leg of God's army to face the trials and turmoil of the last hour before Christ returns for the second-coming. If this is true, what are our children, our grandchildren, and their children, supposed to do against the downward spiral of mankind's morality? Maybe I'm the only one that has heard this?..

My opinion is a little different - I believe for the most part people have a good nature but that wickedness can overcome a good nature. I believe that Satan has greater power over the hearts and minds of more people today than he did 50 years ago. I believe that a "separation" is taking place among the people of the world and that, according to prophesy, only by standing in "holy" places will people be safe from the influences and powers of Satan.

I also believe that this time (generation) is a time of great righteousness because of select spirits that were reserved for this time - but I also believe these select righteous spirits are a minority.

The Traveler

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I noticed on the forum that there are differing opinions when it comes to whether people are more evil today than they were fifty-years ago, a hundred-years ago, or even when Jesus walked among us. The question is, are we really any more unrighteous now versus then? Were the good ole days of our grandparents really any safer than today of our children? Or is society's morality the same? Are people just as mean and cruel to each other as they were before? Maybe the only reason we hear more about crimes now is because victims aren't silent like the used to be back in the day? But what have LDS prophets of recent times said regarding this subject? Don't they warn members of the increasing evils and wickedness around us?

This is a different question but it somewhat relates to the above. I've heard that the Lord is saving his more righteous spirits for the latter-days. So children that are born now and later, are the last leg of God's army to face the trials and turmoil of the last hour before Christ returns for the second-coming. If this is true, what are our children, our grandchildren, and their children, supposed to do against the downward spiral of mankind's morality? Maybe I'm the only one that has heard this?..

This is a question that needs some personal witness for own testimony if you have the stomach and the heart to view it. To remind you here before choosing this path, Joseph asked to see the future of this land and the world. What was given made him bulked and asked not to see it all of once.

I was ‘stupid enough’ to ask the same. I now regret it. I begged the Spirit to withdraw or at least, follow the same path as Joseph sought for, show me a bit at a time that I can handle it.

Bini, this is no trifle matter to be concerned over but what is coming for those who will be at the latter end, it will be far worst than it was during the days of Noah.

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