Del Parson's Painting of Christ question

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This is how I see it. There is no way to know how Christ looks like unless we have seen him (and if we did, I am not sure if we would be saying it so casually to everyone). Del Parson's painting is just HIS interpretation, an artist interpretation. No more, no less.

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Do not pictures that are used by the Church of Christ have to be approved? We have a gallery of diffrent pictures that represent the "Life of Christ". I use these to tell my Nursery about Christ. We have the Parson's painting hanging in our Nursery. I tell the children we do not have a picture of Christ since he lived so long ago, but this is what the Church says we can use. Parson's picture is not hanging in the hall gallery.

One of my 2 year old walking down the hall with his Dad pointed out a picture of Jesus being baptised by John the Baptist. The "little one" told he his Dad, "There he is!" The Dad asked his son who. He replied, "Jesus".

Now I am NOT saying that the boy saw Jesus. I AM saying that, "That these pictures having been approved by the Church and used to teach the gospel do not have to be and are not perfect. Just think of all the diffrent pictures we use. It is how they are used. It is a beautiful picture. My non-member nephew who was leaving on a missionary trip in south Asia asked me how he could get one. As true in any art we see what we see and feel what we feel. We all have our talents. Parson has a talent and is using his talent and sharing it with us. Is he making money, I am sure he is. Is this picture approved for our use? Yes, it is. Ask any Primary teacher or Leadership and they will tell you an approved picture of Christ is very much used to teach the Gospel. This is the purpose of the picture. I say it is doing the job that the Church wanted it for. Does it fit all science leads of what Jesus should look like?

No, but does it matter if it has been approved by the Leadership of our Church. I am sure they had their reasons for approving this picture.

Having said that I will tell you that I love the picture. It has touched my heart since I first started using it in Primary. At times I can see diffrent things in it. I believe Parson's talent is great because he can do this. As an artist, I envy such talent.

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This is how I see it. There is no way to know how Christ looks like unless we have seen him (and if we did, I am not sure if we would be saying it so casually to everyone). Del Parson's painting is just HIS interpretation, an artist interpretation. No more, no less.

Thank goodness Joseph Smith never followed this advice.

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I think Del Parson is probably one of my least favorite artists of LDS popularity. In fact, the painting in question is my least favorite of all. It has become so ubiquitous that it's lost its meaning to me.

Well, maybe this post from a few years ago will help.

Just a quick debunk of a mormon myth (sorry you warm-fuzzy addicts out there ;)).

Del Parson painted the popular picture of Jesus we in the LDS church are familiar with: brownish background, red robe over white shirt/robe, brownish hair, etc... Well, here it is:

Posted Image

Some spread the rumor that when the prophet saw the painting he said it looked the more like Christ than any other picture he'd seen. Never happened.

Del Parson was the 2nd Counselor in my singles' ward in Cedar City. He gave a fireside about the painting, and pointed out that the prophet/apostles never said that, he never claimed that, it's a faith-promoting rumor (who needs faith in a painting?), etc... Actually, Bro. Parson said when he finished the painting he was so dissatisfied with it he wanted to chuck it into his fireplace and burn it but his wife convinced him to submit it to the Brethren who loved it.

My point? We don't know what Christ looks like based on any painting. Man, what I wouldn't give for a polaroid and one day back in 32 A.D. somewhere near Jerusalem. ;)

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Where is the link? What is quite disturbing is the usage of "WE", should be rewritten to state, ME, MYSELF, or I. It is not we but I don't fact, he or she doesn't know. I always ask, why not? It is not Lord, prohibiting this type event, it is the person that limits the Godhead in revealing themselves to the person.

If you entered the LA temple a few years ago, prior to the locker area, Del Parson's painting was hanging there. Even, my stake center, hanging on the stair entrance front lobby is the super impose Del Parson's painting.

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Where is the link? What is quite disturbing is the usage of "WE", should be rewritten to state, ME, MYSELF, or I. It is not we but I don't fact, he or she doesn't know.

Are you referring to the "we" in this statement:

"My point? We don't know what Christ looks like based on any painting."

That is a true statement. WE do not know. If you or someone else here claims that they do - then that person is a spinner of yarns.

Edited by Snow
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Are you referring to the "we" in this statement:

"My point? We don't know what Christ looks like based on any painting."

That is a true statement. WE do not know. If you or someone else here claims that they do - then that person is a spinner of yarns.

The 'we' here Snow, to correct this statement, YOU DON'T KNOW. The brethren do know…now, if you don’t, then you need self-analyzation to determine why. If it is that important to you, you would seek it out for your own edification.

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Perhaps this is one of the key points provided in the 'what did Jesus look like' link provided by Snow.

"Thus, Jesus would have had DNA that was either 50% or 100% created uniquely by God. If so, then Jesus could have had any height, hair color, eye color, skin hue, style of nose, etc. He may or may not have resembled a typical Palestinian from 1st Century CE."

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Not likely...why is that, what was the descriptor that Nephi gave in the Book of Mormon for Mary? Not only that, let us stop wasting so much energy with the speculation and seek real truths versus fables of men. If you truly want to know what the Lord really look like, ask Him. [being harsh for the Savior] Seeking information from Snow or even the Discovery Channel, you will not find it.

Edited by Hemidakota
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The 'we' here Snow, to correct this statement, YOU DON'T KNOW. The brethren do know..

Just curious do you have an statement or know for a fact that the Brethren have seen Christ face to face to know how he looks like?

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Ask them! If not, read their journals when it becomes available. However, I am cautious to add, there are members who are not the brethren, even on this forum, have also witness the Savior. Collected information does help.

Suzie, do you believe, any apostle can be an apostle without being a witness of the Master?

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Ask them! If not, read their journals when it becomes available. However, I am cautious to add, there are members who are not the brethren, even on this forum, have also witness the Savior. Collected information does help.

Suzie, do you believe, any apostle can be an apostle without being a witness of the Master?

I think it's foolish to assume that it's an automatic thing. I also think it's foolish to believe that they would actually tell me if I asked.

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In asking, why not, I did. I would even approach a child, who purity and faith is greater than what I am seeing here, would testify of meeting the Savior in person; even GOD the FATHER. Now, that is coming from a child. We have High Priests, Elders, and even Sisters, who yet, to accomplish such an event. Why not? A child can do it, why can they? Is that foolish? Not likely.

Regards to Apostleship, be assured, it will be done prior or after the calling is given. What a person will see, a sweet tender moment in a talk given by one of the brethren, pay close attention to the closure when the brethren testify of the Savior. If one is attuned to the Spirit, you will feel the emotion and impact of his witness of the divine Son of GOD. They will testify by assertion.

Wingnut, it is not foolish at all.

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Ask them!

Umm...and how do you exactly want me to do that? :huh:

If not, read their journals when it becomes available.

Not sure what you mean. If the average member doesn't know this for a fact because it hasn't never been share, please tell us how do you know this and who said it. I am very interested in the topic because of the modern Apostles I never read anyone claiming who have seen Christ face to face.

However, I am cautious to add, there are members who are not the brethren, even on this forum, have also witness the Savior.

Witnessed the Savior in what way? Dream? Vision?

Suzie, do you believe, any apostle can be an apostle without being a witness of the Master?

You know Apostles are called SPECIAL witnesses of Christ and in my view they have to see Christ face to face (doesn't mean that's the case) as well as receive revelation in a different way than just a feeling like the regular member does. I recall reading Elder Packer I believe who said that Apostles receive revelation in the same way than the average member. Truly, I don't get it.

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Also, on the topic of members here who claim that they have seen Christ. I don't want to sound bad, I mean if it's true it's great, I'm very happy for them. A dream come true, truly! However, I just find it odd that someone with such sacred experience would share it in a public internet forum. I understand sharing it with close relatives but complete strangers? I'm a bit weary.

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Umm...and how do you exactly want me to do that? :huh:

Not sure what you mean. If the average member doesn't know this for a fact because it hasn't never been share, please tell us how do you know this and who said it. I am very interested in the topic because of the modern Apostles I never read anyone claiming who have seen Christ face to face.

Read the last post Suzie.

Witnessed the Savior in what way? Dream? Vision?

Both ways. It really doesn't matter but the pattern of seeing such a person is always the same discription. How about you?

You know Apostles are called SPECIAL witnesses of Christ and in my view they have to see Christ face to face (doesn't mean that's the case) as well as receive revelation in a different way than just a feeling like the regular member does. I recall reading Elder Packer I believe who said that Apostles receive revelation in the same way than the average member. Truly, I don't get it.

They do and so do all of us receive revelatory moments the same way by the means of the Holy Ghost most of the time. Yet, GOD is not a respecter of persons. It is up to the FATHER in determining how, why, and when it is done.

Some people think, President Snow, leading Apostle, while leaving the Celestial Room after ponderous prayer and waiting for an answer after the death of the prophet, encountered the Lord for the first time in the hallway in the temple. It simply wasn't the first time President Snow witnessed the Savior but confirming his calling as a prophet of the church. What is the difference how they receive it than you or me? There is no different. What is a truism, He will appear when you least not expected.

Regards to further revelations, it is up to the Lord in giving any member a personal witness in a way He feels it is better conveyed to the member. Never expect your vision or dream, will always be the same way others receive a personal witness. But again, never assume, if you have not receive it, others have not receive it. That is pure nonsense and lacking of faith in the Savior to make His appearance known among His flock.

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Both ways. It really doesn't matter but the pattern of seeing such a person is always the same discription. How about you?

I dreamed with Christ several times but I don't claim that I have seen Him. That's the difference for me. Heck, I dream with aliens and monkey mutations as well.

What is the difference how they receive it than you or me?

They are SPECIAL witnesses of Christ. If they receive the revelations in the same way than I do then why are they "special"?

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Also, on the topic of members here who claim that they have seen Christ. I don't want to sound bad, I mean if it's true it's great, I'm very happy for them. A dream come true, truly! However, I just find it odd that someone with such sacred experience would share it in a public internet forum. I understand sharing it with close relatives but complete strangers? I'm a bit weary.

What will you do in the millennium when you are now standing in a public forum with the Savior? “Wait a minute...I cannot speak of this in a public setting because of casting pearls to the swine or being a scared moment.” Not the case. Our goal is to testify of the divine Christ and prepare the way for others to receive the same.

The point of these posting, is for members to use the same ability as any GA or called members within the church of Christ, to receive the same. When this doesn’t happen in our mortal life, the failure is us. Whether it is lack of faith, a failure to accomplish the works tasked with, or through trials of fire we fail to keep the faith and our eye single to the glory of GOD. It can happen. Even a person, who is a Sunbeam Teacher, is just as important to GOD as being seated on the podium in the Tabernacle.

The, the OP argument is back to whether or not Del Parsons or the latest statue of the Savior is accurate...right? How would we know it?

Like I said, I am glad that Joseph Smith made it a point after Apostle Pratt released the 'First Vision' statement to the general public.

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