Christianity Bible study club at school-Any topic ideas ?


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So a NON-LDS friend who is Christian and me are starting a bible study club and prayer group for next year !

I am so excited at this- we already have multiple people in on it and the school administration has agreed.

What topics could we study in the Bible that would be interesting for us as teens ?

What topics can provide good discussions.

There will be multiple Christian sects including Me and maybe an LDS friend.

Any ideas on topic ?

I don't want this to be a LDS-bible thing and were not starting it to convert anyone. Just discuss and pray togather.

Any ideas ??

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So a NON-LDS friend who is Christian and me are starting a bible study club and prayer group for next year ! I am so excited at this- we already have multiple people in on it and the school administration has agreed. What topics could we study in the Bible that would be interesting for us as teens ? What topics can provide good discussions. There will be multiple Christian sects including Me and maybe an LDS friend. Any ideas on topic ? I don't want this to be a LDS-bible thing and were not starting it to convert anyone. Just discuss and pray togather. Any ideas ??

You might want to discuss what everyone thinks will happen at the Second Coming of Christ, and what are the signs of Christ's existance. Maybe someone can talk about their favorite Bible story or character. Maybe you can mention Bible passages that confuse you, and see if others have ideas on what the verse may mean. God bless!
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I think one good thing for teens to do when they meet is pick a common story that has a movie or several movies made about it and read the story together to dispell the false ideas presented in the movie. You could do a different story each week, and it might be fun watching and discussing how the movies portray the Bible story.

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So a NON-LDS friend who is Christian and me are starting a bible study club and prayer group for next year !

I am so excited at this- we already have multiple people in on it and the school administration has agreed.

What topics could we study in the Bible that would be interesting for us as teens ?

What topics can provide good discussions.

There will be multiple Christian sects including Me and maybe an LDS friend.

Any ideas on topic ?

I don't want this to be a LDS-bible thing and were not starting it to convert anyone. Just discuss and pray togather.

Any ideas ??

Study the Atonement.

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Could you address why bears kill children who tease bald people?

Only someone who's never experienced hair loss could ask such a question.

To the OP: Frankly, the LDS and mainstream Christian views towards the Bible are so fundamentally different that I think conflicts are inevitably going to come up. I would respectfully suggest that, while participation in such a group is great, you may want to let your non-LDS friend take the lead in setting the study agenda. Otherwise you risk having the group becoming seen as a forum for the Mormon to foist heretical views of the Bible on good Christian kids.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Only someone who's never experienced hair loss could ask such a question.

To the OP: Frankly, the LDS and mainstream Christian views towards the Bible are so fundamentally different that I think conflicts are inevitably going to come up. I would respectfully suggest that, while participation in such a group is great, you may want to let your non-LDS friend take the lead in setting the study agenda. Otherwise you risk having the group becoming seen as a forum for the Mormon to foist heretical views of the Bible on good Christian kids.

I wondered that as well so I'm trying to look at it from their POV.

He is taking the "lead" however he's asking me for ideas and such so i'm trying to help out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With any group of multiple faiths, there will be disagreement with how to interpret the Bible, plus there will most likely be multiple English versions, such as: KJV, NIV, ESV, etc… I would suggest that the first thing you do, when you start your Bible study group, is to tell people not to belittle, mock, or make fun of any others religion, or their interpretation of the Bible.

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I liked that idea about having everyone in the group discussing scriptures they don't quite understand. Having many people from different faiths and different backgrounds might give some insight on the scripture. It could be very interesting. I know I'm always up for a new interpretation. :) You could even discuss favorite stories. People tend to get excited when they share a favorite story with someone else.

That and have everyone bring their favorite scripture. You could also do a testimony/thankamony-like thing where everyone is allowed to say what they believe and what they're thankful for.

You could also give out 'assignments' weekly/daily/how ever often you meet. Something simple like 'do something nice for someone you don't know', 'look around and notice who's looking lonely today' or even something like 'smile at as many people as you can'. You never know what a smile can do for someone.

Also, you can have attendees put in names of people they want to be prayed for. I'm sure a lot of Christians do this in their churches and would greatly appreciate that someone their age is willing to pray for a person they've never met.

Always remind the others to respect different beliefs! You'll learn very quickly who likes to cause debates, so just be aware that things could quite possibly get heated.

This is a really neat idea. Good luck!

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Here are some ideas:

1. A verse-by-verse through Matthew 5, 6 & 7--The Sermon on the Mount

2. An in-depth study of 1 Corinthians 13 (the Love Chapter)

3. A book study--James is a good choicel

I'd make sure the study allowed for discussion and questions. Also, make time for personal testimonies of what God is doing in people's lives.

This sounds like a great opportunity...with prayer it will be! :-)

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So a NON-LDS friend who is Christian and me are starting a bible study club and prayer group for next year !

I am so excited at this- we already have multiple people in on it and the school administration has agreed.

What topics could we study in the Bible that would be interesting for us as teens ?

What topics can provide good discussions.

There will be multiple Christian sects including Me and maybe an LDS friend.

Any ideas on topic ?

I don't want this to be a LDS-bible thing and were not starting it to convert anyone. Just discuss and pray togather.

Any ideas ??

Types and Shadows in Bible stories.

The Traveler

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When my daughter's group did this, it was 99% non LDS. They studied the new testament, mainly the teachings of Jesus, such as the Beatitudes, the Sermon on the Mount. They also studied the different parables. They all shared their ideas of what the scripture meant and were interested in the LDS point of view as well as those from other Christian faiths. While most of the teens had the KJV of the Bible, some did have other translations and reading those "alternate" translations was at times helpful to some of the Teens. The main thing was to keep an open mind and not criticize anyone's point of view.

One of the things that they did was to discuss ways in which to apply those teachings to their life's.

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