"The lord doesn't require me to go on a mission"


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My friend who was somewhat recently been baptized has thought about a mission until this point. He told me in one of our conversations that he had been praying about it, and now feels the lord is ok with him not going on a mission. He also says that when he gets married he could always just serve a senior mission instead. When he told me this I wasn't sure of what to say without offending him with the "young men are commanded of god to serve full time missions."

I am confused about a couple things

1) If god commands every righteous young man to go on a mission why would his prayers make him feel as if he doesn't need to serve a full time mission? is it because he is not truly praying or what?

2) He told me that he could just go on a senior mission "instead." Is this true? does going on a senior mission count?

sorry if these are brainless questions but any articles, prophet quotes, or advice in general would be appreciated. Ive tried to research these things, and bare my testimony of missionaries, however I don't want him to feel that I am disagreeing with his prayers.

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I didn't realize it was a commandment from God that all young men serve missions. I know that it is highly recommended and suggested but commanded?

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My friend who was somewhat recently been baptized has thought about a mission until this point. He told me in one of our conversations that he had been praying about it, and now feels the lord is ok with him not going on a mission. He also says that when he gets married he could always just serve a senior mission instead. When he told me this I wasn't sure of what to say without offending him with the "young men are commanded of god to serve full time missions."

I am confused about a couple things

1) If god commands every righteous young man to go on a mission why would his prayers make him feel as if he doesn't need to serve a full time mission? is it because he is not truly praying or what?

2) He told me that he could just go on a senior mission "instead." Is this true? does going on a senior mission count?

sorry if these are brainless questions but any articles, prophet quotes, or advice in general would be appreciated. Ive tried to research these things, and bare my testimony of missionaries, however I don't want him to feel that I am disagreeing with his prayers.

What was President Monson remarks concerning serving a mission? I would start with that statement.

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Could be any number of reasons why he shouldn't serve a mission:

He isn't ready.

He suffers from anxiety and can't serve a mission currently.

He's lazy.

He is afraid of leaving his family for 2 years and can't convince himself to go.

He has medical issues he isn't willing to discuss with you.

There are a host of good and bad reasons someone wouldn't serve a mission. Really, all you can do is accept what he says and move on. If you're currently dating him and don't want to date someone unwilling to serve a mission and he's unwilling to tell you a reason better than that, then dump him.

If you aren't dating him, it's really not your business. ;) If he's meant to go, he's meant to go.

I can tell you that I knew a new convert who wasn't ready to go on a mission. He was gung ho, strong in the gospel and someone who loved everyone. Then, he went on his mission.

Less than a month later, he came home and went inactive. Frankly, I'd rather he didn't go on a mission. I miss him.

Don't try to force someone who isn't ready. Missionary work is a work of love, not compulsion.

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If God doesn't want him to serve a mission why should it matter to you? That choice is between him and God.

God doesn't give everyone a Yes answer when they pray about the Book of Mormon. Why should He give everyone a Yes answer when they pray to go on a mission. Who are we to say God is wrong? God loves all of His children and knows them perfectly. He knows we are not all the same and He has a unique plan for each of us.

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Funky Town also raises a good point that as a new member maybe he isn't ready to go through what a missionary goes throu. I know I live in a branch where for a long time the mission president only sent his strongest missionaries because even they went away disillusioned and down hearted. I don't know how many missionaries I have had spend a day in my home because they couldn't face our mission area that day, at one point the mission president told one pair of amazing missionaries he didn't care what they did as long as they stayed sane.

I am willing to bet many mission fields have units like mine and maybe his faith isn't ready for that testing, The Lord knows what is best for each of us. I have been commanded and received revelation for the time being not to attend church in order to keep my daughter safe, I see the wisdom in the decision and its the right one eternally for my family. My testimony is not affected because of the preparation the Lord gave me leading upto it.

Let your friend and the Lord decide what is best for him ultimately the Lord knows what is in his future and what is the right decision

Also I think I can share this, my husband's patriarchal blessing talks about his mission, it is not the one he served at 19, so just guessing its either one in spirit world or a senior one we will do together.

Edited by Elgama
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Could be any number of reasons why he shouldn't serve a mission:

He isn't ready.

He suffers from anxiety and can't serve a mission currently.

He's lazy.

He is afraid of leaving his family for 2 years and can't convince himself to go.

He has medical issues he isn't willing to discuss with you.

There are a host of good and bad reasons someone wouldn't serve a mission. Really, all you can do is accept what he says and move on. If you're currently dating him and don't want to date someone unwilling to serve a mission and he's unwilling to tell you a reason better than that, then dump him.

If you aren't dating him, it's really not your business. ;) If he's meant to go, he's meant to go.

I can tell you that I knew a new convert who wasn't ready to go on a mission. He was gung ho, strong in the gospel and someone who loved everyone. Then, he went on his mission.

Less than a month later, he came home and went inactive. Frankly, I'd rather he didn't go on a mission. I miss him.

Don't try to force someone who isn't ready. Missionary work is a work of love, not compulsion.

Even if you are dating him, it isn't any of your business.

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Please name one aspect of the Gospel that takes away any of your choices.

Choosing to serve a mission is just that... a choice.

"Forced to serve" missionaries have never been effective and have been a drain on companions, mission leadership, and mission presidents.

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Even if you are dating him, it isn't any of your business.

Sort of. If she has her heart set on marrying an RM, then she should dump him if she's dating him. Some girls do and you can't demand that they not follow their dreams.

While I agree that the reasons for him not going aren't really her business, if he wants to keep her, he might have to come up with a better explanation than he has.

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I think the rules of the game are a little different for converts sometimes, especially converts who are baptized in their late teens or early 20's. In the Church, we grow up with the idea that every young man should serve a mission, but it's a really difficult concept to wrap your head around for a convert who has already worked out an education plan and career path that doesn't require taking a two-year hiatus in the middle of it.

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I know that I am Sister but I had revelation concerning the fact I shouldn't serve a mission. I know plenty of honourable men who haven't for various reasons

I received the same Elgama. My answer was to serve in the military. Every time I felt that I should leave the military, I would go to the temple after I have formulated my own answer, I would receive a different answer. I have learned, it is always better to pray and ask for His will for us then we live our will.

You know, out of current fifteen chosen beloved Apostles of the Lord, nine of which did not serve a mission. Three of which was out of the necessity of World War II. :eek:

LDS.org - New Era Article - How to Prepare to Be a Good Missionary

Edited by Hemidakota
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It's easy to talk about the general authorities who didn't serve missions, but I'll point out two things: (1) most of them who didn't go on missions did serve in the military instead. Most young men who forgo missions today don't enlist in the military instead. (2) They all lived prior to the counsel that "every young man should fill a mission." They did not have that expectation placed on them in their youth. Today's young men are expected to prepare to serve missions.

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It's easy to talk about the general authorities who didn't serve missions, but I'll point out two things: (1) most of them who didn't go on missions did serve in the military instead. Most young men who forgo missions today don't enlist in the military instead. (2) They all lived prior to the counsel that "every young man should fill a mission." They did not have that expectation placed on them in their youth. Today's young men are expected to prepare to serve missions.


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If you look at church history only in the last fifty years or so has the missionary program really taken off. The early church and even into the early twentieth century the numbers of missionaries were modest. Now days it is more of a personal right of passage than a sanction of the church.

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To answer the last question I offerred, nice website author has done some wonderful job capturing the information and presented in an easy manner for othes to read.

The 12 Apostles

I saw a few things on this website that were inaccurate. Such as Dallin H. Oaks. It states he didn't serve a mission and also states he wasn't in the military.

But the military is what kept him from serving a mission.

When I was a young man I thought I would serve a mission. I graduated from high school in June 1950. Thousands of miles away, one week after that high school graduation, a North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel, and our country was at war. I was 17 years old, but as a member of the Utah National Guard, I was soon under orders to prepare for mobilization and active service. Suddenly, for me and for many other young men of my generation, the full-time mission we had planned or hoped for was not to be.

Not the most trustworthy of websites to get information.

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