Which do you prefer?


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Born and raised in Utah, currently live in the Northwest. Lived in Kaintuck before.

1. Jello--side dish or dessert? dessert with tons of gross things in it at church functions

2. Soda, pop, or coke? Pop. Does anyone remember the Pop Shop in Utah? You could pick your own flavors and make your own bottled pop.

3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish? Main dish

4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork? I think they look disgusting and I have never eaten them.

5. Grits--sweet or savory? I have never eaten those either. Yuck!

6. Bathroom tissue--over or under?up high off the roll so the kids can't unwind it all over the bathroom floor or flush the entire thing down the toilet

7. Green onions or scallions?green onions. I thought scallions were related but not the same?

8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan?puh CAHN, only to be eaten in Pralines and Cream Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins

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England, the midlands.

1. Jello--side dish or dessert? We don't have jello, we have jelly. I've never known it as anything but dessert.

2. Soda, pop, or coke? Coke is one type of pop, surely? It's one specific brand. Anyway, I'd usually call them either "soft drink" or pop.

3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish? It's usually called Macaroni cheese here, and nearly always a main dish.

4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork? I think we have very different ideas as to what a biscuit actually is :lol: that is vile

5. Grits--sweet or savory? Never heard of it

6. Bathroom tissue--over or under? Either. Lol. If I had OCD, it'd probably be under.

7. Green onions or scallions? Neither, we call them spring onions.

8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan? Peecan.

That just goes to show why we separated from England.

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That just goes to show why we separated from England.

It's true, it was a bit of an abusive relationship for quite a while. But America didn't stay the cute slim thing she once was when they got married, she got really big, and was able to use that to overpower England, and force him to file for divorce (otherwise she'd squash him). America still isn't over England though; she still hosts a divorce party every 4th July. England should learn from his mistake as well: next time get pre-nups :). They can still be friends though, right?

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It's true, it was a bit of an abusive relationship for quite a while. But America didn't stay the cute slim thing she once was when they got married, she got really big, and was able to use that to overpower England, and force him to file for divorce (otherwise she'd squash him).

Actually I think it was the fact that England was currently dealing with some pestersom neighbors, the long distance nature of the relationship, and the love/hate triangle with France didn't help. Then we mustn't forget that the lawyer's fees were adding up for Jolly England. Having France as a sugar daddy helped the US quite a bit.

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Guest Godless

Originally from Maryland, currently living in Texas.

1. Jello--side dish or dessert?


2. Soda, pop, or coke?


3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish?

Side dish

4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork?

I don't put gravy on my biscuits.

5. Grits--sweet or savory?


6. Bathroom tissue--over or under?


7. Green onions or scallions?

Green onion

8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan?


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1. Jello--side dish or dessert? Depends on the dish, both!

2. Soda, pop, or coke? I don't know what that pop thing is. But, soda!

3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish? Side dish

4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork? I've never tasted that, but guessing - maybe splitting it up and eating with a fork :D

5. Grits--sweet or savory? What is grits?

6. Bathroom tissue--over or under? Over

7. Green onions or scallions? Green onions

8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan? Isn't it just pecan? Or.. i don't know. I dont even know what a pecan is :D Man, all this american food.

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8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan? Isn't it just pecan? Or.. i don't know. I dont even know what a pecan is :D Man, all this american food.

She's trying to spell it phonetically to represent differences in pronunciation. If she just put down pecan those of us who pronounce it pee-can would simply read it that way or if you pronounce it pee-kahn that's how you'd read it. Kinda like how if I type schedule someone familiar with American English would read it sked-yule and someone familiar with British English would pronounce it shed-yule.

Interestingly enough I could see a non-native English speaker (obviously not familar with that particular word) seeing a word like that and taking the "pe" from pedestal or pedal and you'd get something like Peh-can. English, a language where we aren't happy if just by looking at a word you can't think of at least two ways to pronounce it, ideally three or more. :D

P.S. A pecan is a nut (well, technically a drupe): Pecan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Born and raised in Calif.

1. Jello--side dish or dessert? Side Dish

2. Soda, pop, or coke? Everything's a Coke although I prefer Pepsi

3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish? Main dish although husband thinks it's a side dishes. causes all kinds of contention.

4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork? Tear up the biscuit? What's with that? Split the biscuit.

5. Grits--sweet or savory? What's a grit?

6. Bathroom tissue--over or under? Over

7. Green onions or scallions? Scallions, and no they are not the same thing.

8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan? Pecahn. And up here north of Chico, We have Amonds. They'd be almonds, but they shake the L out of them.

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School is pronounced shool.. if you're hebrew.

I'm originally from California, but I've lived all over. I've intentionally adapted words into my vernacular that sound funny to many people, because I pronounce them in the most.. excentric way possible. I don't know why I do that, other than I think its funny. Its also a great way to start a conversation with someone new, or even family. "Why do you call pecans "pee cans?" Why? Because I like the way it sounds. Because it makes people stop and think about stuff from another perspective. I've never called my nephew Jacob "Jaycob," I always refer to him or about him as "yakob," the historical and literal pronounciation. Not as a form of disrespect, on the contrary. I hope one day he'll ask me why I do and I'll be able to tell him about the wonderful lineage of his name. Maybe at that point I'll start calling him "Jaycob." But I doubt it.

I also like to frustrate people who are too.. stodgy. Have you ever wondered what will happen if you use 'southern' dialect around a person who's pretentious? I sure have. So I did it. And not in a fake southern accent, although I can do one pretty well - well enough to fool most native speakers, but in my most neutral west coast and college educated accent. It makes me laugh to see their eyes bug out when talking about 'temmaters' or such.

I also really like to call "Basil" "basil," as with an aah, like the British. Not the "ey" sound that's familiar to us American English speakers (I really like "The Queens English," I use it regularly. I also really like "Oxford English," and regularly adapt it for use in a modern society. It drove my ex-GF the physician nuts. She'd throw things at me and punch me in the shoulder when I pronounced it the way I like to, which was every time. And I like basil, so I always had it growing fresh; even as a houseplant during the winter.

Anyway, to the topic.

1. Jello: I like real gelatin, as in from rendered connective tissue of animals (or people if they make me angry enough). I like to eat it cold, heat it up and put it in soup, spread on toast, etc. Its primarily collagen and rendered fat/cartillage; very tasty and healthful. In 'unflavored' or desert style, I like it mixed with cream cheese or nuts and served as a 'salad' or desert. Of course, I have to have a little lime jello at every church function; preferably with grapes. Not because that's the best, its the worst, but because its tradition.

I also really like flavored sweet jello that's really firm; so high of concnetration that it remains very firm at room temperatures and is chewy (thai style is known as 'crunchy jello').

2. Soda: I like to call it "pop" because I like the word pop. I call my dad "Pop," first because I know he doesn't really like it (I couldn't care less - I mean that), and second because its.. not disrespectful, but it lets him know what I feel his place is in my life. Anyway, back home we called it either "coke" or "soda;" when I went off to basic training they called it "pop." I came back and adopted "pop" because it was 'exotic' and it let people know I'd actually done something with my life and gotten out of that hell-hole I was raised in.

3. Mac-N-Cheese. Have tried to stay away from it as much as possible; reminded me too much of being dirt poor as a child and having not much better, ever.

4. Biscuits and Gravy. I like to use a fork, because with rare exceptions (such as cuisine that's traditionally eaten with the hands), I prefer not to touch my food. Not because I'm afraid of eating something bad on my hands (I wash them a lot - but I've used them to eat when I've had the worst things on them you can possibly imagine because I had to) and then into my mouth, but because I prefer to display fine mannerisms at most times, even when I'm by myself. I use a knife and a fork for everything (unless I'm using chopsticks or my fingers - I use chopsticks better than most people will ever be able to use a knife or fork.. or tongs for that matter) the European way. The fork in my left hand, inverted, the knife in my right. I just think its classy; and when eating with others, very respectful. I've never liked it when people shoveled foor into their gaping maws like using a shovel to load coal into a boiler on a steamship.

A lot of the things I do are to demonstrate respect towards others when we're together. Consequently, in person, I'm one of the most polite people you'll ever meet; even when discussing potentially disturbing or offensive topics. I make to excuses or apologies for my beliefs or opinions, but I state them as honestly and politely as can be done. A Gentleman always does; and though I was not born into a noble house, and Congress never saw fit to declare me one (Officers when receiving their comission are declared, by authority of the Congress, the receiver to be an Officer and a Gentleman), I am, in every way possible, a gentleman when it counts.

5. Grits. I'll eat them any way, but my favorite is with peanut butter and maple syrup. Fast grits are pretty good, too. Don't let anyone look down on you for eating them, neither. They may not have the same flavor or texture as traditional grits, but just as quick oats or pressed oats differ from steel cut, Irish, or Scottish in texture and flavor, they're still good. Better them than none at all.

In fact, I think I'll go get a box tonight (just finished making traditional "Dirty Rice," Livers, gizzards, hearts, sausage (boudan - homemade), chicken skin, onions, garlic, peppers, celery).

6. Bathroom tissue. Over, when I bother to put it on the holder. Since I wrecked my shoulder (right) I find it hard to reach over to get it, so I like to leave a roll off the holder to I can get to it easier. I'm also able to control the unspooling of the paper much better, so I never have a runaway roll.

7. Green onions or scallions. I prefer chives, personally (a grass). But if I had to choose.. I'd prefer shallots. I mean garlic greens.. I mean scallions. It just sounds more.. exotic.

I highly recommend trying chives if you're never had them; garlic chives are especially good. They grow well in a very small container, and are perennial, so they come back every year; even after the harshest winters. They also grow very well in the house, in with appropriate feeding, grow many inches during season; I've had to throw away more chive cuttings that I ever could eat because the two little plants I had grew as fast as alfalfa.

I also recommend trying garlic greens; they're very mild and utterly delicious. The immature bulb is also fantastic sliced thin and grilled; no need to peel the cloves. Slice through the bulb and put a round on the grill or ungreased pan; all of it is tender and flavorful; taking months to dry up and become flaky after harvest.

8. Pecan. I like to call it "Pee Can" because it makes people laugh or get spitting mad. Just like saying "I need to do the warsh." or my ex-wife's favorite "Breakfrist." It was that second "r" that drove me mad.

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K-ni Gett's are what's used to get a shrubbery for those who say "nee."

Almonds up around chico I always heard pronounced as "Ammins." I even recall seeing a history channel interview where the Chairman or President of the Blue Diamond Co-Op gave a lecture about how to pronounce the word.

As long as they're free of botulism, I like ammins a lot; raw, roasted; they're both good. I really like marzipan, but am not a fan of almond butter; the texture is difficult for me to handle.

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1. Jello--dessert

2. Soda

3. Mac and cheese-- main dish (often with meat&/or veggies mixed in)

4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with fork (spoons I only use for ceral & icecream)

5. Grits--yech!

6. Bathroom tissue--siting upright on the back or the toilet.

7. Green onions

8. pea-cahn

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Which do you prefer and which part of the country (if from USA) do you hail from? North, South, East, West?


1. Jello--side dish or dessert?

neither unless it's puddin', in which case lemme at 'em.

2. Soda, pop, or coke?

root beer or scream soda every once in a new blue moon or 3

3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish?

both.. sometimes mixed with tomato soup.

4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork?

why spend all that time taking apart when you want to eat? Just dump the stuff on and have at it with a knife and fork ^.^

5. Grits--sweet or savory?


6. Bathroom tissue--over or under?


7. Green onions or scallions?


8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan?

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]Which do you prefer and which part of the country (if from USA) do you hail from? North, South, East, West?

Midwest, then southwest, then "south" then west, now Midwest again,

1. Jello--side dish or dessert? Dessert, that is why the motto is "there's always room for jello" because you eat it when done eating

2. Soda, pop, or coke? Pop, it says so on the canPosted Image

(i know it's not on all cans but it's more efficient, one syllable vs the 2 of so-da)

3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish? prefer it as side but growing up poor it was a main too often

4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork? Tearing is much more satisfying

5. Grits--sweet or savory? Crazy southern food i don't eat

6. Bathroom tissue--over or under? Under, keeps the kids from taking too much

7. Green onions or scallions? Don't eat much seafood;) . Don't eat green veggies

8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan? Pecahn, with bad British accent

havent seen a faygo since i was in michigan :)
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