Is your media less biased than mine?


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I pretty much notice that most news sources present their news as if their target audiences are dimwits. Fox News is mentally stimulating.

I actually feel the same way about reading CNN or MSNBC. I actually don't enjoy CNN because it requires a little too much thought for me, for what I want to put into a basic news article. I find MSNBC's reporting to be thought-provoking. I find FoxNews to be annoying and whiny.

It just goes to show that it's all in our perspective.

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That's throwing the baby out with the bath water. Just because Fox News plays the propaganda game does not mean CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN/MSNBC does the same. Ok, they are not perfect and they make mistakes and do wrong, but not as bad as Fox News.

That's why so many more people view Fox News because unlike you with your obvious brilliance...they are just stupid dupes. You probably think President Obama and Speaker Pelosi are honest too......:eek:

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I actually feel the same way about reading CNN or MSNBC. I actually don't enjoy CNN because it requires a little too much thought for me, for what I want to put into a basic news article. I find MSNBC's reporting to be thought-provoking. I find FoxNews to be annoying and whiny.

It just goes to show that it's all in our perspective.

I actually only watch CNN for news....go figure. I sometimes watch O'Reilly and Bulls and Bears on Fox.

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It's a propaganda machine, not news. It's dangerous. But again, you are free to watch and believe even if what they say is wrong and bad.

Again, what specifically is said on their news programs that is wrong and bad? Just because 'The Scream' Dean and Kieth Olberman say something does not make it so.

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Fox News is about the only thing mainstream that has a conservative perspective, nowadays.

Proggressive Liberals have already taken over Hollywood, TV, Music n MTV, Live Performace n Stage, National n Public News, Politics.

And people complain about FoxNews's bias?

Edited by dorave
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So, I see a lot of anecdote-tossing, and I see some blanket assertions being tossed around, and I see some personal opinions expressed. And various people talking about bias in general. But nobody has tried to answer the question in anything resembling a persuasive way.

So yeah, fox leans right, and all the other mainstream places lean left. I'm asking you - do you think fox leans further right than cnn or major network media leans left?

Actually, I'm asking for more than your thoughts on the matter, I want to know why you think that. What is your basis for such a belief?



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What do you mean, not done up like the USA stuff?

The daily mail is notorious for their fairly extreme rumour mongering. Many websites have created what they call Daily mail headline generators: Google, because it's get to the point where they will publish anything (true or not) as long as people will read it. I read news with the expectation that at least some kind of verification has been carried out. I have proof this does not happen with two newspapers, including the daily mail. These are not one off situations either, so I simply don't read them anymore - I can get better validated news elsewhere. The purpose of my signature is taking the micky out of one of their editors called Andrew Norman Wilson. You can click on his name to see the Daily mail article the ridiculous quote came from.

Exactly :P

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So, I see a lot of anecdote-tossing, and I see some blanket assertions being tossed around, and I see some personal opinions expressed. And various people talking about bias in general. But nobody has tried to answer the question in anything resembling a persuasive way.

So yeah, fox leans right, and all the other mainstream places lean left. I'm asking you - do you think fox leans further right than cnn or major network media leans left?

Actually, I'm asking for more than your thoughts on the matter, I want to know why you think that. What is your basis for such a belief?



Are you talking about being politically biased, or just not being accurate in general? The way I understood the post you quoted in your OP, the person in question didn't mention political bias.

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So, I see a lot of anecdote-tossing, and I see some blanket assertions being tossed around, and I see some personal opinions expressed. And various people talking about bias in general. But nobody has tried to answer the question in anything resembling a persuasive way.

So yeah, fox leans right, and all the other mainstream places lean left. I'm asking you - do you think fox leans further right than cnn or major network media leans left?

Actually, I'm asking for more than your thoughts on the matter, I want to know why you think that. What is your basis for such a belief?



That's a really good question. I suppose in order to answer it one must find the center point of a piece of news, and then see what the various news outlets do with it.

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For me, when I think about media bias, I think it is more a question of delivery style than of supposed neutrality of the content matter. For instance, I find Fox News/MSNBC to be overly bombastic--during most of the featured programming. By contrast, NPR seems more "flat" than theatrical; therefore, I prefer it to other sources.

So far as definite neutrality, humans are not neutral. Everyone views the world through their own prism of fundamental assumptions about what is best and about how the world works.

If neutrality means anything in means to elevate the debate. Avoid fallacies. As a journalist, ascribe to those with whom you disagree the highest of intentions. Describe the opinions of the opposition with the best evidence, (and then refute it, if you must). Reject sensationalism and so on. One of the main conflicts in reporting is to decide between providing information on the one hand, or entertainment on the other.

I suppose, if a person wants information, then C-SPAN is the way to go?

Edited by Kawazu
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The national media is scared of Fox News. During the Shirley Sherrod fiasco CBS news did a story on it after the full video of what Sherrod said came out. Jeff Greenfield was interviewed, he's a CBS news political consultant. He pointed out radicals like Glen Beck jumping the gun and walking near the radical line of things, but Greenfield did not specifically attack Fox News. I could clearly see his fear of Fox News. It's really pathetic.

CBS, ABC, and NBC know if they really get Fox News upset and call Fox News what it really is, propaganda machine for the Republican Party, Fox News would wage war against CBS/ABC/NBC. And that means all the conservatives, Christan conservatives, right wingers, and wacko's would go to war against CBS/ABC/NBC. That's half the population and the big broadcast companies don't want to lose half the country for an audience.

Make no mistake about it, the big broadcast companies are scared of Fox News. MSNBC may let a few of their people attack Fox News, but their audience is not that big to begin with. Nothing else works for MSNBC, so they are taking the chance. What do they have to lose? I don't respect MSNBC that much though. On weekends they become the "Life in the Big House" or "Catch a Predator" network, exploiting people in prisons, victims, and possible child abuse. Disgusting. They aren't informing people about prisons or informing people about men who are predators. They do it for the shock value, pure and simple.

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es·pe·cial·ly   /ɪˈspɛʃəli/ [ih-spesh-uh-lee] –adverb

particularly; exceptionally; markedly: Be especially watchful.

So, to start out, I'm fully in agreement with crazypotato's take on things. But who out there is willing to defend kimiko's claim, that FoxNews is particularly or more deserving of crazypotato's suggestion?

Is FoxNews more biased than, oh, say, CNN, or MSNBC? Or


Which cable news service have the highest ratings?

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But I respect all your rights to watch what you want and believe what you want. I may not believe in your political views but I believe in your God given, Nature given, and Constitutional right to have them and your right to watch Fox News and your right to believe it is more true than other news organizations. CBS/NBC/ABC are not perfect. I'm upset with CBS - during the oil spill/leak they acted like it was the largest disaster in the universe and end of all life on earth! Now that it's capped they say - the oil is breaking up and birds are laying eggs again and making a come back! Uh, how can the tone of things change so quick?

One minutes it's most horrible, then next things are on the way up! What a turn around.

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Read any of Bernard Goldburg's books on media bias, and you will see very clearly how the media not only leans left, but bent over backwards in support of Obama. Does the phrase "I felt a thrill up my leg" mean anything to you? I could pull out a few dozen other examples if you like. More recently Glenn Beck pointed out the obituary headlines of Senator Byrd conveniently forgot to mention his past membership in the KKK, but it was interesting that the same guy who wrote that obit for the NYTimes, has written scathing obits on the racism of past republicans. Shameless.

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RMore recently Glenn Beck pointed out the obituary headlines of Senator Byrd conveniently forgot to mention his past membership in the KKK, but it was interesting that the same guy who wrote that obit for the NYTimes, has written scathing obits on the racism of past republicans.

Funny. The KKK reference was the only headline I saw.

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