Anyone here going to Glenn Becks 8/28??


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Is anyone here (or know of anyone) going to Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor on the 8/28, at the Lincon Memorial??

If I were in DC on that date I would be anywhere but the Lincoln Memorial. I would gladly visit the memorial before or after the event when I could enjoy it's quite and solemn beauty without Beck there to ruin the moment.

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Wow, the jokes in here, deserve it's own comedy show, srsly off the hook. A+

I wasn't joking. You asked a question and I answered it honestly.

You should know by now that if you bring up Glenn Beck, no matter where or who the company is, LDS or non-LDS, you're going to get a wide variety of opinions about the man.

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I think if you start at the Capitol, wade through a big pool to the Washington Monument, then wade through yet another pool, it might take you to the Lincoln Memorial. At least that is the route marked on the Glenn Beck itinerary from the chalk board.

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Mine got deleted too. I PMd a moderator asking why but I haven't got an answer yet. Can anyone explain where our posts went? What specific board rules were violated to warrant their removal?

Considering it's only Glenn Beck.


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Were they deleted by the poster?

Personally, I know some people think I'm a wacko because I like Glenn Beck, but I can't help that. I'm not offended by people not liking Glenn to an extreme extent.

I would go, but I live in California, so I tend to stay home.

I have learned from one of the operators there for Glenn that the 8/28 will be simulcast i checked there is no info yet

In Christ


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My wife and I have talked about going, but we fear there will be some potential conflicts. The New Black Panther Party has threatened to disrupt the event. The radical left would love for this event to be marred by some violent altercation. I would be concerned about bringing family members there.

In addition to that, standing out in the August heat and humidity in D.C. surrounded by a half-million people isn't my idea of "inspiration." Think parking, crowded Metro stations, $4.00 bottles of water, and porta-potties. I'll watch the clips on TV.

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All bias aside, what IS going on on 8/28 besides Glenn Beck holding a rally at the Lincoln Memorial?

I haven't had cable for awhile, so when he mentioned it back in June, I wasn't able to witness him elaborating on the subject on a later episode.

For some time now hes been restoring US history by tailoring his Friday shows around The Founders, US Pioneers, Faith in God ect.. So its probably something down those lines.

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