Child has neither a need nor a right to a Mother


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Side lining this topic: talking about bias opinions; even if I was a federal judge (belonging to the LDS faith) and this case came to me, I would turned it down and give it to someone who has no bias opinions against this prop. Sitting in the case, shows something about his character and what would be his true motives in not turning it down and passing it to another judge.

Or keep it entirely out of the courts. ;)

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It could be that this article is written and slanted in such a way as to be punishment to the judge for making a ruling they didn't like. The one item I do suspect is true in that article is that such a Judge exists and that people do have at least biological mothers and fathers.

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A child doesn't need a mother? Ask any woman that lost her mom at an early age if she felt any pain of growing up as a motherless child. Every child needs and deserves to be nurtured and loved, from the instant of conception beyond the moment of death.

can a father love and nurture his child?

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we know that a mother can love and nurture her children without a father in the home, society has been proving that for a long time. there are ppl that were raised without a mother (my mom being one of them for the most part). her father was very loving and nurturing. so we know the inverse is true as well. adoption has proved that a child can be raised without a mother or father (biological). the church stance is a child should have a mother and a father.

i think all society has proved with all of this is that a children have a right and need to be loved and nurtured by a parental figure. the most well adjusted children seem to come from a home with a mother and a father so logic dictates that would be the ideal situation.

but it's really not a hard leap to ask if it's gender (mom and dad) that creates the well adjusted child or if it's having the diversity of 2 ppl working together being a checks and balance and fulfilling different needs for the child than the child gets being raised by 1 parent. could mom and mom or dad and dad who have a healthy relationship and provide that checks and balance and fulfilling different needs for the child do just as good a job raising a well adjusted kid?

i think part of the thought process should include why is mom and dad important? i've read several articles that talk about how mom is gentle, when mom plays games the kid always wins, mom kisses injuries no matter how small or dirty the foot being kissed is, mom cooks for the family considering every ones likes and dislikes and no one goes hungry. dad plays to win, he tells the kid to brush it off and get back on the horse, and they avoid kissing dirty feet and he cooks how he's going to and you eat it or go hungry. those contrasts fill different rolls for the child. mom teaches them the safety of home. dad prepares them to enter a cruel world and succeed. we need both in our life. we also know that not everyone fits gender stereotypes. there are men out there who are going to be more like "mom" and women who will be more like "dad". is that bad? i don't think so. is it wrong? i don't think so.

so is it a question of gender or is it a question of a kid has a right to be loved and nurtured by 2 ppl that give balance to the child's world?

a scenario brought up in an ethics class (no i don't have the reference so just think of it as a hypothetical if you will, was a long time ago lol).

there were two men, gay couple, that made it a habit of adopting hiv babies and loving them and nurturing them until they died (usually only a few yrs). all medical care and funeral expenses were on their shoulders. they adopted baby after baby, knowing it was going to die. they gave those babies something no one else would. is it right or wrong to let them adopt? should they only be allowed to adopt if a mother and father can not be found? if they are worthy to adopt an hiv baby are they worthy to adopt a healthy child? where are the lines and limits? does a baby have a right to a mother and a father to the point that they die with no love or nurturing because they aren't wanted by an "ideal" situation?

when we protest the idea that a child does not have a right or need to a mother what are we really protesting? what is the right we really think the child has? is it a mother? is it a father? is it to be loved by a parent? is it to be loved by 2 parents or just 1?

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Same-sex Marriage Judge Finds That a Child Has Neither a Need Nor a Right to a Mother |

So if a child doesn't have a need nor a right to a mother or a father...ummmm what else is there?

I wonder if a child (all children) has a need or right to a judge?

The Traveler

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Bystor - not yet...but wait until there is no spirit in the world (soon to be removed) and only reserve for those who are righteous before GOD. Then, you begin to see something that make you cringe. Learning how the “Cities of Plain” fell from grace and the Spirit withdrawn would be a good case study.

Where can we learn that? I'm unaware of any part of the Standard Works that give an account of how they fell.
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I don't read the judge’s ruling or quotes in his ruling as saying children have no right to a father or a mother, just that the science points to children being raised in homosexual households to have equal opportunities in sociodevelopment as those raised in heterosexual households. The APA studies, nor Judge Walker's ruling, use the phrasing "right to a mother" or "right to a father."

It is the opinion of the writer of the article that that is what the judge is trying to say, but I don't read his ruling that way at all. If you read the quotes in the article that was linked, or the ruling itself, I think the nuances are clear.

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In the "about us" section of the OP link, take note of what this news site is for: "

Welcome to NewsBusters, a project of the Media Research Center (MRC), the leader in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias"

I think whenever a news outlet is "too liberal" or "too conservative" we tend to get biased reporting. This site, in my opinion, is doing the same exact thing the "liberal" media outlets are doing, and therefore are just as guilty of the exact same type of reporting that they blame on others. Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

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I agree with Gwen. Men and Women/Mothers and Fathers are not afforded equal rights or protections under our current laws.

In the state of Utah all a woman has to do to get the State to collect child support is prove who the father is. Then without due process wages are assumed and child support calculated, regardless of fact, and then wages are garnished. However, if a father has custody and tries to get the State to help collect from a "dead beat MOM" that's a whole new story. Mom has to show up in court and a judge has to make a ruling awarding child support to the Father. I don't get it. What is right for one parent should be right for the other regardless of gender.

We are in this biased position regarding parents because people wanted to have children without the benefit of marriage. We all know the history of the last 30+ years regarding 2 parent homes, sex outside of marriage, living together, etc. Because our society has chosen to endorse sin and not hold both parents responsible children suffer.

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