Name Change


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I have this major problem. I've used the name Rameumptom for many years now on the Internet (close to 20 years). Anyway, in General Conference, the name was berated and now I feel shunned from the community of saints.

Should I change my name from Rameumptom to something else? What do you think of the names Korihor or Gadianton? Do you think that would improve my now destroyed image?

Or do you think I ought to write Church Headquarters and ask, nay, demand a public statement saying that they did in no way mean to tarnish my already tarnished reputation?

Your thoughts on this tough topic?

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If you can deal with plexiglass, I suggest you convert over to the Assemblies of God, where your name and character will be given the "honor to whom honor is due," while assuring you maintain proper spiritual humility, of course.

Spiritual humility? Does that mean my body and mind don't have to be humble?

Plexiglass lectern as a Rameumptom? Hmmmmm.....

Could we compromise both ways a little? Latter Day Assemblies of God?


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you can call a rose anything else you want, but it will still smell.

no matter what you change it too, you will still sm.........wait, that's not quite right......

well, i'm not being any help.

guess since about everyone calls you ram anyway, that sounds good to me, but i know that that won't satisfy you much......:lol:.......and the same name in another language would still be the same thing, too, right?

why not change it to a symbol, the way the artist formerly known as prince did?

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It's the stand that was stood on in the Book of Mormon to preach.

And you wonder why he feels walked upon sometimes.

For the false and prideful people to preach IIRC it was never used in a positive way. I called him on it before.:)

Never understood it. It would be like a Jew naming them self golden calf worshiper :confused::huh:

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Why on earth did you pick the name "Rameumptom" to begin with? That was the tower where the apostate Zoramites went to pray--not much of a positive image associated with that.

Not much positive attached to spam either. :P

Well, maybe if you are Hawaiian... :D

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Unless you want to spam the lds. There might be some that would think that a positive thing.

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Edited by Dravin
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Would you not run my thread off track? This is about ME folks! If anyone gets a free meal at Goodwood, shouldn't it be me?

BTW, for those wanting to know, the Rameumptom was not the sinner. The Zoramites were. We're told,

Alma 31: 21 Now the place was called by them Rameumptom, which, being interpreted, is the holy stand.

Holy is a good thing, isn't it? We are to stand in holy places, right? So, let's be nice to the Rameumptom. It isn't the stand's fault that it was desecrated by the Zoramites.

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