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I have been investigating the church for over 5 months. I found the church through my girlfriend and really enjoyed it since then...As I progress with the missionaries I get more excited see the blessings in front of my eyes. It turns out I was suppose to be baptized this Sunday...but now I can't cause under certain circumstances my girlfriend lives with me..due to the law of Chasity. I don't understand whats wrong I respect myself as much as she does we both of dreams ambitions and goals we want to achieve. Why does this have to stop me from getting baptized where in the bible does it actually say we can't live together is the definition of Chasity mean being chaste or pure.

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what is right and what is wrong is black and white. Church as some guidelines to follow. Being the same apt is a no no. LDs church is the most conservative of all faiths bare none.

My suggestion, fine a way to live apart for a while. Move in with parents if possible. Do you live in a apartment complex? Move in with a roommate if possible. She can do the same. That way both of you can still possibly visit and live in the same complex.

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I have been investigating the church for over 5 months. I found the church through my girlfriend and really enjoyed it since then...As I progress with the missionaries I get more excited see the blessings in front of my eyes. It turns out I was suppose to be baptized this Sunday...but now I can't cause under certain circumstances my girlfriend lives with me..due to the law of Chasity. I don't understand whats wrong I respect myself as much as she does we both of dreams ambitions and goals we want to achieve. Why does this have to stop me from getting baptized where in the bible does it actually say we can't live together is the definition of Chasity mean being chaste or pure.

While you and her may be just fine in such a situation, that situation has proved to be too much temptation for many many others in the past.., so that's the reason that LDS church has those requirements.

I'd suggest to get together with youre girlfriend, the missionaries, and the bishop of whatever ward you've gone to, to try to find a solution.

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The Bible teaches us to "avoid the appearance of evil." Even if the two of you are in separate rooms, it still looks to your neighbors like something is going on. It is tough for us to teach higher standards and chastity to our Church's youth or to investigators, if they think we allow people to sleep together (whether the perception is correct or not).

for this same reason, we ask members not to hang out in bars drinking Sprite. The appearance of them entering and leaving the bar would send out all kinds of wrong signals, potentially harming those who are struggling in the faith.

Paul spoke on this frequently regarding members eating food at the banquets and feasts put on for other gods. While it was not a sin to eat the food, he asked the members to consider the weak testimonies of other Christians, who would see and misinterpret the action, causing their own testimonies to falter.

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Hi Kyro,

The Lord knows something about humans. Put 1000 people in a situation where "under certain circumstances my girlfriend lives with me", but "we don't have sex though, we sleep in 2 different rooms". Within a year, there will be babies.

Yeah, of course you don't have a problem. Neither do any of the other 1000 guys in your situation. And yet somehow, babies end up appearing like magic - robbed of their right of a stable intact family with husband and wife who are committed to each other.

You see the blessings right before your eyes. Doesn't that mean it is worth making the lifestyle changes the Lord asks of you, in order to make all those blessings yours?


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Yeah, just marry the girl!

Be careful with this one. Only marry the girl if you know her in-and-out and truly believe you can spend your life with her forever and ever through thick and thin, richer and poorer, hormonal cycles... you know the rest.

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I have been investigating the church for over 5 months. I found the church through my girlfriend and really enjoyed it since then...As I progress with the missionaries I get more excited see the blessings in front of my eyes. It turns out I was suppose to be baptized this Sunday...but now I can't cause under certain circumstances my girlfriend lives with me..due to the law of Chasity. I don't understand whats wrong I respect myself as much as she does we both of dreams ambitions and goals we want to achieve. Why does this have to stop me from getting baptized where in the bible does it actually say we can't live together is the definition of Chasity mean being chaste or pure.

I would do what you believe to be right. If you don't believe it's wrong or unchaste to live with your girlfriend, then I'd suggest simply waiting till you either marry the girl, break up with the girl or don't live with the girl before deciding on baptism. You could try talking to the local ward bishop and see if he is understanding to your situation. Ultimately it's your choice to make. I hope it works out for you what ever you decide.

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kyro3's profile says he is 17 years old. if that's the case, i'm left scratching my head. i think most people commenting on this thread are assuming a much older person or at least one who has reached legal age.

Edited by Connie
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Are you sure there is no problem with the law of chastity? If not then would it be that big of a deal to live apart? Be honest with yourself. Baptism is serious but I think you know it is the right thing to do.

Realize that you will feel good for making the right choice. Pray about it. Be honest. Satan will do anything to withhold blessings from your life. He could even do that with good a good relationship (I am assuming its good and that there are no problems or issues with the law of chastity).

See this as an opportunity to show God how much you love Him and how grateful you are for how He has blessed your life. You don't have to break up with her and you certainly don't have to marry her. There are other solutions. Just by living together you are willfully putting yourself in a situation where you are tempted to do things that sooner or later hurt you (both) way to much for you to risk it.

Good luck and if there are really no fornication issues here keep it up and see what you can do to fix this situation. Just because everything is ok now doesn't mean that a week from now, a month from now, or a year from now it will all be ok.

Don't put baptism on the back burner and don't be afraid to pray about it again. Talk to your bishop and be humble. Baptism is worth the sacrifice. I promise you that!

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