No offense, but what is the pull for so many non-members and athiests on this site?


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I came here about five years ago, mostly out of curiosity. We had a school board election in which one candidate made an issue of the fact that two of the five board members were LDS, and her opponent was also. She used the diversity angle. I wrote a letter to the editor saying that, as an evangelical minister, I was appalled that a candidate would resort to religious bigotry.

So who won the elections?

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The LDS guy one...and the lady who opposed of her friends wrote a rather nasty response, saying she did not have a prejudiced bone in her body, and surely I was up to some kind of political agenda. The fellow served one term, and I never did get any political kickback. :-)

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Please, really, no offense intended. I am new, and as I read, I have found amazingly intelligent people sharing insights on here. I just wondered what the pull is for those of another religion or the athiest viewpoint to come to and share on this website? Anyone is welcome, I know, but this is an LDS based website and message board.

It is sometimes difficult as a member when we ask for advice for certain situations, and get conflicting advice (those gospel oriented, and the world's view). It is hard to determine which advice is which.

I wonder if someone is obviously LDS and asking for advice and guidance on an LDS based site, if those offering advice would at least state if they are not LDS, but here is what they think?

I am not trying to start anything, just wondering. :wub:

some of us come from more bloodthirsty sites and this one is more relaxed... especially if somone wants a more accurate insight into the current LDS culture without having to deal with all the propaganda and hate spouted individuals who care for othing about understanding or discussion.

Some of us prefer the company that is here, some of us just stopped by and found it interesting enough tonstick around.

It's nice to have viewpoints outside the religion to give counterpoints as well as insight to their thought processes, oppinions and etc...

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I have always had a curiosity about religion and what others believe (although I am atheist myself). I also believe that if you are going to comment on something you should at least have researched it (for want of a better word) - preferably from first hand sources not from the opinions of those who are not a part of what you are looking into (if that makes sense).

It is also difficult to find websites where issues that can be quite, how do I put it - divisive, inflammatory, heated - can be discussed without resorting to accusations of trolling, name calling and foul language (religious, political, step-parenting sites can get quite heated!). That you can get an interesting discussion/debate that sparks your interest to find out more. So that is why I am here even if I do not post very often, I often lurk :) and read and increase my knowledge.

Edited by Sitamoia
Because I appear to be having some difficulty spelling correctly the first time round.
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My reasons for being here have changed over the years (I joined in 2007). At first, I think it was to be validated. I am an atheist surrounded by Saints in and out of my family, and they rarely gave my POV any merit because, by virtue of their faith, they were automatically right and I was automatically wrong.

I've never been angry at the Church, and value my years in it. I have always loved the people, and had a newfound love for its history.

So I sought a forum of Saints that wasn't anti-Mormon, that was not focused on discussing the invalidity of the LDS Church, but that was also open to listening to an atheist every now and then.

That really sounds bad, but if I'm honest, that's what it was.

Luckily for me, I found exactly what I was looking for. I discovered many people who were interested in getting to know the real me, and it was very healing. (I don't know if I've ever actually said that on the board before. But it was.)

Because of the kindness and outreach of these people, my need to be validated actually disappeared fairly quickly and it became more about being one of the gang, albeit not always the nicest person. (I've had some outbursts that I am very ashamed of today.)

Of course, not everyone felt the same about me. One person insists he has me on "ignore." But I can honestly say the people I'm most drawn to here value me as well.

I haven't been on as much lately due to illness, so now I sporadically come to try and reconnect. I don't feel as much a part of the board as I used to, and I really miss it. I cherish the friendships I've made here.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! :)


Edited by Elphaba
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I'm Mormon, have been my whole life. I love all religions and Hope that everyone here is just living everything thing they know to be true. I'm more of an open Mormon but still fiercely protective of things like the family, righteousness, and helping those in need. I have a christian friend that opened my eyes when he started teaching me things about Christ, and I saw that He knew Christ better than I did and had a personal real relationship. That was awesome and I'm a better Mormon today because of him. I Love Anti Mormons I just want to give them all big hugs. My favourite topic of study over the past few years is the Last Days and the End Times. I've read every book I can find on it everyone seems to think something totally different but I'm pretty excited for what is about to happen in the world!

Hate Corruption! Hate Worldly Stuff! Want to learn real skills like chinese since there are going to be taking over lol....

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One should always be careful with advice over the internet. If you are wondering about the kind of advice you are getting - check the profile.

If this is the worse problem you have faced on the internet - you do indeed lived a charmed life and I would so like to be like you.

The Traveler

I lol'd. Made me think you were calling her sweetie pie. :P

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Our resident atheists offer outside-the-box thoughts, and I find their contributions valuable and thought-provoking.

I have listened to all different types of people at this website and in human contact. I have also learned a great deal from non-members, people of different faiths and atheists. I can agree that some of the thougths of non-member are thought provoking and much cna be learned.

However, I think there are certain people who visits here who are disguised to deceive. They suggest they are here to help us think outside the box – but I think they disguise opposition to god’s plan. I think a great General Conference talk that can shed some light on this topic is the one by Elder M. Russell Ballard in October of 1999, which is titled “Beware of false prophets and false teachers.”

I also think that there are some (not many) that visit here to rationalize sin.

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However, I think there are certain people who visits here who are disguised to deceive. They suggest they are here to help us think outside the box – but I think they disguise opposition to god’s plan. I think a great General Conference talk that can shed some light on this topic is the one by Elder M. Russell Ballard in October of 1999, which is titled “Beware of false prophets and false teachers.”

That's all true. People like that are referred to as trolls and usually get sussed out pretty quickly.

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Guest mormonmusic

Sounds like a lot of Christians i constantly run into. If I'm not 100% behind exactly what you believe I'm evil and going to burn is something i hear a lot.

I get the same thing when I don't buy into the cultural, non-doctrinal norms in our Church (I'm LDS, convert, served mission, married in temple, former priesthood leader many times over). LDS members treat their own the same way if you say things that aren't consistent with prevailing norms or the Church Handbook of Instructions. (Thankfully, there is are also people who enjoy diversity, and that keeps me sane now and then.)

So, you're not alone!

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I get the same thing when I don't buy into the cultural, non-doctrinal norms in our Church (I'm LDS, convert, served mission, married in temple, former priesthood leader many times over). LDS members treat their own the same way if you say things that aren't consistent with prevailing norms or the Church Handbook of Instructions. (Thankfully, there is are also people who enjoy diversity, and that keeps me sane now and then.)

So, you're not alone!

Those are my favorite kind! I mess with them big-time just for fun because 90% of the time, they got it all wrong.

I'm so not nice sometimes.

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I prefer to lurk, but I felt I ought to comment since I never post. I am a Pagan, drawn to this site because of its warm, calming atmosphere. I feel I can learn about Mormonism in a much less stressful way than trying to talk with LDS friends and family members or on other forums. I have no desire to become LDS, but I do want a better understanding, as I live in Idaho in an area that is predominately LDS. Just some thoughts. *goes back to the shadows*

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