New Study: Fox News Viewers Most Misinformed


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Scanning through that, talking with various people, news-scraping items of interest, listening to my local talk radio guy on the way to work and Hugh Hewitt on the way home, as well as items showing up on forums like, is how I get my news.

Walking past the TV's at the work breakroom, always tuned to CNN headline news or Fox, is where I get my smug self-righteous attitude against those who focus on either as their main source. They really are in a battle for last place, IMO.

Open challenge to any leftie who thinks I'm not open enough to the right viewpoints - you sign up for emails, and I'll add whatever source you'd like to my daily browse.


Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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The reality is FoxNews has several programs that are NOT news, but are the most popular programs placed in the News environment. If you want News, you don't listen to Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity, you listen to Studio B or one of their actual news programs.

Second, if given the proper questions, one could find just as much garbage on similar liberal programming on MSNBC. I've listened to Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann tells some very slanted whoppers before - including during their official news telecasts for the elections. Yet, their actual news programming can be good.

I think this study did a disservice to actual news services and programs that attempt to avoid the political biases from either side, and just report the news. To take an entire station's programming and pretend it is all news, and then score it accordingly is going to sway and skew the numbers.

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I have always been heavy on politics, psychology, and sociology. Having read this thread I am very impressed by the responses.

Do NOT base your opinions off a single news source EVER. Cross reference everything for the facts, and base your opinion off what truly went down and not off what the single sources conclusions are on the subject.

Edit: Statistics, as someone already mentioned, are very easy to manipulate to support your opinion. Take the "statistic" that marijuana is supposedly a gateway drug, if the same question were asked for alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, and coffee, weed would be far away from the gateway drug.

Edited by Tantalus
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This is why I don't watch major media news services. I agree with Elphaba about facts being what they are... and that's what I like. Facts, not how some news stations presents it.

In my opinion, the local smaller stations are more trustworthy. They can at least put out things I can look up for myself.

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I have always been heavy on politics, psychology, and sociology. Having read this thread I am very impressed by the responses.

Do NOT base your opinions off a single news source EVER. Cross reference everything for the facts, and base your opinion off what truly went down and not off what the single sources conclusions are on the subject.

Which is why so many progressives do not like AM right wing talk radio. It's all the same anti-government anti-tax blame the liberal talk, over and over. It's one bandwagon and they are all on it.

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Which is why so many progressives do not like AM right wing talk radio. It's all the same anti-government anti-tax blame the liberal talk, over and over. It's one bandwagon and they are all on it.

I thought AM talk, and especially GB, were just trying to get us all back to God? :cool:

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Which is why so many progressives do not like AM right wing talk radio. It's all the same anti-government anti-tax blame the liberal talk, over and over. It's one bandwagon and they are all on it.

Exactly. Liberals prefer hand wringing mamby pamby can't make it without governmnet intervention defeatism talk.....which failed...predictably. Oh...and the uber need to envy those that are more talented and fortunate. Jack wagons......

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One thing I have learned in life is that all things presented are presented with a bias. It is not that I personally think one view is right or another wrong but what I find most objectionable is the source that claims to have no bias. For example why should we think a study to have less bias in reporting than what they are criticizing as a bias misleading filter of what really is.

Personally I do not like O’Reilly’s portrayal of a no-spin zone. Although I like to listen to NPR – I deplore their trying to sell the idea that they do not have a bias – especially in their recent firing of a reporter the frequently contributed to Fox News.

I would recommend the reading of the Goebbels Diaries to the individual that thinks they are well informed by any media source. We all need to become better informed and understanding of propaganda so we can recognize not just our enemies propaganda but the propaganda of our friends as well. BTW the book I recommend is very expensive – therefore I would recommend that to become informed we consider getting off the internet and visiting a library.

I would also suggest that the greatest source of misinformation in this generation is the internet.

The Traveler

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I'm curious, do most people rely on only one channel or newspaper for their news, or do they use multiple sources? I think some news agencies are more objective than others, but it seems to me that the safest course of action would be to use more than one source of information when possible, and compare and contrast what they say.

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Yeah, ever since HG lost his remote he's been forced to watch MSNBC 24/7/365. Poor guy. On the bright, side, they have so few viewers that they send out personally signed Holiday Cards (can't call them Christmas or Hannukah cards, that would imply religious overtones) to all 296 of them. Olbermannn even signed this years card twice accidentally (something tickling his pants leg, or so I hear) so now it's worth $1.50 at auction.

Seriously, I don't watch any national news station for more than about 5 minutes at a time. They all put their own spins on the news by the way they either comment or not comment on the stories they cover, and very little of it is an accurate representation of what is going on. I watch my local news, mainly because they only have 1/2 hour to do it, so they need to state the facts and move on to the next story without telling me how they think I should think about it. I get most of my news from various aggregators on the internet. I visit five or six different sites and get a pretty good picture of what is going on while still allowing myself to do my own thinking about them. I just have to remember that each source has their own slant, and once I understand what they want me to think, then I can get past that and glean what I need to know from what they are reporting on.

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I think John's comments right above are spot on regarding all news channels. However, I think Fox is the worst of them all. I am always shocked at LDS 's-- who are suppose to value education -- who watch Fox news. They are all isleading -- but Fox seems to be the most misleading.

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I think some news agencies are more objective than others, but it seems to me that the safest course of action would be to use more than one source of information when possible, and compare and contrast what they say.

Something I occasionally do that is interesting, is to go to the main news page of Arabnews, and the main page of Ha'aaretz. You can find news stories about the same things, but dang - what a difference in the way it's reported!
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Something I occasionally do that is interesting, is to go to the main news page of Arabnews, and the main page of Ha'aaretz. You can find news stories about the same things, but dang - what a difference in the way it's reported!

I don't think Americans fully appreciate what true censorship is. We have no version of the Pravda or any other government controlled media outlet. Any bias or spin by Foxnews, CNN, MSNBC, newspapers, or any other media source is entirely voluntary. What's remarkable about the American media is how quickly misinformation is rectified through a plurality of alternate news sources.

We should count our blessings.

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I think John's comments right above are spot on regarding all news channels. However, I think Fox is the worst of them all. I am always shocked at LDS 's-- who are suppose to value education -- who watch Fox news. They are all isleading -- but Fox seems to be the most misleading.

Of course, if you're a liberal then Fox News is the worst of the lot! If you're a conservative, then CNN, MSNBC, etc. etc. are the worst of the lot... We need more Fox News to even things out! I'm going to vote for the 700 club news going mainstream!

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Of course, if you're a liberal then Fox News is the worst of the lot! If you're a conservative, then CNN, MSNBC, etc. etc. are the worst of the lot... We need more Fox News to even things out!

That's the last thing we need.

What we need is an impartial commitment to comprehensive, in-depth and factual analyses, combined with an overt disdain for those who interpret these facts through the lense of their ideology.

That will never happen at Fox as long as Ailes and Murdoch are running the show.


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That's the last thing we need.

What we need is an impartial commitment to comprehensive, in-depth and factual analyses, combined with an overt disdain for those who interpret these facts through the lense of their ideology.


Pipe dream, Elphie... ;)

Especially in the US...

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