Why am I in a bad mood today?


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I have been in a really wierd mood today.

My husband came home yesterday with a box of new shoes for me. They are awesome! I so love that guy - he just does these kinds of things out of the blue. He says he noticed that I don't have brown boots and that the outfit I wore to church last Sunday would have looked better with brown boots - so he came home with one yesterday. Isn't that amazing?

Then last night, I went to get my hair done. It's really looking very pretty.

Then today, my husband called me saying he just had a 5K raise. I'm like... WHOA! That's awesome!

But, for some reason, it is not driving away my bad mood. I don't even know why I am on a bad mood. There's nothing bad that happened. Besides the laundry left unfinished, I am not at all feeling unaccomplished.

It is 65 degrees with bright blue skies outside...

I really just have no clue why.

Okay... so I'm just whining now. Please somebody - give me some cheese with this whine...

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Guest mormonmusic

This happens to me sometimes. It usually means someone has said something, or I have anticipated a looming problem in passing, and haven't yet processed its meaning yet. For me, it means sitting down somewhere alone for a while and analyzing what is bothering me.

Last time this happened, I realized it was a comment that someone in my work had made about new benefits, privileges and pay for employees lower in the ranks than I am. I realized it wouldn't be much of a jump for management to simply let me go and replace me with a lesser-paid employee. I realized the news had some negative implications, but hadn't yet figured out what they were. This was the cause of my bad mood.

And, having understood the implications of that bad news, I sat down and worked on an action plan to put me in the best possible position if they let me go, involving getting some additional certifications, accelerating PhD studies, and also establishing relationships with other companies on a part-time basis. I also accepted that I may have to live in another city again and pave the way for my family since what I do normally requires an international jump or at least, an out-of-state move. After I had done all that "analysis", and worked my action plan a bit, I was able to get back to my old self again.

I throw that out as one possibility. Perhaps you've heard something and the implications haven't yet settled on you.....

Edited by mormonmusic
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;0) He could have bought them too small !

He could have received a 5K cut in pay....

It could have been 90 degrees outside and too hot for boots :)

:0)))) And the whine could have turned to vinegar and the cheese has enough mold on it to make


:) We all get this way. I think we are scared with everything working out that something has to go wrong.

Sounds to me like you are very blessed, anatess. So what are you cooking for that wonderful hubby of yours. You might sit down and just write him a love letter and put it where he has to find it. :)

Glad all is going well with yours. :)

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Are you sure this is not somehow, subliminally, related to the Trinity threads??? j/k

You got something there, PC! Lol... Nah, I'm liking the Trinity thread... but yeah, I showed some :mad: there today - byproduct of my foul disposition.

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MM, you know, you got a point there and I'm really thinking on this from what you posted.

My job is good, but I think (not sure) that it started when I was trying to plan my calling. I'm the Primary Song Leader and I still don't understand why God would choose me for that calling. First of all, I'm a convert, so I haven't experienced Primary. I don't know the songs except for a very few in the songbook. And then I don't know how to teach it. So, it takes me a very long time to prepare for each Sunday. With school starting up plus my job and the family obligations, I was feeling a little overwhelmed... okay, A LOT overwhelmed.

But, I've always faced callings like I've done before (I was called to teach in RS on my first week as a convert!) - with complete faith that I would somehow be able to pull it through and learn a lot from it. So, I don't know if that can be the cause.

My husband thinks it's some dietary lack of some kind...

I have S.A.D. but this is different than that. I get into short-temperedness when it's close to my female cycle. But this is also different than that.

The really crazy thing is I know I'm in a bad mood but I can't seem to get rid of it!

P.S. My kids are home from school and they picked up on it... I haven't done anything that would indicate I'm not feeling ok. My son asked me, "Are you ok, mom?" out of the blue. Wierd!

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Does anyone believe in that phase of the moon theory stuff? You know, the one that says people become more emotional or that more dramatic things happen during a full moon or times close to a full moon which I believe is not too far off. I'm a skeptic on things like that myself. I do know that our bodies are a large percent water and that the moon has an effect on the oceans and all but, we're not an ocean so....I just don't know. Anatess, what say we blame it on the moon, huh? :)

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I actually believe in the moon and behaviors or moods. The nights we get the worst calls, the strangest calls, the most idiotic of people calling in are nights that it's a full moon.

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Do you have high blood pressure? When I forget my HBP meds then I am all over the place moody.

WHOA! This could be a clue.

I don't have high blood pressure, but I've been feeling some strange constriction around my chest - like heartburn but not quite...

And actually, right now... I just erased a bad post from the Trinity thread. My head has been going whoozy off and on today. I was in a whoozy phase when I wrote that post and the whooziness kinda subsided and I reread the post and I'm like... What am I writing?

Guys, this is really really wierd.

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HBP is fairly easy to check. There are those chairs that have a BP check attached on them near the Rx section of most large pharmacies- Walmart, Walgreen's, Fred Meyers, etc.

Go there, sit calmly for about 15 minutes, then remove your coat and do the test.

When I have my BP checked at the Dr, I have to wait at least 15 minutes before they test me, for me to calm down. It is a bit of a walk from the parking lot to my Dr. office. Generally they test me just before I leave. That way they get a true reading.

Those HP check chairs do a fair job. Just remember to remove your coat and to be rested a bit before. IF you do have HP according to them, get checked out by your Dr. With medications and improved diet it is very controllable.

Since I am through with menopause, and keep my diabetes under control, the only time I am bouncing off walls and crankier than all get out is when I forget to take my meds. Husband has to remind me to take them - I am so not a pill taker.

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I'm in a bad mood today too, but I haven't had any really good things acting as buffers for it. Given the choice, I think I'd actually rather have a month of Mondays than relive this January.

Ditto. Horrible mood and quitting smoking right now was not my brightest idea. Oh well I'll either get through it or take a number of people screaming with me, either way, things will get better.

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I don't know about smoking, but it's a darn good thing I'm not a recovering alcoholic, because I'd have had major relapse this month.

LOL didn't give that up yet lol, have a birthday party to go to tomorrow night and if i can't smoke at least there's the other option or else it would just be an ugly ugly scene for all involved.

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I actually believe in the moon and behaviors or moods. The nights we get the worst calls, the strangest calls, the most idiotic of people calling in are nights that it's a full moon.

it's certainly possible, how and what i think laying down tends to be quite different overall than what i think standing up.

........ and if anyone has a telewedgie device, can I borrow it for a day to call M$?

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I got sick - flu-like symptoms - coughing, headaches, runny nose, and even a short bout with fever.

I guess that's why I was in a bad mood. Or, that's what I'm pinning it down to.

I'm all better now. Whew!

Thanks y'all for all your insights!

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I got sick - flu-like symptoms - coughing, headaches, runny nose, and even a short bout with fever.

I guess that's why I was in a bad mood. Or, that's what I'm pinning it down to.

I'm all better now. Whew!

Thanks y'all for all your insights!

well that certainly isn't conducive for a happy mood lol. Glad to hear you're over it :D

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