Church pet peeves!!!


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One of my pet peeves is when members don't sing the hymns. I don't care if they're as tone-deaf as a rock, they're cheating themselves and the people around them.


Yeah, those mean people who don't sing, they are cheating us all of the opportunity to laugh at the horrendous quality and out of tune singing each Sunday :D

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Alriiiiiiight! A topic I can get into!

Church pet peeves

People who have to comment on something before they give the closing prayer.

Prayers that sound more like sermons then prayers.

Meetings that run overtime.

Talks that use stories that have been repeated to the point of being a Cliché. (Can we start a list?)

Talks that try to shame us into missionary work (like the "I thought you were my friend" story. - Oh, there's Cliché #1.)

Leaders who pass out information on upcoming events, but don't bother to update the ward/stake calendar on the website.

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Alriiiiiiight! A topic I can get into!

Church pet peeves

People who have to comment on something before they give the closing prayer.

Prayers that sound more like sermons then prayers.

Meetings that run overtime.

Talks that use stories that have been repeated to the point of being a Cliché. (Can we start a list?)

Talks that try to shame us into missionary work (like the "I thought you were my friend" story. - Oh, there's Cliché #1.)

Leaders who pass out information on upcoming events, but don't bother to update the ward/stake calendar on the website.

I do believe you just gutted the whole of Mormon culture :D

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Those fast and testimony meetings where someone gets up (as they do most fast and testimony meetings) and you know (as does everyone else in the congregation) that you are going to hear the entirety of their history and how bad their life is for the past month, and pretty much anything about themselves other than their testimony.

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Those fast and testimony meetings where someone gets up (as they do most fast and testimony meetings) and you know (as does everyone else in the congregation) that you are going to hear the entirety of their history and how bad their life is for the past month, and pretty much anything about themselves other than their testimony.

That's when I pull out my Android phone and start playing games :D

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It's not a peeve but more of an observation. Women who fold their arms as they walk in or out of sacrament meeting. Seriously, watch as a woman gets up to leave or to walk her child out (not holding the child, but a kid who can walk on his own). If she is leaving alone (I'm assuming to the restroom--this isn't after sacrament is over), she will walk out and back in with her arms folded. If child is in tow, going out she may be holding the kiddo's hand, but coming back in, kid hurries to Dad while Mom walks sedately behind with her arms folded. Cracks me up. Why do they do that?

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It's not a peeve but more of an observation. Women who fold their arms as they walk in or out of sacrament meeting. Seriously, watch as a woman gets up to leave or to walk her child out (not holding the child, but a kid who can walk on his own). If she is leaving alone (I'm assuming to the restroom--this isn't after sacrament is over), she will walk out and back in with her arms folded. If child is in tow, going out she may be holding the kiddo's hand, but coming back in, kid hurries to Dad while Mom walks sedately behind with her arms folded. Cracks me up. Why do they do that?

It's probably habitual from trying to teach kids to do such, either their own children or other's. Primary is predominately manned by the sisters and the sight of some sister leading some children to their class room like ducklings in a row with arms folded isn't uncommon.

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It's probably habitual from trying to teach kids to do such, either their own children or other's. Primary is predominately manned by the sisters and the sight of some sister leading some children to their class room like ducklings in a row with arms folded isn't uncommon.

I need to build one of these in our chapel... we can always get them out after sacrament meeting:

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It really gets under my skin when someone has to give the opening prayer and instead of folding their arms they have to feel a need to grab with both hands the pulpit.

I have never seen a woman do it. It has always been men.

I've seen General Authorities grab the pulpit while praying and it bothers me. i think it is a strange gesture.... like putting both hands in your pockets while praying. Its just strange to me. I know its not a life or death thing but a pet peeve i should consider working on. Does this bother anyone else too? I must be wierd lol.

I know it is something i need to work on. :confused:

I do that every time. You got a problem with me??? One of my pet peeves is people who find little things about peoples' praying stances to nitpick about.

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Those fast and testimony meetings where someone gets up (as they do most fast and testimony meetings) and you know (as does everyone else in the congregation) that you are going to hear the entirety of their history and how bad their life is for the past month, and pretty much anything about themselves other than their testimony.

That must be a UK thing, it never happens in the US.;)

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People who have to comment on something before they give the closing prayer.

Prayers that sound more like sermons then prayers.

Check this out... i remember years ago in sacrament meeting we had this older man in our ward who had a voice like a disc jockey (and knew it). he was asked to give the opening prayer in Sacrament Meeting on the weekend of the 4th of July... everyone knew to expect a very LONG prayer when he got up (as it seemed he loved to hear his own voice over the microphone lol)... so he bows his head.... everyone else does the same... then... there is this LONG LONG pause.... ain't nuffin' coming out of his mouth for the longest time... then all of a sudden he speaks! but it isn't "our dear Heavenly Father......".... it was " My country tis of thee.... sweet land of liberty....".... and he went and said the whole 1st verse of the song!! then after that, he did the prayer... lololol people at that point were opening their eyes and looking around at each other like "are you kidding??!! " is this really happening?". lolol at the time it really made me mad, but looking back on it, it's a good conversation piece.

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We had a regional conference where an elderly man was asked to give a prayer and he started giving a talk! It was so funny. We all went to bow our heads and then realized he wasn't praying.

Actually I don't find this quite so funny. My dad during his stages of Alzheimers was asked to give a prayer and he got up there thinking he had to give a talk. My mom had to signal for him to pray. It could have been the same for him.

Was this a regional conference where you live or were visiting the in-laws?

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