Interesting/other fact or facts anyone knows?


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dry socket is something you should definitely look up...on webmd or something.

bookkeeper is the only word with three double letters in a row.

Dry socket can hurt worse that being in labor.

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Dry socket can hurt worse that being in labor.

Whoohoo! I'm prepared for childbirth!

Mainly, I remember being on meds and hurting so long that finally one day I thought I could handle solid food. I figured if I got a frosty and some fries at Wendy's and let the fries soak in the chocolate frozen goodness they would be soggy enough to swallow down without affecting the gums... didn't work.

Hey, I like the idea of having KFC originating in its more/less present state in my home state.

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(My mom said so anyways) It is possible for some people to tickle themselves.

And I've heard opposite that it is impossible for someone to tickle themself.

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Prairie dogs have a "language"- They have specific chirps and vocalizations for different things that can form phrases and most specifically use different "words" for different predators and will vocalize differently when experiencing something new or unknown.

Elephants have pads on the bottom of their feet which are able to pick up low-frequency vibrations, which is how they communicate over long distances.

Sea stars excrete their own stomach organs in order to "pick up" a food item, and then pull it back inside themselves.

Wolves (and dogs) have antibacterial properties in their saliva and can help "heal" wounds by licking them.

The most widely accepted theory for the cause of autism is an underdeveloped MNS (mirror-neuron-system) found in the frontal lobes of the brain, making it difficult for those with ASD to simulate observed actions in others.

Opposable thumbs are not necessary for the use of tools- ravens and crows are known to create their own tools in order to get food- bending sticks or wires to create hooks in order to dig grubs out of holes.

Most migratory species rely on an ability to sense the earths magnetic field when traveling their migratory routes. Since the magentic field is not entirely stable, "hiccups" can cause brain damage. On a similar note- we are overdue for a polar shift- south will become north and north will become south.

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The length of your foot from heel to toe is the same length between the crook of your elbow and your wrist.

The circumference of your waist is twice the circumference of your neck.

So, if you want to fit shoes and pants without going to the fitting room, just take the pants waist and wrap it around your neck then take the shoes and put it on your arm.

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