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For the first time since joining the Church, I attended an Easter Sunday service (usually i'm out of town visiting my folks for Easter). Coming to the Church from a Methodist/Presbyterian background, I expected something at least slightly similar, but I've got to say I was slightly let down. Besides mentioning that it was indeed Easter Sunday at the opening of the Sacrament Meeting, nothing was different, and in fact, none of the talks in Sacrament, GP, or even EQ really even touched on the subject or its import.

It's like easter had about as much impact as "Boxing Day" has on someone here in the US.

I know in my previous churches, there would be a retelling of the Easter story, and more likely than not the service would begin with the minister stating "He is risen" with the members saying "He is risen indeed" in response or something similar.

So this got me curious and quite frankly wondering- What's the LDS take on Easter?

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LDS services don't really take on too much of a ceremonial thing for the holidays. Although it is curious for Easter since it's second to Christmas in traditional LDS importance. It's the Atonement and (more or less) Christ's true birthday rolled into one. We has a really top notch speaker today. Too bad your speakers didn't think much more of the holiday to dedicate a talk to it.

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In my ward ALL of the hymns were Easter-themed ("He Is Risen" "I Stand All Amazed" etc.), there was a special musical number ("How did the Father show the world"), and two speakers, one of whom spoke on God's love for us, and the other (ME :D ) spoke on the Resurrection. I *did* read the Easter story from the last chapter in Luke, as well as from 3rd Nephi 11. I would have felt remiss if I hadn't.

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For the first time since joining the Church, I attended an Easter Sunday service (usually i'm out of town visiting my folks for Easter). Coming to the Church from a Methodist/Presbyterian background, I expected something at least slightly similar, but I've got to say I was slightly let down. Besides mentioning that it was indeed Easter Sunday at the opening of the Sacrament Meeting, nothing was different, and in fact, none of the talks in Sacrament, GP, or even EQ really even touched on the subject or its import.

It's like easter had about as much impact as "Boxing Day" has on someone here in the US.

I know in my previous churches, there would be a retelling of the Easter story, and more likely than not the service would begin with the minister stating "He is risen" with the members saying "He is risen indeed" in response or something similar.

So this got me curious and quite frankly wondering- What's the LDS take on Easter?

We had talks on the atonement and a special musical number done ^.^

At home we covered the scriptures that surround the time of Christ's atonement and resurrection.

Over the years in church easter sundays tend to have talks and sometimes special things done in recognition of the Savior's time of atonement.

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For the first time since joining the Church, I attended an Easter Sunday service (usually i'm out of town visiting my folks for Easter). Coming to the Church from a Methodist/Presbyterian background, I expected something at least slightly similar, but I've got to say I was slightly let down. Besides mentioning that it was indeed Easter Sunday at the opening of the Sacrament Meeting, nothing was different, and in fact, none of the talks in Sacrament, GP, or even EQ really even touched on the subject or its import.

It's like easter had about as much impact as "Boxing Day" has on someone here in the US.

I know in my previous churches, there would be a retelling of the Easter story, and more likely than not the service would begin with the minister stating "He is risen" with the members saying "He is risen indeed" in response or something similar.

So this got me curious and quite frankly wondering- What's the LDS take on Easter?

In our ward, all the hyms were "Easter Themed" and the Primary sang "He Sent His Son" and "He Died That We Might Live Again". The first speaker gave a talk on forgiveness, the second speaker talked about conversion, the 3rd speaker spoke of Jesus' Ministry from the creation to his birth to his resurrection to when He showed himself to Joseph Smith and to today. It was awesome.

The 3rd speaker opened with - the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints celebrate Easter every Sunday, that's why it may seem like we don't put any special importance to it. We come to church every Sunday because of the Atonement...

etc. etc.

That made me cry. Coming from a Catholic background where it sometimes feel like we kill Jesus every Good Friday... it was a relief to hear the simplicity of the living gospel.

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Coming to the Church from a Methodist/Presbyterian background, I expected something at least slightly similar, but I've got to say I was slightly let down.

I was thinking this too --recalling the last time my husband's mom visited, we went to an Easter Sunrise Service (Baptist). I was sitting in Relief Society when I realized that I should've asked my mom if she wanted to come to church with me --but then there was nothing "Eastery" about the service.

The Bishop had down "Aaronic Priesthood" for the topic this weekend, but it was quickly changed to the atonement by the speakers when it was realized that it was Easter.

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Unfortunately, some bishoprics mess up and don't realize the dates of events like Easter when planning their programs.

I serve in a Spanish branch, where they forgot to assign an Easter discourse. The main speaker called and said he would not be there, so I was asked to speak. I spoke for 20 minutes on the Atonement and Grace of Christ. And the opening/closing hymns were Easter hymns.

I have seen many wards over the years do a nice program, including choir, etc. Those I like a lot.

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For the first time since joining the Church, I attended an Easter Sunday service (usually i'm out of town visiting my folks for Easter). Coming to the Church from a Methodist/Presbyterian background, I expected something at least slightly similar, but I've got to say I was slightly let down. Besides mentioning that it was indeed Easter Sunday at the opening of the Sacrament Meeting, nothing was different, and in fact, none of the talks in Sacrament, GP, or even EQ really even touched on the subject or its import.

It's like easter had about as much impact as "Boxing Day" has on someone here in the US.

I know in my previous churches, there would be a retelling of the Easter story, and more likely than not the service would begin with the minister stating "He is risen" with the members saying "He is risen indeed" in response or something similar.

So this got me curious and quite frankly wondering- What's the LDS take on Easter?

You can go to Arizona and few one of the largest outdoor pageants in the world! I know I did!

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We had a beautiful Easter program after the passing of the Sacrament. The narrator told of Christ at the Garden, His Crucifixion, and resurrection. Interspersed were two hymns sung by the Branch Choir, two solos by a young man (mid 30's) whose voice is absolutely stunning, a piano solo, and one hymn sung by the congregation.

FYI: Slamjet, generally when speakers are asked by the Bishopric/Branch Presidency to talk, they are given a topic to speak on. Our Branch President is very fond of giving scriptures - pretty much the ones that the Gospel Doctrine lesson references. In our Branch, who ever presides the following month, assigns the talks for that month. President presided in April, this 2nd Councilor assigned the April talks. Bishop assigned the May talks, 1st Councilor assigns the June talks. The councilors have their own method of picking topics, but it is not scriptures.

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