Favorite Book in the BoM?

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Jarom, Enos, Words of Mormon, 4th Nephi.... all 1 chapter "books"!

But seriously, I really like Mosiah. It's an easy read, good stories and good messages. The conversion of Alma, King Benjamin discourse & Abinadi... all great stuff!

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Thank you, Skip. I really enjoy the last two books. They are so very dark, and deeply emotional, but what powerful writing and such a strong message and warning for all of us! I think Moroni, in particular, was a very lyrical writer. He captured the anguish he felt at the destruction of everything he knew to be right and good with such careful consideration and such love.

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Mosiah. Honestly, it's the only one I actually enjoy reading. The rest of the books, I go through because I "have" to or because I'm "supposed" to. But I enjoy Mosiah.

That is very interesting to me. May I ask you what it is about the other books that is a chore for you to read?

(Not being critical at all!! I am genuinely curious.)

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That is very interesting to me. May I ask you what it is about the other books that is a chore for you to read?

(Not being critical at all!! I am genuinely curious.)

To be perfectly honest, the scriptures are boring. That's pretty much the extent of my answer. I have a hard time getting through a whole chapter without falling asleep. Not Mosiah, though.

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I love the entire Book of Mormon. I could not possibly pick a favorite book or chapter. I have read the Book of Mormon through, cover to cover, at least 25 times, am currently in the middle of a study project on it for personal scripture study, and have again begun reading it with my wife. I will say that I have always had a special attraction to Nephi's writings, despite the Isaiah chapters, which took a few readings for me to be comfortable with.

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I love the entire Book of Mormon. I could not possibly pick a favorite book or chapter. I have read the Book of Mormon through, cover to cover, at least 25 times, am currently in the middle of a study project on it for personal scripture study, and have again begun reading it with my wife. I will say that I have always had a special attraction to Nephi's writings, despite the Isaiah chapters, which took a few readings for me to be comfortable with.

I really enjoy all the books as well. I used to struggle with Alma; I found it tedious in places, but now I quite enjoy it too.

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I'm not sure I have a favorite "book." I have favorite stories--mainly about minor characters. I am simply fascinated by Zeezrom, Abish, Sam (the brother of Nephi), Jared (the brother of the famous "brother of Jared"), etc. Their stores, mostly untold, pique my interest and I would love to create a fictional account of what I think happened "behind the scenes."

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I love Enos. I can relate with "And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer..." I went through something similar to that while trying to gain my own testimony.

For me, it isn't necessarily an entire book that I love but some of the experiences that these brothers of ours went through. I especially love the missionary experiences of the 4 Sons of Mosiah and Alma's yearning desire "Oh that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart,..." Some of the scriptural passages somehow reach out and touch my soul. Love it!

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I love Enos. I can relate with "And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer..." I went through something similar to that while trying to gain my own testimony.

For me, it isn't necessarily an entire book that I love but some of the experiences that these brothers of ours went through. I especially love the missionary experiences of the 4 Sons of Mosiah and Alma's yearning desire "Oh that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart,..." Some of the scriptural passages somehow reach out and touch my soul. Love it!

Thank you for sharing that, ma'am, I enjoyed reading it.

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I do like reading about Shiz too. It's a great "substitute" word and the imagery is great too! (Insert dark humor here.)

When I was a missionary, I visited an inactive member who wanted to come back into the church, but was having a really hard time reading anything in The Book of Mormon. When I asked him what kind of movies he likes, he said Action movies, and listed a few, including Gladiator. So we turned to the story of Shiz and read all the way through to his final gasping breaths.

At our next visit, his wife told us that he had read that story over and over and had downloaded the audio to his computer.

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I do like reading about Shiz too. It's a great "substitute" word and the imagery is great too! (Insert dark humor here.)

In my mission that was a rather popular 'hazing' lesson to teach in district meeting. I was assigned it relatively early in my mission, I rolled with it. The gist of my lesson? Don't be a shiz.


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Very hard choice. I like the Book of Enos the most because it is a template for all of us to receive a remission of our sins through faith on Jesus Christ and sincere repentance. It has helped me a lot during repentant periods in my life.

I also am fond of 3 Nephi because it seems to be a sort of microcosm of what the Second Coming will be like.

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