Second coming. imminent or far future?


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Hi all!

I love studying the signs of the times and the Second coming of the Savior. I like speculating. I realize, recognize and acknowledge that "no man knows the day or hour" I do not claim to know. I just wonder where some of you think we are standing. I challenge you to fill in the following blanks.

1- I think the economy is going to fall apart and we will need to live off of our year supply by the year _______________.

2- I think the gathering at Adam Ondi Ahman will happen by the year __________.

3- I would be surprised if I woke up Jan 1 ___________ and the second coming had not happened.

myself...I would answer: 1- 2014 2-2020 3-2021

no prophecy claimed. no special insights professed. just a gut reaction and I would be interested to hear yours.

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1. 2008

2. 1838

3. 2160, when I would be 197 years old. (The sentence can end here, if desired.)

I believe Christ's second coming is imminent, but I doubt I or, probably, my children will live to see it.

Edited by Vort
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I personally dislike the 'signs of the times'. Who knows when your personal time is up? It doesn't make a bit of difference if someone knew with 100% certainty when Christ would return, because they or I could get hit by a bus this afternoon. Which is why I personally think its a massive waste of time to study them.

Read your scriptures, pray, hold FHE, do your home/visit teaching, help others..all that will get you much further along your spiritual path back to the C.K. than studying about the signs of the times.

Sorry, thats my 2 cents. Your mileage may vary.

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guess the mods can delete this whole thing...i thought it sounded interesting. guess i was wrong.

No need to get offended or upset. We've all started threads that interested us and that we were sure would be fascinating, only to see that few others seemed to share our fascination.

I read my old journal from 1978 when I was 15 and wrote that I was sure the Second Coming would have to have happened by the year 2000. Duh. Anyone can see how obvious that is. I had even had adults at Church say as much. Yet somehow, God didn't keep to the same timeline.

As a result of ten million little experiences like this, many of us have become inured to that particular speculation. But don't get upset by our lack of enthusiasm. We'll happily talk about lots of other things.

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guess the mods can delete this whole thing...i thought it sounded interesting. guess i was wrong.

Its way too early in the thread to get discouraged -- Weekends are a bad time I have found to get lots of people reading/posting.

I just gave you my 2 cents, and Vort hasn't even been born yet (not sure exactly how that works), so don't get discouraged yet.

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I'll start speculating (and worrying) when three of the Apostles are in Israel at the same time. :D I'll probably be upset about then too.

In the meantime, there are more important things to worry about. :( I haven't got a topic for FHE yet. The laundry isn't done. I have some repenting to do. Oh!!! And the dishes need to be done.

Edited by applepansy
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Hi all!

I love studying the signs of the times and the Second coming of the Savior. I like speculating. I realize, recognize and acknowledge that "no man knows the day or hour" I do not claim to know. I just wonder where some of you think we are standing. I challenge you to fill in the following blanks.

1- I think the economy is going to fall apart and we will need to live off of our year supply by the year Perhaps this year?

2- I think the gathering at Adam Ondi Ahman will happen by the year 2020

3- I would be surprised if I woke up Jan 1 ? and the second coming had not happened.

myself...I would answer: 1- 2014 2-2020 3-2021

no prophecy claimed. no special insights professed. just a gut reaction and I would be interested to hear yours.

FWIW I think we should live each day as if He is coming tomorrow and be prepared spiritually as if He won't come in our lifetimes

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Here is my opinion on the subject.

1) Food storages will be in use sometime between 2012-2015 as the world economy begins to implode as a result of the banking cartels and secret combinations destroying the US dollar. It won't be that there is no food... it will be that no one will be able to afford food during a hyper inflationary economy. 1 in 7 Americans are already on food stamps... not a good indicator.

2) Adam Ondi Ahman... hard to say. I know very little about the event and don't know how close to the second coming this event needs to be in order for Jesus Christ to return.

3) If I woke up in 2100 and found that Jesus Christ didn't come back... I would be surprised.. but not shaken from my faith. I believe the second coming of Christ to be sometime between 2020-2030. I am not married to the idea though.

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FWIW I think we should live each day as if He is coming tomorrow and be prepared spiritually as if He won't come in our lifetimes

I would reverse that.

I would be prepared spiritually as if He is coming tomorrow, so that if he does, I am not caught unprepared.

I would live each day as if He won't come in our lifetimes, so I would prepare for the future. ;)

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1. Probably in the next 5 years, though it won't have anything to do with the second coming. so-- 2016

2. No idea. Not holding my breath.

3. N/A. I believe the 2nd coming is personal and not public/global.


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I would be lieing if I said it will or will not happen. Honestly, at a early age and into my teens, I got so sick of hearing it from all the different faiths I don't care anymore. Why should I spend a life woring about something that may NEVER happen in my life time? Honestly...I just let it go and got on with my life. If it happens, it happens its over with.

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Maybe it's already happened: Couple claim to be Jesus and Mary Magdelene reincarnated

Miller who said: "I certainly don't want to be Jesus, it's just who I am. Who wants to be Jesus?" he tells his followers. Miller said as Jesus he can create a body at will on Earth. At church workshops, filmed and uploaded to YouTube, he says "He wants to teach people he is not any different them, that he is exactly the same as they are.


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Miller who said: "I certainly don't want to be Jesus, it's just who I am. Who wants to be Jesus?" he tells his followers. Miller said as Jesus he can create a body at will on Earth. At church workshops, filmed and uploaded to YouTube, he says "He wants to teach people he is not any different them, that he is exactly the same as they are.

I, for one, totally believe him! I'm not Jesus, and he's just like me!
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I, for one, totally believe him!

Oh, me, too, especially since he does sort of look like the picture of Christ I saw in the Church building I was in last March for my niece's bridal shower. But then, he also looks a bit like David Koresh.

Hmmm. . . .

(Yes, while everyone stood back twenty feet and then waited ten minutes before following, I entered a Church building and nothing happened. I think they were disappointed as they were counting on an explosion or two to be the entertainment. You can only make so many bridal veils out of toilet paper before it gets really boring. :P )


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I would reverse that.

I would be prepared spiritually as if He is coming tomorrow, so that if he does, I am not caught unprepared.

I would live each day as if He won't come in our lifetimes, so I would prepare for the future. ;)

That's pretty much what I meant :lol: I think you might have realized that :rolleyes:

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