Church stand on computer games


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Hi there I am just new here and would like to know the church stand about indulgence of computer games concerning our children?It is not bad to play on computer games as long as it is in moderation. But we just can't say these to our kids. Is there an extensive study on how to manage computer games indulgence for students? A law or an ordinance. I am saying particularly on arcades. Though it is the duty of the parents to control kids at home but with the existence of many arcade, kids are going to and fro there just to play games bringing along with them there allowances. I myself is a computer game enthusiast but I observed that if you really go a long the way with your games, it can destruct your daily work too. That is why I came upon this issue too.:cool:


play angry birds for pc

Edited by methusela123
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Any stance the church takes on this I think would be similar to their stance on movies... Avoid "R" ratings, crewd, vulgar, or lewd games... The section on entertainment in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet I think is all we have as far as any official "stance" the church has.

Other than that, it is up to the parents to set the rules and boundaries. What do you think will be the best method for teaching your children good judgement and moderation in their gaming habits? Everyone's answer to that is going to be entirely unique, so really... the sky's the limit. You decide how to handle it. Set the rule. Draw the line. And make sure your children read the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet and learn how to make their own judgement calls once you are no longer regulating and monitoring their gaming.

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Also, the time spent on a video game, as you mentioned, has an impact on our spirituality. To supplement what judominja said, each family is going to have a different idea about what constitutes 'appropriate length of time' spent playing video games.

For some, a half hour sounds good. For others, an hour to three hours isn't a big deal. It's really a personal judgement call. I feel that once the needs of the home and family are taken care of, the rest of the time spent on video games can be very useful. I won't spend more than an hour at a time though, because my eyes just can't take more than that comfortably...I gotta get up and move around.

Also, this comes under the heading of things we know well enough to handle on our own. As Christ said, it's not wise to command a servant in all things, because they stop thinking for themselves and become slothful. (a gross re-statement I know....) God gave us a mind, and he expects us to use it. While praying about this is always a good idea, it's also important to remember that we are free to make our own decisions. In this case, I think going to God about it is good, so long as we say something like "We want video games to be a healthy part of family activity, so help us make good choices in the games we choose, and the time we spend playing them."

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There are many lessons in here that you can teach on.

1) Content of the video games

2) Time management

3) Financial management

Where and how you spend your time and money says something about you.

I thought arcades are pretty outdated by now, aren't they? I didn't think they could compete with the home video game units.

The alternative could be that you get a home video game unit that is better than the arcades, rent the games and keep everything "in house". Might be even more expensive, but you can keep better control of time and resources?

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would like to know the church stand about indulgence of computer games concerning our children?

Two sources. First, from the Gospel Principles manual:

We should each find the proper balance between work, recreation, and rest. There is an old saying: “Doing nothing is the hardest work of all, because one can never stop to rest.” Without work, rest and relaxation have no meaning.


On other days of the week, in addition to working, we may spend time to improve our talents and enjoy our hobbies, recreation, or other activities that will refresh us.

From the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet:

Whatever you read, listen to, or look at has an effect on you. Therefore, choose only entertainment and media that uplift you. Good entertainment will help you to have good thoughts and make righteous choices. It will allow you to enjoy yourself without losing the Spirit of the Lord.

While much entertainment is good, some of it can lead you away from righteous living. Offensive material is often found in web sites, concerts, movies, music, videocassettes, DVDs, books, magazines, pictures, and other media. Satan uses such entertainment to deceive you by making what is wrong and evil look normal and exciting. It can mislead you into thinking that everyone is doing things that are wrong.

Do not attend, view, or participate in entertainment that is vulgar, immoral, violent, or pornographic in any way. Do not participate in entertainment that in any way presents immorality or violent behavior as acceptable.

Pornography in all its forms is especially dangerous and addictive. What may begin as a curious indulgence can become a destructive habit that takes control of your life. It can lead you to sexual transgression and even criminal behavior. Pornography is a poison that weakens your self-control, changes the way you see others, causes you to lose the guidance of the Spirit, and can even affect your ability to have a normal relationship with your future spouse. If you encounter pornography, turn away from it immediately.

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Guest gopecon

This is the type of issue that you probably won't see an official stand taken on by the Church. We shouldn't need to be commanded in all things. I don't see the brethren going beyond denouncing some of the garbage that is out there in the entertainment world. Issues like this are probably going to be left to individuals to figure out how best to spend their time. In reality, any hobby (stamp collecting, hunting, fishing, TV, model building, you name it) that takes too much time away from other more worthwhile pursuits is probably something that should be curtailed.

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Hi there I am just new here and would like to know the church stand about indulgence of computer games concerning our children?It is not bad to play on computer games as long as it is in moderation. But we just can't say these to our kids. Is there an extensive study on how to manage computer games indulgence for students? A law or an ordinance. I am saying particularly on arcades. Though it is the duty of the parents to control kids at home but with the existence of many arcade, kids are going to and fro there just to play games bringing along with them there allowances. I myself is a computer game enthusiast but I observed that if you really go a long the way with your games, it can destruct your daily work too. That is why I came upon this issue too.:cool:

Why can't we tell our kids that computer games aren't bad if played in moderation? Kids are smart. They will understand.

(This is the second post in the last few days where the poster is looking for the church to back up a basic parenting decision. I am seeing this in face-to-face conversations too.

The church supports responsible parenting. We can start with the 10 Commandments where it clearing says to honor your parents.)

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"There are not enough general authorities to do all the thinking for the membership of the Church."

- J. Golden Kimball

But there is no shortage of members willing to do other's thinking for them.

Edited by beefche
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Good grief, MOE. Whatever you are thinking can't be are breaking out in measles or something.....

He's trying to get inside of the mind of a women, the level of effort required is something to make a man sweat blood.

Edited by Dravin
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