Grand Sign of the Son of Man?

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So, to make sure we understand - by "bright light" you mean something visible during daytime (assuming no clouds). And it will stay visible, and get brighter, for at least 24 hours of visible brightness. Yes?

And by "huge earthquake", you mean at least 9 on the richter scale? (Again, there are hundreds of earthquakes occuring naturally every day. 6, 7, even the occasional 8.something occurs every now and then without making the news.)

There has not been an earthquake over 5.9 in a week and only 1of those. There have been two days in the last week that only had 1 earthquake over 5.0.

But one big earth quake? 8 or above - I do not think so.

The Traveler

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We are going to see a very bright light appear very soon. It will keep getting bigger until every eye has seen it. Then there will be a terrible earthquake as we have never seen before.

Johns vision of the virgin giving birth, clothed with the sun, with the moon at her feet and 12 stars upon her head is happening on September 30th. Which is the exact same sign of Christ's Birth. Therefore I give it till the end of October for either the light to appear, or a huge earthquake.

According to this guy, Bob King, doesn't sound like it would be very bright, barely a "naked eye" event on the 6th of October, not making it like the light of day.

"The closer a celestial object is to Earth, the faster it appears to move across the sky. Because the comet is closing in on minimum distance from Earth, it’s quickly picking up speed, covering more and more ground as we approach the 15th. Tonight for instance, it travels some two degrees or four times the full moon’s diameter in the southern constellation of Grus the Crane. Tomorrow that increases to three degrees, and by the 14-15th, Honda-M-P flys across some 10 degrees of sky- your clenched fist held at arm’s length – in just one night!

The next night or two, the comet will still be visible from the far southern states low in the south around 1 a.m., but by the 14th, only southern hemisphere observers will see it. To spot the comet, you’ll need at least a small telescope, since it’s very diffuse and will get no brighter than 8th magnitude. The moon will also be near or at full phase, lighting up the sky and making it even harder to find.

Two side-by-side binocular comets at dawn in Leo on October 7. Created with Chris Marriott's SkyMap

After closest approach, Honda-M-P swings back north and slowly continues to brighten, reaching 6th magnitude (naked eye limit) in late September, and finally appearing in the morning sky before dawn for northern hemisphere sky watchers in early October. It’s expected to be an easy binocular comet then, shining around 7th magnitude.

On the morning of the Oct. 7, it will be joined by Comet Elenin four degrees (eight full moons) to its north. Although both comets will be at different distances from Earth – 90 million miles for Honda-M-P and 22 million for Elenin - they’ll lie in approximately the same line of sight. With wide-field binoculars you’ll be able to catch them both in the same field of view. What a wonderful and rare sight this will be!"

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So, to make sure we understand - by "bright light" you mean something visible during daytime (assuming no clouds). And it will stay visible, and get brighter, for at least 24 hours of visible brightness. Yes?

And by "huge earthquake", you mean at least 9 on the richter scale? (Again, there are hundreds of earthquakes occuring naturally every day. 6, 7, even the occasional 8.something occurs every now and then without making the news.)

Yes. like 2 suns.

And yea im talking big.

Rev 12:1-2

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

-A Woman clothed with the sun = Constellation Virgo, also known as the Virgin. She will have the sun behind her. Like a wrap.

-And the moon under her feet = the moon is positioned under the “feet” of Virgo, the Virgin.

-And upon her head a crown of twelve stars = there are in fact twelve stars in the head region of Virgo. -And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered = The planet Venus will be in the belly of the Virgin,Virgo.

The last time this happaned was in 3 B.C. When Christ was Born! It happens around September 28th-30th of this im absolutely postivive something is going to happen. He is warning us.

and by the way "the dragon waiting to devour it" Its not a coincidence that Elenin will be right next to virgo on that day.

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Well, if it turns out you're right, then you'll be like one of the 3 wise men and we'll be like one of the... Normal, every day people.

However, given that there have been several alignments, I would suspect that you're incorrect on this. ;) And I look forward to seeing the pink tutu and little teapot. :D

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Well, if it turns out you're right, then you'll be like one of the 3 wise men and we'll be like one of the... Normal, every day people.

However, given that there have been several alignments, I would suspect that you're incorrect on this. ;) And I look forward to seeing the pink tutu and little teapot. :D

I look forward to seeing my God's promises fulfilled :o

please just prepare brothers and sisters...set a side some supplies! it is better to have alot of supplies and nothing happen than something happening with no supplies.

Edited by ConvinceTheWorld
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I look forward to seeing my God's promises fulfilled :o

please just prepare brothers and sisters...set a side some supplies! it is better to have alot of supplies and nothing happen than something happening with no supplies.

Over time scientist have learned that earthquakes and volcano activity are tightly coupled. Not only are they coupled externally but internally as well. In essence we have learned there is no such thing as a “single” event. It is not that mother nature keeps secrets - it is that, for whatever reasons, mankind has believed in individuality and that the unfolding of events are somewhat singular in a cause - effect relationships.

As a scientist and engineer it is of no surprise to me that the scientific engineer and architect of the universe is also the intelligence force behind religious understandings of the cosmos and signs given to unfolding important events. Thus it appears to me that the great error of man throughout history is to pay too much attention to some specific things and not enough to the “Big Picture” and trends.

Concerning the “end of times” there are many revelations to give insight. In addition there is a great deal of symbolism as well as “types and shadows” that are given to guide the saints. Thus like a historical pilot at sea or a modern pilot flying with the latest equipment in the skies; the prudent navigators have learned to NEVER rely completely on a singular indicator of anything. Such a process may work for a while but is a recipe for disaster - especially in a crisis or period of change and uncertainty - like a storm.

I am quite confident that if one understands the scriptures, maintains their covenants and follows the brethren that they will have a good idea concerning the End of Times. I submit that they will know the day Jesus will return and how such an event is connected to Adam-ondi-Ahman, missionary work, and church welfare. With all this in mind I am very confident that we need not be concerned about this year or even at minimum the next 3 years. (So much for the Mayan calendar).

One last thought. The community by the Dead Sea from which we get the Dead Sea Scrolls had a great deal right - they were correct within 3 years of identifying when Jesus would be born. There were spot on concerning the destruction of Jerusalem - yet with all that; there is not a single indication or shred of evidence that they recognized Christ when he walked among them.

The Traveler

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Traveler --

One last thought. The community by the Dead Sea from which we get the Dead Sea Scrolls had a great deal right - they were correct within 3 years of identifying when Jesus would be born. There were spot on concerning the destruction of Jerusalem - yet with all that; there is not a single indication or shred of evidence that they recognized Christ when he walked among them.


Just so. Worth thinking about, for a long time.


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No one knows except the Father. That is pretty clear. You're getting awfully excited over is. Speculation is great, I read all kinds of crap about this stuff and it is fascinating. But claiming you "know" and trying to convince other people that you "know" might be looked down upon. By the only person who really does know.

Just sayin.

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Yes. like 2 suns.

And yea im talking big.

Rev 12:1-2

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

-A Woman clothed with the sun = Constellation Virgo, also known as the Virgin. She will have the sun behind her. Like a wrap.

-And the moon under her feet = the moon is positioned under the “feet” of Virgo, the Virgin.

-And upon her head a crown of twelve stars = there are in fact twelve stars in the head region of Virgo. -And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered = The planet Venus will be in the belly of the Virgin,Virgo.

The last time this happaned was in 3 B.C. When Christ was Born! It happens around September 28th-30th of this im absolutely postivive something is going to happen. He is warning us.

and by the way "the dragon waiting to devour it" Its not a coincidence that Elenin will be right next to virgo on that day.

Odd. In seminary they always told us that the virgin represented the Church (which was ultimately to bring forth the kingdom of God), not some astrological sign.

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No one knows except the Father. That is pretty clear. You're getting awfully excited over is. Speculation is great, I read all kinds of crap about this stuff and it is fascinating. But claiming you "know" and trying to convince other people that you "know" might be looked down upon. By the only person who really does know.

Just sayin.

I never claimed to know the day...Nobody knows not even the angels in heaven.

Did u read my posts? I never claimed to the know the day im just saying that BIBLICAL PROPHECY IS BEING FULFILLED, nobody can deny that.

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Did u read my posts? I never claimed to the know the day im just saying that BIBLICAL PROPHECY IS BEING FULFILLED, nobody can deny that.

I can deny that this particular celestial event is biblical prophecy being fulfilled.

In fact, I just did. Take that as an official denial from Somebody(TM - All rights reserved. Any and all similarities to Somebody Else® is purely coincidental).

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I can deny that this particular celestial event is biblical prophecy being fulfilled.

In fact, I just did. Take that as an official denial from Somebody(TM - All rights reserved. Any and all similarities to Somebody Else® is purely coincidental).

An official denial? Does this mean an offical scandal? Awesome, I dub it "Funkygate".

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Then there will be a terrible earthquake as we have never seen before.

The last time someone predicted this at me, the day came, and he fervently pointed to a list of the 200+ earthquakes that had happened that week.

So, in the interests of having everyone all down the learning curve ahead of time, I'd like to point out that there are hundreds of earthquakes going on all over the earth in any given week. Here's the website where you can get live details.

Here is an example of an average week on planet earth. Sometimes there are more, sometimes less, sometimes we get a slew of greater than 5.0, but this is a rough example:

Posted Image

So, ConvinceTheWorld also figures an 'earthquake as we have never seen before'. I'd like to further remind us all, that we all saw a 9.0 quake on 11 March 2011 that occured 80 miles east of Honshu Japan.

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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So, ConvinceTheWorld also figures an 'earthquake as we have never seen before'. I'd like to further remind us all, that we all saw a 9.0 quake on 11 March 2011 that occured 80 miles east of Honshu Japan.

You can do better than that:

Largest Earthquakes in the World Since 1900

Sumatra beats it by .1 and if we allow the Chile quake of 1960 we get an additional .5.

I am not a crook.

You're Canadian aren't you? This documentary would indicate you are indeed a nefarious fellow: Canadian Bacon (1995) - IMDb

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listen people,

put it all on the sign Joseph stated. If the star appears in the sky in the upcoming months and is unmistakenable* then you will know this is true. Put it all on that.

In another thread I expressed my opinion that; particularly associated with the end of times, that any voice of warning be sure and true. None of this - well it is good to get prepared and maybe have a trial run or something like that. If we declare something to be of G-d and it turns out not to be - we have not just made a meaningless mistake but we have broken our covenant and polluted our sacred trust.

Unlike most of the traditional Christian world - the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has both the priesthood of G-d and the keys of the priesthood. According to our covenants we understand that any voice of warning that we take to our “neighbors” as a warning from G-d come according to our covenants (See D&C 84). Thus if we are not called by prophesy as was Aaron through the priesthood we are outside of our covenant and on very thin ice - so to speak.

Last April conference all prophesy need for the next 6 months came through proper priesthood channels. In October, conference will again take place providing all the proper understanding for the saints. Until I receive such warning through proper “living” channels - I am not in the least bit concerned.

Please do not take offense ConvinceTheWorld but you are not part of my proper priesthood channel and as of yet I have received no supporting witness. Sorry for my bluntness.

The Traveler

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