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What brings me to this forum is a desperate search for what has been plaguing me at night.

No other culture or religion has been able to explain to me satisfactorily and I was told this indeed does occur amongst Mormons.

I purchased a home about 8 years ago from an older Mormon couple, high up in the hiearchy of the Mormon church. The gentleman's wife had passed away and he was being relocated to a nursing home. The home felt spiritually clean when we moved in. A few months passed. One night while I had my baby on my chest sleeping something prompted me to look towards the Foyer of our home...It was dark and the only light coming in was from an outside street lamp. What I saw was puzzling yet HORRIFYING! I do not scare easily, yet I was more frightened than I have EVER been in my entire life. Coming down the stairs, around the banister, down the foyer and towards my direction was, (at first I thought it was my mother or my daughter - they have PageBoy hair cuts), but this thing was blacker than the darkest color of black I have ever seen - even darker than the dimly lit room - I starred and could see it was wearing a cloak! with it's hands tucked into opposing sleeves and it was little and floating a foot of the floor! It glided into our family room, turned the corner, (I desperately prayed that it not see my baby or me-all the while questioning what it was I was seeing and why was it showing itself to me), and headed straight into our masterbed room where my husband lay sleeping.

I remember nothing else after that point.

In the morning I told my husband of what I had seen. He said he didn't see anything but did feel, almost like what a cat would feel when they climb into bed with you, then grabbing at his leg. He was partially asleep and didn't think much of it, even though we do not own a cat!

My baby has since grown up but every now and then in our home we see this dark, cloaked being come out of the shadows and move across a window into the other side of a shadow, when we immediately turn on a light there is no sign of it.

My large shephard is frightened to enter any room that is not fully lit. My older teenagers have seen it also at the foot of their beds. Someone has suggested to me that this happens during sleep paralysis but NONE OF US WERE ASLEEP WHEN WE SAW THIS.

Please tell me what this is? Why it appears to us? What does it want? How to get rid of it? Anyone?

Thank you.

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My mom tells me about an experince she had when she was younger. She grew up LDS but there was a lot of evil in her house. Her mother was doing some very bad things. My mom was in the bath and she started feeling these evil spirits coming to her and attacking her and her sister...She ran out and they left the house.

My mom said her mother called the bishop and they had a few priesthood holders go into the house and put a special blessing. Just something that sort of relates.

You could try contacting the old owners and asking them.

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Yes, all Mormons experience ghosts and poltergeists. Did you see the Mr. Potato Head tattoo on the spectrum as well? One should put on ruby slippers, close the eyes, and say three times, "There's no place like a Chuck-o-Rama."

On a more serious note, why in the world do you think Mormons experience this? What makes you think your nightmare, vision, imagination, whatever you want to call it has anything to do with the Mormon religion?

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Nistal007, I apologize for all of the feedback you are getting on this forum, you came here for help, and have been getting ridiculed for a problem that is obviously of high concern.

I have had similar situations to you, it runs in my family lineage so I was able to get the support I had from them so I knew I wasn't just going crazy, unfortunately not from the bishop...

Mormons do not teach about anything 'supernatural', rightfully so, so that is why you are getting the feedback you are, please don't think we are just being ignorant.

With what happened to me my mother got me to go to the bishop and like in this forum he just shrugged it off and said I was dreaming which I knew I clearly wasn't.. However, now that he is in a higher position in the Church and has seen more things he knows more and has seen more and knows now that I was not just dreaming.

So unfortunately going to an LDS Bishop might not be the best thing as they are new and inexperienced with these types of situations with what you are talking about.

What I would recommend is contacting the old owner's if possible, tell them what is going on, and ask them if they can recommend someone who can put a blessing on the house for you.

This kind of situation reminds me a bit of my friend who is a physiologist, she says that she would NEVER have someone come into her home and load of all their troubles and worries at her house because when they leave the feelings will stay there, which she wouldn't be able to handle.

In your situation you are saying that the home was spiritually clean which is puzzling, I am not going to assume that it is your fault this is happening but perhaps reflect if there is anything you need to set right in your life that could be inviting this- even just major stress or vulnerability. But definitely talk to that couple, and insist asking them to get someone to bless the house as soon as possible.

Good luck!

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I will echo Girlygirl and apologize for some of the uncalled for comments. I am a life long, active member of the church and have seen spirits all my life ... for me no big deal. I don't however believe in ghosts. I have only had a couple of encounters with something that really scared me but was able by faith to have them leave.

As Girlygirl said think back over the time when this first started and see if there isn't something that happened or changed or was going on that would have invited this to begin. What kind of feeling to you get? The adversary will use what everhe can to accomplish his ends ... make sure your home is centered on Christ and is always full of His light. If more is needed ask someone who has the authority to cast it out ... this to an LDS member would be someone who holds the priesthood. Find someone who takes you seriously and ask the they bless your home. They can't hurt you if you don't let them but it still doesn't make it and easier or less scary. Good luck

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What brings me to this forum is a desperate search for what has been plaguing me at night.

No other culture or religion has been able to explain to me satisfactorily and I was told this indeed does occur amongst Mormons.

I purchased a home about 8 years ago from an older Mormon couple, high up in the hiearchy of the Mormon church. The gentleman's wife had passed away and he was being relocated to a nursing home. The home felt spiritually clean when we moved in. A few months passed. One night while I had my baby on my chest sleeping something prompted me to look towards the Foyer of our home...It was dark and the only light coming in was from an outside street lamp. What I saw was puzzling yet HORRIFYING! I do not scare easily, yet I was more frightened than I have EVER been in my entire life. Coming down the stairs, around the banister, down the foyer and towards my direction was, (at first I thought it was my mother or my daughter - they have PageBoy hair cuts), but this thing was blacker than the darkest color of black I have ever seen - even darker than the dimly lit room - I starred and could see it was wearing a cloak! with it's hands tucked into opposing sleeves and it was little and floating a foot of the floor! It glided into our family room, turned the corner, (I desperately prayed that it not see my baby or me-all the while questioning what it was I was seeing and why was it showing itself to me), and headed straight into our masterbed room where my husband lay sleeping.

I remember nothing else after that point.

In the morning I told my husband of what I had seen. He said he didn't see anything but did feel, almost like what a cat would feel when they climb into bed with you, then grabbing at his leg. He was partially asleep and didn't think much of it, even though we do not own a cat!

My baby has since grown up but every now and then in our home we see this dark, cloaked being come out of the shadows and move across a window into the other side of a shadow, when we immediately turn on a light there is no sign of it.

My large shephard is frightened to enter any room that is not fully lit. My older teenagers have seen it also at the foot of their beds. Someone has suggested to me that this happens during sleep paralysis but NONE OF US WERE ASLEEP WHEN WE SAW THIS.

Please tell me what this is? Why it appears to us? What does it want? How to get rid of it? Anyone?

Thank you.

I see a few possibilities:

1. You're imagining it. Impressionable people who believe in ghosts, especially if they are told that there are ghosts about, are more likely to "see" the ghosts. Those who claim to have seen ghosts are invariably those who talk about ghosts all the time.

1a. (Really an adjunct to the above) You are seeing normal variations in shadow and light, but because of your heightened sensitivities and predispositions toward ghosts, you are attributing such variations to ghostly presences. That is, there really is some (small) thing that triggers these "visions" -- you are not imagining them out of whole cloth -- but they are not what you think they are.

2. These are bona fide visions of spiritual beings, either disembodied spirits of the dead or unembodied spirits of evil. I do believe in the doctrine of spiritual "possession", so I grant that it is possible that these evil presences could do you harm, if you invite them into the house of your body. If you avoid their influence, however, they can have no power over you to do you any harm, so can safely be ignored. Since even evil spirits are subject to the power of God, any (LDS) Priesthood holder could simply cast them out, so I suppose that might be an option to consider.

If #2 is correct, though (which I doubt), then something else is going on. People normally do not interact with the spirits of the dead or (especially) with evil spirits. There is a veil that separates us from them. If that veil has been breached, something is wrong. If #2 is indeed the case, then my suspicion is that you and/or your family are doing or have done something to invite such presences into your home. If such is the case, that is the root of your problem.

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