About President Packer


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He contracted polio as a child and is now suffering some after-effects that polio victims sometimes experience in their old age.

This is truly a remarkable man, and the first General Authority I ever knew by name aside from David O. McKay. He is constantly savaged by those who hate the Church, which frankly makes me love him even more. I have never met him, but when he dies I will mourn his passing.

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He is the most offensive and politically incorrect apostle of the Lord.

And my heart loves him!

Now does an apostle need to be politically correct when talking about the truths of the gospel?

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He is the most offensive and politically incorrect apostle of the Lord.

And my heart loves him!

Now does an apostle need to be politically correct when talking about the truths of the gospel?

In my opinion? Never.

So then, why don't more members of the Church follow in his footsteps and cease with the political correct nonsense???

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My mother was in the same grade and attended school with Brother Packer. Two of my uncles were considered among his closest friends - one uncle (deceased and inactive) claimed to be his best friend. Plus I use to car pool to work with his son. I know the Packers well. As with all the general authorities I have known - President Packer is not nor did he think himself great. He is a very ordinary person that was called to serve and answered the call. He was not popular or exceptional growing up - just a person that did what he could. There are many like him in that generation - my parents and many of my aunts and uncles included. Very likely some of your ancestors as well.

I have known many great people in the church - and many did not hold what are called prestigious callings despite that fact that they had revelations and manifestations. Will our generation finish our time improving on our parents? I doubt it - I only hope we can carry on as well and as honorably as those that were before us.

The Traveler

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This is a thread all of its own, but perhaps if President Packer had been vaccinated, he wouldn't be suffering the after-effects of having had polio.

It's too bad that facetiousness doesn't come across well in type. ;)

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