Christmas treats from the intimidated


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I loved getting those. I gave the kids the tin, and I ate the home-made. But even at that, we used to get those Hershey's ready-to-bake cookies and give those out.

What? Mr. Bah humbug himself? :P

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Way too early to be talking about anything that has to do with Christmas.

Not if you are an organizer par excellence. :D Also, I've finals, grades to get in and all manner of end of term foolishness that cuts down on prep time for the holidays. Either I get started now and put things away, or at least make a list, or it won't get done.

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And just for that, I'd come over and fix your computer.

Well, we're a Mac family here, which I know you hate. We have 4 MacBook Pros, and 3 MacBooks. But, I have to admit we actually do have 2 desktop PC's and 1 laptop PC. My husband says, if he had his "druthers" he wouldn't have any PC's. He works for the the school district as a Computer Systems Service Specialist. So, no, I wouldn't make you come over and fix our computers in exchange for cookies. Hmm, my windows need washing.

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I was watching America's Test Kitchen earlier today, and thought about all of you talented people! I think i would be into cooking more if I had a maid to clean up after me. Plus my honey loves to cook so much, I like watching him do his thing in the kitchen... Maybe i would be a little more into baking if I had that kind of thing growing up. Mom never baked me cookies or did things like that, so I wouldn't even know where to begin! ugh!

I admire all you bakers out there! But I think I'll be running to Walmart for my christmas treats!

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Gang -

Some of you may recall that last holiday season I was the happy recipient of a lot of baked good from members of my ward - and I wasn't even baptized yet.

Now that I am a busy member of the ward, there are people I know and to whom I'd like to give a token gift. While I am a good cake and cupcake maker, no way can I compete with the homemade candies - candy! - and other treats made by ladies in the ward.

Would it be too cheap to buy a bunch of those Danish butter cookie tins, tie 'em up with a bow and say 'here you are, Merry Christmas?' Most of these people have kids; I can't give individual presents and I think the kids would like the cookies. Every year I buy some holiday treats from a catalog and I plan to add a couple of ward names to that list, but I can't add them all and I really do want to give at least a token gift to some other ladies.

So, will I be shamed in front of my RS for not making my own goodies? With apologies to President Uchtdorf, maybe I should put BoM verses on the ribbons with a glue gun and sparkles? What say ye?

DO what you do well and folks will love it, trust me.

don't worry about what you don't do well.

in this case with me and a lot in my family we generally take the bread type stuff over the candy stuff just about every time (but we'd take the candy too if given the opportunity ^.^), and its great to see and enjoy all the different types of things people make.

I'm a bread person, i'd take cake and cupcake over treats anytime.

I know in the past wards my family has been in the relief society would do a recipe collection project where they'd invite people to donate recipes, which would then be organized and then made into booklets to give to the sisters in the ward.

I like your idea but unless youre only planning to do it for one or two people i'd suggest simplifying it otherwise its going to be a very time consuming project. (What i'd do if i wanted to have a scripture from the BoM with the cake would be to print it out with maybe a border than glue or tape it to the cover or the plate.

Edited by Blackmarch
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DO what you do well and folks will love it, trust me.

I like your idea but unless youre only planning to do it for one or two people i'd suggest simplifying it otherwise its going to be a very time consuming project. (What i'd do if i wanted to have a scripture from the BoM with the cake would be to print it out with maybe a border than glue or tape it to the cover or the plate.

This was a joke. Perhaps you didn't see Pres Uchtdorf's talk to the RS? "stitching the title of the lesson into homemade pot holders for each member of your class perhaps may not be" [a good use of your time].

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