I would appreciate your oplnlons.


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A while back I was permanently banned from the WorldStart chat room. Heres what happened. WorldStart is also a Internet store. They were selling pill boxes for around six dollars.They are pretty handy. It's a larger box with 7 smaller boxes in it. they have the days of the week on the edge of the little boxes,and each box has 4 sections. Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, and Bedtime. If your not going to be home for a day you can just take that days pills with you. I have a couple sets myself and like them very much.

The thing is. They were selling them for around six dollars, and I bought mine at Dollar Tree for 1 dollar plus tax. No they weren't selling a better version. They showed a picture with dimensions, and they were the exact ones I have. I figured they were trying to rip us off.

So I posted a thread explaining how I felt. I thought I would get a few thanks for letting us know replies. Instead I got things like. These are not cheap junk like you get from the Dollar store. But I knew they were cheap stuff that you get from the Dollar store.

There's more to the story. Which I will get too at another time. This things getting kind of long. Basically I was banned for life from WorldStart, and under reason it said no reason given.

I would like to know how you guys feel. Would you have done what I did? If not. Why not?

Brother Ray

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Guest gopecon

You were trying to undermine their business on their web-site, so I don't blame them for banning you. Were you wrong to spread the word that people could save $5? No, I just think you picked the wrong place to do it.

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You were trying to undermine their business on their web-site, so I don't blame them for banning you. Were you wrong to spread the word that people could save $5? No, I just think you picked the wrong place to do it.

What other place? Posting was the only way to reach the people. How a bout. Instead of banning me. They send me an E-Mail, saying, something like, Thank you for pointing out the problem to us. We will adjust the prices accordingly. They wouldn't even have to E-Mail me.

They just needed to do the honorable thing about the prices.

Given a choice between saying nothing, and letting the people get ripped off. Or sending the post that I did. I would send the post every time. Brother Ray.

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You went on a store's website, slagged them off and told people how to get the same stuff cheaper and then were surprised they banned you?

You pointed out they were overcharging customers on their website. Stores don't thank people for that. ;)

I never expected them to thank me. I knew they would be mad,and I knew they might ban me. But I would rather be banned, then know people were being ripped off, and say nothing about it Brother Ray

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They werent ripping people off. They were selling for the normal price. The Dollar Store sells off things that are from bankrupt stores, overstocking etc. The Dollar Store does not sell at prices that reflect the value of the product. They sell at off the back of someones truck prices.

Perhaps your right. But I don't believe a Dollar store could get enough discount on a $6.00

plus item to be able to sell it for 99 cents. I'm not saying that WorldStart should have sold them for $1.00. Just a more reasonable price. Brother Ray ( sorry. I forgot to put a space between your post and mine.

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Perhaps your right. But I don't believe a Dollar store could get enough discount on a $6.00

plus item to be able to sell it for 99 cents. I'm not saying that WorldStart should have sold them for $1.00. Just a more reasonable price. Brother Ray ( sorry. I forgot to put a space between your post and mine.

They buy them for pennies on the dollar so yes they can sell for a dollar and get a good profit margin. I dont know what the original wholesale price was and I am sure they make a good profit. From a buyers point of view it is no doubt better to pay $1, still its going too far to say the regular sellers are price gouging.

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circusboy01 sounds like you are running face first into a sense of entitlement... which unfortunately is really common on the internet. Many people think that being on various internet forums is like being is some kind of public area. It is not. Forums are not free. Someone foots the bill, and that someone gets to call the shots of what is allowed. So instead of seeing the internet forums as some public space people would be better off as seeing it someones home or place of business.

When people begin to see it this way, then they begin to understand way they aren't allowed to do the internet version of cussing out the owner, trashing the place, and otherwise harass the people who are there.

Did you really expect for them to pay for you to bad mouth them?

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Perhaps your right. But I don't believe a Dollar store could get enough discount on a $6.00

plus item to be able to sell it for 99 cents. I'm not saying that WorldStart should have sold them for $1.00. Just a more reasonable price. Brother Ray ( sorry. I forgot to put a space between your post and mine.

looks like my sorry about not putting a space between our posts was unnecessary when it posted there was a space. You probably wondered what the heck I was talking about. Brother Ray

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They buy them for pennies on the dollar so yes they can sell for a dollar and get a good profit margin. I dont know what the original wholesale price was and I am sure they make a good profit. From a buyers point of view it is no doubt better to pay $1, still its going too far to say the regular sellers are price gouging.

I see your point,and I believe you might be right. But at $6.00+ I believe WorldStart might have been price gouging,at least a little bit. Perhaps they are not as guilty as I thought they were. But, I know their not 100% innocent Brother Ray

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I consider being banned from the Huffington Post a badge of honor. I won't even read an article if I see it originates from there.

I feel,or at least I felt the same way about WorldStart. But now I have people here saying I was wrong to post that people could get the Pill Boxes for $1.00 But, then why did they just ban me without giving a reason. If they had nothing to hide, why didn't they post an explanation?

Brother Ray

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That's why people start their own blogs --so they can voice their own opinion.

Since it was WorldStart's forum, they don't want customers chased away. It would've been nice to give you a warning or reason, but if it was anything like the forum I used to run, they are also dealing with a ton of spammers and bots and all kinds of behind the scenes crap and they probably just didn't want to deal with it.

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I hope nobody minds, but I'm raising my kids to be savvy shoppers. That way, they won't have to rely on finding the correct anonymous poster on the correct obscure online store's forum, to tell them that they can find pill cases cheaper than six bucks.

Not sure how obscure WorldStart is. They have thousands of members from all over the

glob, and they advertise their store on line every day. I am not trying to be anonymous. Anybody can have my name anytime they want' Brother Ray :-) ;-)

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That's why people start their own blogs --so they can voice their own opinion.

Since it was WorldStart's forum, they don't want customers chased away. It would've been nice to give you a warning or reason, but if it was anything like the forum I used to run, they are also dealing with a ton of spammers and bots and all kinds of behind the scenes crap and they probably just didn't want to deal with it.

O.K. I will concede to all of you that WorldStart might not have been wrong in selling the Pill Boxes for that price. But, I refuse to apologize to them or beg them to take me bac::bouncing:

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