Saudis Behead Woman for Practicing Witchcraft


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I could be reading between the lines, but you seem to be saying, "I'm not saying I believe it...but it sure looks believable." It is so easy to see a documentary, or an expose, and become caught up in it and outraged.

Yeah I said it looks believable, but I also said that I understand how people can take original documents and such and quote portions that fit their agenda. We see that as LDS all the time in the anti-Mormon literature. They will often take things out of context and that changes the entire meaning, but it sure can look convincing.

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I feel bad for him, even tho he raped his daughter.


The man should be put to death. If he were a woman and had done something like this, you can bet he would already have been executed.

Thirteen years and two thousand lashes is far, far less than he deserves for raping his own daughter over a seven-year period.

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I don't like torturing people. Any person. I think it is wrong. There is such a thing as cruel and unnusual punishment. If it is an offense where he should be put to death, then fine, but otherwise we still have to treat him as a human being. Can you imagine dreading 2,000+ lashes over the next 13 years? It would drive anyone crazy. That is why I said I was glad that I live in the USA. A sentence like that would not be allowed here. And I think that is good.

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Well, Americans are willing to live with this since we all want cheap oil.

Saudis behead woman for practicing witchcraft

A Saudi woman in her 60s was beheaded today for being a witch, according to reports out of the desert kingdom.

Amina bint Abdul Halim bin Salem Nasser was executed in the northwest province of Jawf. She was convicted of "practicing witchcraft and sorcery," the Interior Ministry said in a statement carried by the official SPA news agency, AFP says. The country's high court upheld the death penalty.

Never happened. The mass media assures us that Islam is the most tolerant, peaceful and enlightened religion in the world. This can't be true.

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I am wondering - sort of thinking out laude. Would it make any difference to anyone if the woman really was a witch?

Mostly we think in such terms from our own history thinking not so much that such action was wrong but that in the process (Salem witch trials) that we may have executed ladies that were not witches at all. Many think such action is wrong because there is no such thing as a real witch.

I believe I recall several movies where witches are killed. I am thinking about the “Wizard of Oz”. No one seems to be concerned with that public spectacle of killing a witch - without even a trial.

On the other hand - how effective is punishment?

What are the best ways to modify behaviors in individuals that refuse to conform to social norms (morals/laws)? Since laws are nothing more than moral extensions - it plays out with any behavior - if someone is willing to risk life to continue the behavior there is really only two alternatives. 1. Let the behavior continue or 2. Kill them to end the behavior.

If there is another option I would like to hear it.

The Traveler

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Why would we kill a witch? I know witches and would be very upset if they were murdered. Its a religion and everyone has a right to practice their religion. Even religions we dont necessarily like.

Of course I am talking of real witches not movie ones.

Exodus 22:18 - "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Not saying I agree, but that's the reason.

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Exodus 22:18 - "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Not saying I agree, but that's the reason.

I will be standing in front of the witch if you decide to kill her.

Jesus came and brought the higher law of loving your neighbor as yourself. How could she ever be taught in this life is she is dead?

Edited by annewandering
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To prevent you from using the Mosaic Law to murder a woman instead of the higher law that Christ taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

A couple of problems with this:

  • Why are you applying this to me personally? Did you fail (again) to read what I wrote?
  • If I were of a mind to "murder" a woman for witchcraft, how would your standing in front of her prevent me from doing so?
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1. because we were speaking to each other. :D Not that I believe you would do such a thing but in a hypothetical situation.

So then, the following hypothetical conversation makes perfect sense to you:

Vort: Why do people beat their children up?

annewandering: Maybe because they think they're doing their kids a favor. "Spare the rod and spoil the child."

Vort: Well, I would stand between you and them to prevent you from beating them up, annewandering.

Because to me, the personalization is more than a little bizarre.

2. It might not prevent the murder but at least I would be trying to stop it.

So if:

  • we lived in a country where witchcraft were expressly illegal,
  • the other woman were a self-proclaimed witch, and
  • I were the designated executioner and had a gun pointed toward her chest;

In the above situation, you are saying that you would literally step in front of the admitted witch to shield her when I was about to pull the trigger?

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So then, the following hypothetical conversation makes perfect sense to you:

Vort: Why do people beat their children up?

annewandering: Maybe because they think they're doing their kids a favor. "Spare the rod and spoil the child."

Vort: Well, I would stand between you and them to prevent you from beating them up, annewandering.

Well I hope someone would. Its a stupid idea to think beating kids is a favor and I certainly dont endorse that.

Because to me, the personalization is more than a little bizarre.

The thing is, Vort, those things have to BE personal to really begin to understand what is at stake.

So if:

  • we lived in a country where witchcraft were expressly illegal,
  • the other woman were a self-proclaimed witch, and
  • I were the designated executioner and had a gun pointed toward her chest;

In the above situation, you are saying that you would literally step in front of the admitted witch to shield her when I was about to pull the trigger?

If it were legal I doubt I would be able to be anywhere near the person being executed but if it were possible I would hope I had the integrity to do exactly that.

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