What Will 2012 Mean for the Saints?


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What I do know is that it won't be the Second Coming or the end of the world for the wicked as that is still many years away. Even after Armageddon there are years of cleanup that would be unnecessary if it were Christ's return in glory. We know he will visit at least three times to New Jerusalem, to rescue the more righteous Jews in Jerusalem, and then when he comes in Glory.

Eventually the Saints will be gathered for refuge from God's wrath on the Earth. But before that happens I expect the end of the Euro, and then the dollar...and so the end of the world as we have known it. Most of us cannot even imagine a world where the government and the Church won't be able to provide for us in the event of unemployment or a greater calamity. But the Brethren have told us that we must be self-reliant and we ourselves should provide help to the poor and the needy through the calamities of the last days. The plan of most to be numbered among the poor and the needy could be a really bad plan...the parable of the prodigal son comes to mind (not the harlot part I don't want to offend anyone here...but perhaps the spending of his abundance/inheritance part.)

In conference the First Presidency talked of some of the men having to work past their endurance, the members of the Church needing to be self-reliant and "Welfare in the Lord's Way" (which we were told to study on the new Provident Living site.) On the new site they tell us that "preparing every needful thing" is a commandment from Heavenly Father (which tells me the Saints are most likely going to NEED these things in the future, perhaps even our future...it isn't just a test of obedience.) Elder Nelson told us in this month's Ensign that there will be difficult days ahead for the Saints.

So while I don't expect to be alive when Jesus Christ comes in glory, I do think that I might be alive when the Saints or many of the Saints are tested, are persecuted to varying degrees (see December Ensign), and where many will be gathered for refuge from the storm...at some point, some or all who have sufficient to make the trip will be asked to go to start building the New Jerusalem in preparation for His return.

So as far as 2012 is concerned I don't think it will be the end of the world...but perhaps the end of the financial world as we have known it. Just today the news is about Iran possibly stopping the flow of mid-Eastern (cheap) oil to the US, European nations defaulting, Japan and China dumping the dollar (huge), gun sales at record levels, housing prices are down nationwide, new layoffs announced, many K-marts closing, massive seal deaths most likely due to radiation poisoning, the Japanese debris making it to US shores, new missile tests from Russia, a new aircraft carrier from China, etc. etc. etc.

So whether we will still be reading similar posts a year from now or there will have been a life changing event between now and then, or even just a continued gradual decline...or good news instead...I cannot say. All we can do is be spiritually and temporally prepared in these last days and stay close to each other and the Lord.

Best wishes my friends in 2012!



Edited by lds2
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Preparation also includes being prepared spiritually. I don't have any idea what 2012 will bring, I can't change the worlds finances, or the US state of things. But I can live a righteous live, get as much preparation temporally as possible, prepare to help others, and most important I can be sure to be truly converted not just relying solely on my testimony of covenants or the church or the leaders, but to be truly converted to Christ.

I also believe we will see the beginning of the shifting of the wheat and tares, many are called but few are chosen will start to take shape soon.

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What I do know is that it won't be the Second Coming or the end of the world for the wicked as that is still many years away. Even after Armageddon there are years of cleanup that would be unnecessary if it were Christ's return in glory. We know he will visit at least three times to New Jerusalem, to rescue the more righteous Jews in Jerusalem, and then when he comes in Glory.

Eventually the Saints will be gathered for refuge from God's wrath on the Earth. But before that happens I expect the end of the Euro, and then the dollar...and so the end of the world as we have known it. Most of us cannot even imagine a world where the government and the Church won't be able to provide for us in the event of unemployment or a greater calamity. But the Brethren have told us that we must be self-reliant and we ourselves should provide help to the poor and the needy through the calamities of the last days. The plan of most to be numbered among the poor and the needy could be a really bad plan...the parable of the prodigal son comes to mind (not the harlot part I don't want to offend anyone here...but perhaps the spending of his abundance/inheritance part.)

In conference the First Presidency talked of some of the men having to work past their endurance, the members of the Church needing to be self-reliant and "Welfare in the Lord's Way" (which we were told to study on the new Provident Living site.) On the new site they tell us that "preparing every needful thing" is a commandment from Heavenly Father (which tells me the Saints are most likely going to NEED these things in the future, perhaps even our future...it isn't just a test of obedience.) Elder Nelson told us in this month's Ensign that there will be difficult days ahead for the Saints.

So while I don't expect to be alive when Jesus Christ comes in glory, I do think that I might be alive when the Saints or many of the Saints are tested, are persecuted to varying degrees (see December Ensign), and where many will be gathered for refuge from the storm...at some point, some or all who have sufficient to make the trip will be asked to go to start building the New Jerusalem in preparation for His return.

So as far as 2012 is concerned I don't think it will be the end of the world...but perhaps the end of the financial world as we have known it. Just today the news is about Iran possibly stopping the flow of mid-Eastern (cheap) oil to the US, European nations defaulting, Japan and China dumping the dollar (huge), gun sales at record levels, housing prices are down nationwide, new layoffs announced, many K-marts closing, massive seal deaths most likely due to radiation poisoning, the Japanese debris making it to US shores, new missile tests from Russia, a new aircraft carrier from China, etc. etc. etc.

So whether we will still be reading similar posts a year from now or there will have been a life changing event between now and then, or even just a continued gradual decline...or good news instead...I cannot say. All we can do is be spiritually and temporally prepared in these last days and stay close to each other and the Lord.

Best wishes my friends in 2012!



Hmmmmm - what is the difference between the concepts of "the end", verses the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning. We know for example that "the end" is not really the end but in reality so much as the beginning of something else. But what is all the stuff in the middle while the old is winding down the the new starting up?

The restoration is part of the new starting up - so we know there will not be an end to that. It appears that you think that the dollar or Euro will end? Okay what is starting up to replace them?

How can we distance ourselves from the things that will diminish and be a part of what will grow and replace if we do not really know what will be done away with and what will remain?

Will 2012 be a milestone of significance of something? Perhaps but if one does not really understand what it is a milestone of - what does it matter?

What is worse to believe something will happen and not know what it is. Or to not believe that something will happen. To me - I do not see any intelligent difference.

The Traveler

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Personally, I do not think we can say whether or not the 2nd Coming will be in 2012. We just don't know. We do not know whether there are many years left, or not. I've been amazed at how quickly things can change. Just think about how quickly the Soviet Bloc collapsed. Or how quickly the Arab Spring has happened. It does not take much time at all in Internet time.

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I remember half a dozen threads over the years on this and other forums, people predicting big things happening soon. I've been known to save dates when someone gives one, and resurrect threads after the date passes and whatever it was didn't happen. I won a bet from one guy, who held up his end of the deal and did the online version of donning a pink tutu and singing I'm a little teapot.

I remember when my buddy got off his mission all full of last-days fervor. It was like 1998-ish. He was totally convinced that our consitutional form of government would have winked out of existence by the turn of the century. I made him bet dinner on it. It was TGIFriday's. Yum.

I also remember around 1992-ish. Worked with a guy who was just beside himself about how the Commies had pulled the wool over everyone's eyes by making them think the Soviet Union had fallen. His dire prediction: We should look for them to do their new world order shennanigans in the UN within 5 years.

Two memories from the '70's:

My dad let his crazy friend store some of his stuff in our garage, so he could go off to Vegas and start some "the end is near" religion. My dad told me later that the guy had changed his name to Jesus Christ, and was wandering the strip in a filthy robe and sign, and even had suckered some poor woman into being his follower.

A guy who lived in our neighborhood (who also had taught my primary class or two) all up and moved to Jackson County, because it was where the gathering was going to be taking place in the next few years. The part that stank, was I was on very good (playing doctor) terms with his daughter. We had decided to get married in a decade when we became teenagers.

I suppose the shock of having my only betrothed future bride ripped from me at the tender age of 8, was probably enough to make me automatically skeptical of any and all predictions of near-future melodrama.

See ya in 2013, lds2.

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So whether we will still be reading similar posts a year from now or there will have been a life changing event between now and then, or even just a continued gradual decline...or good news instead...I cannot say. All we can do is be spiritually and temporally prepared in these last days and stay close to each other and the Lord.

Best wishes my friends in 2012!



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Why is the Euro listed first, considering that it is stabler?

Supposedly that is what the elite say they are going to do...the guy who is supposedly a friend of one of them also said that they are both going down within weeks of each other. But my crystal ball isn't working so I have no idea or stake in which goes down first, but I do believe they will go down around the same time. FWIW which may not be much...:rolleyes:

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Why is the Euro listed first, considering that it is stabler?

A more likely scenario is that the EuroZone will revert to the old currencies. This is not the Euro "crashing". If this happens (which I personally think is very unlikely) the Dollar will emerge, at least temporarily, stonger.:mellow:

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A more likely scenario is that the EuroZone will revert to the old currencies. This is not the Euro "crashing". If this happens (which I personally think is very unlikely) the Dollar will emerge, at least temporarily, stonger.:mellow:

I wouldn't be too sure about the Euro going and the European countries reverting to their original currencies.

Every single country in Europe that chose to go Euro realised within months of doing so that it was a huge mistake for them to have made. Their cost of living rocketed in every case.

Thank goodness we don't have the Euro in the UK.

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Whatever happens in 2012, one thing is certain - there needs to be massive change with everything, from the way countries conduct business and their financial affairs, to the way people live and work.

Our Governments are working us into the ground, the retirement age getting higher and higher.

The cost of living is spiralling ever higher, with each passing week.

We need huge change, both of spirituality and conduct.

I really can't wait for the prophesied changes to occur, we have to be left better off than where we are right now.

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Personally, I do not think we can say whether or not the 2nd Coming will be in 2012. We just don't know. We do not know whether there are many years left, or not. I've been amazed at how quickly things can change. Just think about how quickly the Soviet Bloc collapsed. Or how quickly the Arab Spring has happened. It does not take much time at all in Internet time.

Sometimes you might be tempted to think as I did from time to time in my youth: “The way things are going, the world’s going to be over with. The end of the world is going to come before I get to where I should be.” Not so! You can look forward to doing it right—getting married, having a family, seeing your children and grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren.

President Packer

I consider that to be a valuable revelation to us. What do you think? You know more about the gospel, so I would like your opinion. Was he speaking for himself or the Lord?

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Guest gopecon

I don't know why Pres. Packer was inspired to say what he did, whether it was a personal opinion or something he was sharing that was revealed to him. I think that the answer to your question could be somewhere in between. I think that the Lord wants us to live our lives fully, without trying to time things around His return. Many of the righteous (Terrestrial and Celestial candidates) who survive the chaos before the 2nd coming will be here to pick up the pieces and live under Jesus' millenial reign. If we are in that group I think we will be continuing much of the good we were doing prior to His return. The 2nd Coming may be sooner or later, either way we need to live righteous lives and have faith in Jesus, not cower in fear or skip out on stuff we don't think will be worth the effort.

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Sometimes you might be tempted to think as I did from time to time in my youth: “The way things are going, the world’s going to be over with. The end of the world is going to come before I get to where I should be.” Not so! You can look forward to doing it right—getting married, having a family, seeing your children and grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren.

President Packer

I consider that to be a valuable revelation to us. What do you think? You know more about the gospel, so I would like your opinion. Was he speaking for himself or the Lord?

Most blessings in the gospel come in an If/Then format. This promise of President Packer's is no different, there were a LOT of IFs to that promise.

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  • 6 months later...

This record breaking world drought seems like a pretty ominous thing at the moment. Only time will tell whether our record breaking low current global food stocks will be renewed enough this harvest to prevent a famine. Famines of course usually effect the poorest nations first, but we could see lifestyle changes for many as food stamps may not go as far in the future because of high prices and a record breaking number of people currently rely on the government for their food, etc.

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I don't know about zombies, but one of my best friends has told me that she won't store food for her family, but if food became scarce she would beg, borrow, or steal (or do whatever was necessary) because there is no way that she would let HER children go hungry. I think a lot of people feel that way.

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Well, if she doesn't store food, and there is no food to beg borrow or steal, then she will have no choice but to watch her children starve to death!

I'll be glad to share my storage, within reason. But those who come begging who have resources or have had a comfortable life will have to buy it from me. If I end up owning a bunch of houses and land, then that's okay. Only the truly poor, who never had the chance to store food will be freely given from my house.

Of course, if the bishop wants it all, then they'll all have to beg from him.

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