"Beware of Satan," they say.


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FWIW, Snow, I agree that the existence of a personage called 'Satan' is not strictly necessary. It doesn't logically follow that because God exists, Satan must also exist. Having said that, it is possible that those who oppose God have a leader, and that people call him Satan, the Devil, or whatever. But evil would exist in the world just fine without such a being--we humans are quite capable of cooking up evil in our own hearts.

I disagree, I think the actions of humans indicate that in order for there to be God, there must also be a Devil. If we were "perfect" humans and nothing bad happened then you would be correct.

Edited by Tyler90AZ
barely anything changed to nothing
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I will admit my education only goes as far as a High School GED test. So perhaps I'm missing something. Could you please make it easier on me, and complete this statement?

I do not believe Satan is real because...

Snow won't be responding anytime soon.

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I do not believe Snow is real because he won't be responding any time soon.

Are you saying you think,or know, there is no Snow.That this has just been one big Snow Job? If so I,for one, was sucked right in.

If there is no Snow I'm kind of disappointed. I had a few more things I wanted to ask him. Like what is his take on the War in Heaven.

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Are you saying you think,or know, there is no Snow.That this has just been one big Snow Job? If so I,for one, was sucked right in.

If there is no Snow I'm kind of disappointed. I had a few more things I wanted to ask him. Like what is his take on the War in Heaven.

If you look at snows status, perhaps then you'll understand why he won't be responding soon.

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If you look at snows status, perhaps then you'll understand why he won't be responding soon.

I know that his status is banned. But I didn't pay it much mind. Banned or not he had been posting right along with the rest of us. How was he able to do that. I got banned from WS, and I couldn't even read other posts, let alone comment. Why was he banned? If it was up to me it would have been for, Preaching False Doctrine.

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Interestingly enough, I read this quote today and thought it was very appropriate to this thread:

"No temptation, no pressure, no enticing can overcome us unless we allow such. If we make the wrong choice, we have no one to blame but ourselves. President Brigham Young once expressed this truth by relating it to himself. Said he: "If Brother Brigham shall take a wrong track, and be shut out of the Kingdom of heaven, no person will be to blame but Brother Brigham. I am the only being in heaven, earth, or hell, that can be blamed." He continued: "This will equally apply to every Latter-day Saint. Salvation is an individual operation."

--Thomas S. Monson, "The Three Rs of Choice", Ensign, Nov. 2010, 67–70

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I know that his status is banned. But I didn't pay it much mind. Banned or not he had been posting right along with the rest of us. How was he able to do that. I got banned from WS, and I couldn't even read other posts, let alone comment. Why was he banned? If it was up to me it would have been for, Preaching False Doctrine.

We don't discuss publically the status of other posters. He was able to post before because he wasn't banned until very recently.

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Interestingly enough, I read this quote today and thought it was very appropriate to this thread:

Great quote.

We can't 'blame' anyone but ourselves for the choices we make. It's not going to be a good discussion if at the judgment bar of God, we say "The devil made me do it."

However, while we are responsible for our choices, there are (categorically) two forces at work to entice us: the spirit to do good and the spirit that takes us away from doing good.

Notice that I didn't say 'the spirit of evil'. It's not always so glaringly obvious. A young man considering a mission is not going to be tempted to go rob a bank... during the same decision making process. It's a downward spiral, so we need to be on guard - not for the 'pure evil' thoughts... but for the things that take us away from doing good.

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We don't discuss publically the status of other posters. He was able to post before because he wasn't banned until very recently.

Please believe me. I'm not trying to start an argument. But I still don't understand. You say he wan't banned until very recent,but all of his posts from#13 to #46,all said banned. If he was already banned in #13 how was he able to post all the other times Curious.

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Please believe me. I'm not trying to start an argument. But I still don't understand. You say he wan't banned until very recent,but all of his posts from#13 to #46,all said banned. If he was already banned in #13 how was he able to post all the other times Curious.

He wasn't banned when he made #13. "Banned" is the poster's status not the post's, if you go look up the first post he made on this board it will say "Banned."

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He wasn't banned when he made #13. "Banned" is the poster's status not the post's, if you go look up the first post he made on this board it will say "Banned."

Okay this will be my last post on the subject. Don't want to badger you over, and over again.

I still don't understand. If his status was banned,way back when he made the first post on this board,then he should have been gone right away. But he wasn't. He stayed around to write many more posts. Why wasn't he cut off right when he first got banned?

Sorry abouit the gap pressed enter when i should have pressed Back Space ;o)

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Okay this will be my last post on the subject. Don't want to badger you over, and over again.

I still don't understand. If his status was banned,way back when he made the first post on this board,then he should have been gone right away. But he wasn't. He stayed around to write many more posts. Why wasn't he cut off right when he first got banned?

Sorry abouit the gap pressed enter when i should have pressed Back Space ;o)

He was not banned during the first post. Once somebody is banned it shows up in that spot for all hist posts.

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I still don't understand. If his status was banned,way back when he made the first post on this board,then he should have been gone right away.

It reports the poster's status as it currently is not what it was at the time the post was made.

Edited by Dravin
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Let me put it another way. If I were to ban Dravin today..all of his posts including those done 2 years ago would show as banned. Even though he wasn't banned 2 years ago. It's the status of his account, not the status of his posts.

*edit* Not that I'm planning on banning Dravin today mind you. Maybe tomorrow. :)

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Okay, since Snow is banned and cannot speak for himself anymore, I'm going to attempt to explain why he says that the scriptures somebody posted about Satan has no bearing on his statement.


Snow did not say that the scriptures say that Satan is not real. What Snow said was that he does not have a TESTIMONY of the devil.

Remember, you can surely be a Mormon without having received a testimony on everything. And, there is only ONE requirement to salvation - that you have a TESTIMONY of CHRIST.

Okay, carry on.

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