Couple arrested for stealing fast offerings


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There's usually an adult in my ward because the boys gathering fast offerings are not old enough to drive... and we're far enough apart that they'll need to drive... but, there are those who have 16-year-old brothers who drive them around and they don't usually come with an adult.

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I always thought there was an adult when gathering fast offerings. At least that's always been my experience.

No. The Deacons are primarily in charge of Fast Offering collections. Older priesthood boys, fathers, and even Elders may be asked to assist, but generally it is a responsibility of Deacons. I didn't read the article, but heard this morning that when the pair found only checks and no cash, they dumped the lot of it in the Provo River.

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Pair arrested for stealing LDS fast offerings |

I always thought there was an adult when gathering fast offerings. At least that's always been my experience.

In our ward its mostly just the young men out by themselves, unless some adults are asked to help that day. But our houses are so close together and our ward boundary is so small it makes since for them to walk.

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I don't see why we still send the deacons around to collect fast offerings.

It is considerably easier from an accounting and cost standpoint to write one check instead of two and include it with the tithing slip when handed to a bishop. It is less burdon on the bishopric, the financial clerks, and the bank...not to mention the individuals themselves.

The only reason I can see to continue it is because it provides an opportunity for the deacons to serve. That being the case most wards have areas where real service that meets needs could be performed by these deacons without creating additional busy work.


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I'm with you RM. The only reason why I think the Deacons need to go around is that (at least in our ward) we have inactive members who contribute a fast offering. It makes sense to visit them, but I'm going to put my fast offering in with my tithing check.

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There are a few reasons why they still send the boys out monthly. The one that comes off the top of my head is, the more the you think about giving, the more you think about it, and of it. Sometimes we lose sight of the reasons why fast offerings are collected and what their real purpose is if we don't have a separate donation for them.

There are also the reasons of allowing the young men the opportunity of fruitful service for a good cause, and allowing people who may not have any other contact with the church the opportunity to give. We have been asked in our ward to wait for the young men to come by to donate, and not tell them we pay with our tithing when they come by.

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I'm with you RM. The only reason why I think the Deacons need to go around is that (at least in our ward) we have inactive members who contribute a fast offering. It makes sense to visit them, but I'm going to put my fast offering in with my tithing check.

I still can't get used to deacons going round collecting fast offerings, wasn't done that way in my home branch or anywhere I served in during my mission. It seems to me a throwback to the days when tithes were primarily paid in produce and such, so it made sense to go round houses and farms during the week.

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Sometimes we lose sight of the reasons why fast offerings are collected and what their real purpose is if we don't have a separate donation for them.

Can't say I've ever noticed that, and I've been submitting fast offerings like that most of my life. If anything, it might actually help emphasise the importance of fast offerings, as they are mentioned next to tithing. The current layout of the form certainly is more suited to that than going door-to-door, which I find a bit annoying.

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I had never even heard of going around to collect fast offerings until I moved to Rexburg, ID! Our ward boundaries were so large, and the members so spread out, that it probably just didn't make sense. Everyone just paid fast offering with tithing, if at all. And when delivering the money from the church to the bank, there were always two people (adults, obvs) doing it. American Fork is probably considered a safe place, otherwise I'm sure the boys would have had an adult with them. It just shows that even safe communities have a few bad apples in them.

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I grew up in a very small ward, I had never heard of deacons collecting fast offerings. Needless to say I was shocked when deacons came to our house at our new ward. I told them we gave it on our tithing slip and thought "wow, that was really weird."

Later I moved into a new ward, and in priesthood they asked if any priestholders would drive the deacons around to collect fast offerings, it was then I realized our church must still do this and my home ward was the strange one.

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This is horrifying. My family is being foreclosed on and we've been on church welfare for some time now. It's sickening to think that people would rob not only God, but also their neighbors of the ability to feed their own families in a time of need. I can't help but wonder if some people had to go without because of what these two idiots did, but thankfully there was no cash.

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This is horrifying. My family is being foreclosed on and we've been on church welfare for some time now. It's sickening to think that people would rob not only God, but also their neighbors of the ability to feed their own families in a time of need. I can't help but wonder if some people had to go without because of what these two idiots did, but thankfully there was no cash.

Nobody would have gone without.

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Wow. When you think you've heard it all... I'm glad there was no cash in the bag.

Our deacons collect fast offerings, usually driven around by someone's father or an older teen as we're too spread out to walk. One week a neighbor knocked on my door with my blue envelope - the boys had dropped it in the street (perhaps as they got in the car?) and not noticed. Thankfully, I have good neighbors.

They seem to have problems with continuity - I don't see them every month and don't know why. I just write the tithing & fast offering on the same check and give it to the bishop.

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  • 4 weeks later...

One of the reasons to have deacons fulfill this calling - even though many members brag that they pay fast offering with tithing. Hmmmmm there is a substantial increase in fast offering paid when deacons collect. It may be a complete surprise to many of you but the L-rd knows what he is doing.

BTW I fully support everything about fast offerings and believe that if we would institute this on a national or global level we would do far far more to end poverty than all the other programs combined. Everyone can participate in a fast (at some level) in order to sacrifice and contribute. Of all the contributions in the LDS church - I believe in and support Fast Offerings the most - and I would not change a thing. I know of nothing anywhere of more benefit to the poor on every front - including in giving by sacrifice and receiving because of other’s went without - because of loving and caring.

The Traveler

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