Another Vent-Sorry


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Just found out that my husband and I can't be sealed for at least another year. I don't want to go into all the reasons. We are not sinning. I am just so upset I needed to vent. I am trying NOT to cry at work, I just needed to get it out, and I can't post this on Facebook. By the time we get sealed, it will be 3 and a half years since we were married. And that's IF everything goes as planned as of now. We might get more set backs, who knows....

It just feels like it's never going to happen, another year is a very, very LONG time!!

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Jennarator, I'm sorry you will need to wait a year. Right now, one year seems like forever. But, in the eternal scheme of things, it's really a short amount of time. The Lord knows the righteous desires of your heart. He knows how much you want to be sealed to your husband. Be patient, (I know--easier said than done), and try to think positive. You will get there. It's just not in the time frame that you had in mind. Sending you hugs.

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I am sorry. :( Reminds me of something, though. Back when the first missionaries went into Preston, England my husbands great grandfather was waiting for them. He had had visions and dreams of a new church in American that would have the truth. When he heard his wife and a neighbor lady talking about some young men with a new religion that had come to town, he ran out to where they were talking. "Do they have a book?" he asked. Then he took off down the street to where they were supposed to be. They did have a book and let him read it which he did in two days. Then he went back to be baptized. I can see him in my mind. All excited that at last they were here and he would finally have found the true church after all the years of searching.

Then they told him they would not baptize him till the next year. Its always confused me because they baptized everyone else who wanted to be baptized. Why not him? Anyway he waited. Then it was next year and he was baptized. What a wonderful day that had to have been! And what a blessing it has been to his family that came after, down through the years. :) I dont know why he had to wait. I am sure it was not for sin. He did wait though. And I am so thankful he did.

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Just found out that my husband and I can't be sealed for at least another year. I don't want to go into all the reasons. We are not sinning. I am just so upset I needed to vent. I am trying NOT to cry at work, I just needed to get it out, and I can't post this on Facebook. By the time we get sealed, it will be 3 and a half years since we were married. And that's IF everything goes as planned as of now. We might get more set backs, who knows....

It just feels like it's never going to happen, another year is a very, very LONG time!!

I got similar news yesterday. It makes me crabby and I want to yell at the Authority about it, A LOT! So, I ran into one of the "Officials after Sacrament service" and my anger melted. In a fatherly tone, he told me that I needed to try to be patient, NOT what I wanted to hear!

Still, his words were comforting, and the Holy Spirit calmed me in a way that I knew I was not to mistreat this Official. I'll survive now, and I don't want to be patient, but I do not have a choice.

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When I have on my worldly glasses I often wonder why they dangle the Temple over our heads as a punishment. It seems that they would be overjoyed that we want to enter the temple. Instead, we get punished for desiring to enter where we should. I have rarely seen punishment end well, when teaching somebody. On the other hand, as Jesus taught, love is a great teacher.

Also take this into consideration, how wonderful you will feel when you do enter the Temple. That anticipation will build and build to make the day even more joyous.

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When the sealing is done, it will taste that much sweeter. There are members of the Church in other countries that I know that have spent their lives saving up the money to attend the temple. Two couples especially come to mind. Two brothers, branch president and his first counselor and their families. Live in the small town of Betanzos, Bolivia. In 1980, the closest temple was in Sao Paolo, Brazil, more than a week away via bus. They saved for 10 years to go. I knew them when I served in my first area, and now saw them as they went through the mission office to get their temple recommend interviews by the mission president (I was mission historian). We expected them back in two weeks, but they did not return for a month. One of the kids was hit by a car and broke an arm, delaying them 2 weeks. By the time they returned to the mission office, they were broke. The mission president paid the rest of their trip out of fast offerings, even though they offered to repay it all by selling off the few remaining things they owned.

Even with all of these struggles, I remember how excited they were as I saw them on the return trip to the mission office. One sister said that it was the best experience of her life, and said, "look! I'm wearing garments!" and lifted her skirt enough to show us the garment on her knee.

Jenn, when you do go to the temple, the experience will be that sweet for you. Do not be discouraged. Just increase your faith and hope, and the time will quickly pass with many spiritual blessings to prepare you all the more.

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It's not punishment. It's being responsible for one's flock, and making sure they are ready to make and keep weighty covenants. Maybe they err too far on the safe side sometimes, but that's better than handing out recommends willy-nilly.

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When I have on my worldly glasses I often wonder why they dangle the Temple over our heads as a punishment. It seems that they would be overjoyed that we want to enter the temple. Instead, we get punished for desiring to enter where we should. I have rarely seen punishment end well, when teaching somebody. On the other hand, as Jesus taught, love is a great teacher.

Also take this into consideration, how wonderful you will feel when you do enter the Temple. That anticipation will build and build to make the day even more joyous.

This is a bunch of malarkey. It isn't used as punishment. It is to ensure all things are in order and ready. The Lord in D&C 88 tells us he expects it to be a house of order. That you have such an attitude suggests you do not understand the concept of sacred space and holiness. I hope you will reconsider your words and rethink such an attitude. I've sat in on many Church councils and their intent is never to punish, but to save. Clearly you do not understand how such things function, and you should be cautious in judging, when you are not involved in such actions.

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When I have on my worldly glasses I often wonder why they dangle the Temple over our heads as a punishment.

Might be a good idea to take off those worldly glasses before looking at and speaking of sacred things.

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When I have on my worldly glasses I often wonder why they dangle the Temple over our heads as a punishment. It seems that they would be overjoyed that we want to enter the temple. Instead, we get punished for desiring to enter where we should. I have rarely seen punishment end well, when teaching somebody. On the other hand, as Jesus taught, love is a great teacher.

Also take this into consideration, how wonderful you will feel when you do enter the Temple. That anticipation will build and build to make the day even more joyous.

We both have recommends and attend the temple. Just can't be sealed. Has to do with our previous sealings. Thing that makes me so upset is that we have been married 2 and a half years so far. Then we have to wait at least another.

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MasterOrator said "When I have on my wordly glasses" that's how he sees things.

I didn't see him saying that's how he thought of it in an LDS aspect or spiritual aspect.

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My point was to let Jen know she is not the only one struggling with this issue... It gets frustrating when you love the Temple and want to experience the blessings; only to be told that you can not enter. However, that does not negate the fact that we are believers. That we love Christ, the prophets, and the Temple. That even know, for a small moment, we get angry at the DECISION, we will still endure well.

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MasterOrator said "When I have on my wordly glasses" that's how he sees things.

I didn't see him saying that's how he thought of it in an LDS aspect or spiritual aspect.

I apologize if I came across as critical.

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My point was to let Jen know she is not the only one struggling with this issue... It gets frustrating when you love the Temple and want to experience the blessings; only to be told that you can not enter. However, that does not negate the fact that we are believers. That we love Christ, the prophets, and the Temple. That even know, for a small moment, we get angry at the DECISION, we will still endure well.

I got it. Thanks. I understood your first post. I need to put on my eternal glasses and see this wait as a drop in the bucket as everyone says. I agree and my mind tells me this, but it is hard and seems unfair....

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Thanks for the support everyone. It's really nice to know that I can vent and people hear me.

I love my husband and will wait. In the mean time we can still enjoy endowment sessions.

I wish I didn't have to wait, but I guess I have to. I am praying the time will pass fast and there are no other hold ups. It's not going to be an easy wait, but it will be worth it. :)

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I don't have Temple Priveleges and it is uncertain when I will. Most of the time I handle it well because I know that Heavenly Father is guiding his prophet.

Sometimes I feel a bit off, and get emotional about it, saying to my self that if they are gonna treat me that way, it is half a membership, so I only have to pay half a Tithe. That along with other petulant, immature thoughts are draining. It is awfully hard to get through evening prayers with out yeilding to Heavenly Father and feeling quite contrite.

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When I have on my worldly glasses I often wonder why they dangle the Temple over our heads as a punishment. It seems that they would be overjoyed that we want to enter the temple. Instead, we get punished for desiring to enter where we should. I have rarely seen punishment end well, when teaching somebody. On the other hand, as Jesus taught, love is a great teacher.

Also take this into consideration, how wonderful you will feel when you do enter the Temple. That anticipation will build and build to make the day even more joyous.

wow. What in the world are you saying? Having to wait is not punishment. The wait is for a reason. Probably to make sure the people understand the commitments they are making. Sure it would be great to go to the temple the minute a person is baptized but it is not enough time for them to live the covenants they have already made. The year gives them a time to be sure.

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