So the Antarctic ice shelf really isn't melting? Who knew?

john doe

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I thought we were all going to die by 2050 because Human-caused Global Warming was making all the ice in Antarctica melt, causing the oceans to rise 200 feet (okay, I made that number up) and destroy Los Angeles and all the other coastal cities in the world. But now they actually measured things (weird that they thought to do that) and found out that the ice caps are not melting any faster than they are building back up. Antarctic ice shelves not melting at all, new field data show • The Register

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I am going to find that questionable. It would be great news though wouldnt it? :) Problem with it is that satellite photos do seem to show the ice mass shrinking, rather considerably. Maybe we will hear more about this soon.

So you're going to trust satellite photos over actual physical measurements. Okay.

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I thought we were all going to die by 2050 because Human-caused Global Warming was making all the ice in Antarctica melt, causing the oceans to rise 200 feet (okay, I made that number up) and destroy Los Angeles and all the other coastal cities in the world. But now they actually measured things (weird that they thought to do that) and found out that the ice caps are not melting any faster than they are building back up. Antarctic ice shelves not melting at all, new field data show • The Register

It's all part of the terror that is Global Climate Change®!!!

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I think the study itself wasn't reported very accurately. The abstract of the actual study seems to indicate the following:

-Observations were limited to one specific ice shelf in eastern Antarctica

-Ice shelves melt in a different way than we previously thought, only melting in the summer/fall months under certain conditions

-Our previous way of modeling ice shelf melting is probably somewhat inaccurate

Certainly not "omg global warming is a scam!!1" but it's a step towards better understanding on how ice shelves melt and why. I wish I was at BYU at the moment so I could read the study.

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1. Thou shalt not question the destructive nature of climate change.

2. Thou shalt not question humanity's role as the leading cause of destructive climate change.

3. Thou shalt automatically assume anyone who does question, is a tool of the right, and probably beats their domestic servants.

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I dont put any study over another just because it may support my own ideas. I might LIKE it better! :) It makes sense to me to not jump to conclusions about this or any other study without more thought. lol I have been thinking about global warming since 1970 and havent come to a conclusion for myself about its accuracy yet! One study is not going to convince me. One study shouldnt convince anyone.

As time goes on I have come to think while there may well be changes, they probably arent unusual, just 'disruptive'. There do seem to be changes but those changes are at best confusing.

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Many will disbelieve you, john doe, or at least pretend to. Even those of us who lived through the '70s and experienced the "impending Ice Age return!" hullaballoo are told that we are misremembering, or that it was a localized phenomenon, or whatever.

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That's amazing, since in the 1970s the worry was that we were headed for global cooling and another Ice Age. Good to know you were so far ahead of the curve on that one.

lol no. I had a geography teacher in college that was one of the leading 'lights' on the global warming.l He explained that there would be a global warming that would lead to more dense atmosphere with more evaporation which would provide a cloud cover preventing the heat from the sun from reaching the earth and that would throw us into an ice age.

Its all tied in together.

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Bottom line is this:

Scientists will alarm us and support whatever theory will get them their next GOVERNMENT GRANT or frankly, any sort of donation.

Some will call this cynical. I call it obvious, and those who don't believe it I call naive.

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