Is smoking marijuana viewed as a sin?

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I have smoked marijuana a handful of times with my friends but have stopped since I am unsure if I am sinning. I find that It can make me very spiritual and I can connect to the bible better but still that doesn't mean it's okay to do. What do you guys think of marijuana? Is it a sin? if so how bad of a sin?

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What does it matter "how bad" a sin is? Degree is only important if in determining your obligation to inform your Bishop; which this case I would opine hardly qualifies. If you are feeling concerned and not at peace then perhaps it is HE that you should be talking to... why are you the mindset of something to hide? Who is telling you to hide it?

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Good to see some responses. My parents view my smoking of cannabis as sin and are going to talk to my bishop. I am not so sure it is a sin since I am doing no harm to me nor any one else. I don't really hide my smoking unless there are police or children around. In my opinion I think marijuana makes me a more faithful and true mormon.

Eowyn: Why do you say smoking cannabis is a sin? I am curious to hear you opinion.

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We are to seek the Spirit through natural means. Marijuana or any other intoxicant does not make us more spiritual. Instead, it opens us up to feelings and emotions that are not necessarily of the Spirit, but can convince us otherwise. While marijuana is a milder intoxicant, it nonetheless can impede us. Use of marijuana can lead to brain damage, change in a person's behavior, etc.

I've known hard working people getting great grades in high school and college, who began toking. After a time, their desire to learn and grow diminished. They closed down many of their social relationships that were leading them to do good things, and only hung out with other potheads.

Occasionally, a person can have a bad trip. Working in a prison, we recently had a guy smoke some Spice (synthetic marijuana), which caused him to become agitated. From there, he jumped the fence, and now will spend many more years in prison because of his escape. Just a few days ago, I was hearing officer/judge for another prisoner, who was found out of his dorm at night. Under the influence of Spice, he said he was "going home" and was not truly aware of what he was doing. When I gave him an extra year in prison, he thought I was unfair, until I asked him that instead of wandering out of the dorm on his bad trip, what if he had chosen to beat a staff member to death?

Marijuana is a gateway drug to worse drugs. Eventually, your marijuana use will not be as effective for you, as the body becomes accustomed to the high. So it means toking more or going to harsher drugs to satisfy the need for the high. Addiction, btw, IS a sin, and leads to worse things. Half of my prisoners are in for drug-related crimes, usually theft or robbery.

Finally, your bishop will tell you that using intoxicants of any kind is breaking the Word of Wisdom. Several apostles have stated that just because the WoW does not specifically mention a drug, does not mean it does not apply. We are told that the only appropriate drugs are those prescribed by a doctor, and then only in the manner properly prescribed. So, the person addicted to pain medication can also be breaking the Word of Wisdom, if they are not careful. Too many times I've heard alcoholics and drug addicts tell me that it isn't hurting anyone, or that we shouldn't judge them for their addiction. I'm here to say that alcoholism and drug addiction lead to tens of thousands of traffic deaths each year, tens of thousands of domestic abuse each year, suicide, and crimes. I personally know a young man who got stoned with his friends and then went out shooting people on the highway. They killed several people. He is now in prison for life. Sad incident, given his mother was a fine LDS woman, and his brother was a branch president at the time.

If you want to feel closer to the Spirit, find natural ways of getting closer. I find spending time in nature helps me, as does time in the temple or studying the scriptures. With these, there are zero side effects that can ruin lives.

Edited by rameumptom
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It is a sin against the Word of Wisdom.


Alma 45:16 And he said: Thus saith the Lord God—Cursed shall be the land, yea, this land, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, unto destruction, which do wickedly, when they are fully ripe; and as I have said so shall it be; for this is the cursing and the blessing of God upon the land, for the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.

D&C 19:20 20 Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, yea, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit.

I wish I could express just how much it requires a broken heart and contrite spirit to come unto Christ; to have clean hands and a pure heart. As long as we do anything other than this, we will always be damning ourselves. And we will wish the rocks to fall upon us to hide our wickedness, rather than face our perfect, loving Savior while even one spot shall remain upon our garments.

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Assuming that you're sincere and not just having a little Sunday afternoon fun, I'll post a little more, from

Avoid any drink, drug, chemical, or dangerous practice that is used to produce a “high” or other artificial effect that may harm your body or mind. Some of these include marijuana, hard drugs, prescription or over-the-counter medications that are abused, and household chemicals. Use of these substances can lead to addiction and can destroy your mind and your body.

Addictions harm your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They damage relationships with family and friends and diminish your feelings of self-worth. They limit your ability to make choices for yourself. If you are struggling with any type of addiction, seek help from your parents and your bishop now.

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Getting stoned for me has become more for a spiritual reason. I don't understand how it isn't natural because our brains are meant to read these chemicals. I feel that in order to totally understand what life is you may need to look at it from a different point of view, like an altered state of mind. When I am high I feel like i have a connection to god or can see proof that he has made this world we live in today. I am also more interested and motivated to go to church, and read the bible. Around a month ago I was thinking about halting my beliefs in god. Marijuana has changed that for me. I have talked to my friends about this and they tell me that hallucinogens are what I need if I'm interested in spiritual answers and journeys but that may be while from now before I think of trying any of that.

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I'll give her a nickle per dandelion (from my property).

My flowers are your weeds

Getting stoned for me has become more for a spiritual reason. I don't understand how it isn't natural because our brains are meant to read these chemicals. I feel that in order to totally understand what life is you may need to look at it from a different point of view, like an altered state of mind. When I am high I feel like i have a connection to god or can see proof that he has made this world we live in today. I am also more interested and motivated to go to church, and read the bible. Around a month ago I was thinking about halting my beliefs in god. Marijuana has changed that for me. I have talked to my friends about this and they tell me that hallucinogens are what I need if I'm interested in spiritual answers and journeys but that may be while from now before I think of trying any of that.

When you try and stop a semi with your bare hands because you think your superman and your family is devastated by their loss are you still going to be insisting you aren't hurting anyone but yourself?

Edited by jerome1232
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12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

(emphasis mine)

Smoking marijuana is illegal, which by default makes it a sin (though not everything that's legal is un-sinful).

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Getting stoned for me has become more for a spiritual reason. I don't understand how it isn't natural because our brains are meant to read these chemicals. I feel that in order to totally understand what life is you may need to look at it from a different point of view, like an altered state of mind. When I am high I feel like i have a connection to god or can see proof that he has made this world we live in today. I am also more interested and motivated to go to church, and read the bible. Around a month ago I was thinking about halting my beliefs in god. Marijuana has changed that for me. I have talked to my friends about this and they tell me that hallucinogens are what I need if I'm interested in spiritual answers and journeys but that may be while from now before I think of trying any of that.

I don't view smoking pot as a sin anymore than drinking coffee or using tobacco or alcohol. It is however disobedience and well....blessings are predicated on obedience.

If you now have a desire to seek the Lord and grow spiritually, do you think that would cease if you stopped smoking? If the answer is yes or maybe, then that is likely a good indication that you should stop. If the answer is no, then stop so you can grow.

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For a moment, I am going to step outside religion and the Word of Wisdom and scripture and all of that...

I sincerely believe that moderation in all things could be applied to marijuana, alchohol, etc. There are people who are able to use such substances in moderation without any physical harm, sometimes even some benefits. All things were placed on the earth for our use.

Okay, that being said, I am going to step back into religion, WoW, etc.,

We have been commanded not to use these things in such ways.


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I find that It can make me very spiritual and I can connect to the bible better but still that doesn't mean it's okay to do.

Smoking pot is, as others have expressed, a sin. It is breaking the commandment, as another has expressed, within the word of wisdom.

I am always dumbfounded when people try to promulgate this argument, "it makes me very spiritual and I can connect to the bible better." It is similar to a young man I spoke with once who said he was a better artist after he smoked marijuana. Smoking pot doesn't enhance any ability of the human intellect, athletic skill, or spiritual capacity.

When your mind is hazed by marijuana you will not be able to think better, or even be intuned to the voice of the spirit when reading the bible.

It would be like a husband saying he is a better husband when he is on marijuana. You will need to really study more and understand more what it means to be "spiritual".

You will be better off in the long run deciding now never to smoke cannabis again.

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Smoking pot is, as others have expressed, a sin. It is breaking the commandment, as another has expressed, within the word of wisdom.

I am always dumbfounded when people try to promulgate this argument, "it makes me very spiritual and I can connect to the bible better." It is similar to a young man I spoke with once who said he was a better artist after he smoked marijuana. Smoking pot doesn't enhance any ability of the human intellect, athletic skill, or spiritual capacity.

When your mind is hazed by marijuana you will not be able to think better, or even be intuned to the voice of the spirit when reading the bible.

It would be like a husband saying he is a better husband when he is on marijuana. You will need to really study more and understand more what it means to be "spiritual".

You will be better off in the long run deciding now never to smoke cannabis again.

While I'm certainly not arguing in the OP favor, I understand that some significant scientific and/or mathematic (I can't remember which or if both) theories have been concocted while under the influence of LSD, likely because it puts you into a different state of mind and you see things from another perspective than any increase in intellect.

Just had to play devils advocate on this one.

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