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This has the feel of a shake down. Stop funding our political opponents or you won't be doing business in our town. The vibe I get is very much like what happened to the Susan B. Kohlman Foundation, when they said they may stop funneling a small % of their donations to Planned Parenthood.

I'm beginning to think that TOLERANCE is something we're meant to give, but were never meant to receive.

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Norah...Komen caved...they reversed course in a mere three days, responding to Planned Parenthood's overt campaign of intimidation with a promise restore the relationship.

In contrast, Chik-fil-a decided to end its 15-minutes of fame and go back to making fried chicken sandwiches. Very few businesses can survive long-term when their primary mission becomes over-shadowed by political-issue-messaging.

Edited by prisonchaplain
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So, I guess the question is, does Chick-Fil-A still give money to the Family Research Council or not. You all remember the Family Research Council, right? They made the news last month when that gay rights supporter, carrying a backpack full of Chick-fil-A sandwiches, walked into their headquarters and shot their security guard?

Nothing sez 'tolerate diversity' like shooting a security guard in a building full of people that see things differently than you.

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Does the media ever get it right anymore?

It does:

(This is the column in which a departing editor writes about the NYT culture of liberal bias)

However, these rare occasions when it stumbles upon truth-about-self prove the general rule that when it comes to bias, the media is drowning in that river called Denial.

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Just read today the same piece, that they had made no concessions.

Thanks for posting it prisonchaplin.

Why did the media make it sound the other way around?

I hope they are not giving in to make more money. We like their food and always good service.

Yet we gave up Penney's when they took the wrong example to be their spokesperson.

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I suppose if a personal choice is made to avoid a company because of their beliefs and supportings, there's nothing wrong with that.

But I can't wrap my head around those that choose to boycott/avoid something and THEN continue to pout that the company's beliefs didn't change.

I mean, you're already boycotting them, they've lost your business, what more do you want?

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