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I have been having google problems lately. It is not pulling anything up today. I guess you are just going to have to either believe me or consider me deranged. :)

It's not about believing you - I believe you saw something on the internet. It's about evaluating your source. It might be a good legitimate source or a funny stupid bad sensationalistic agenda-driven make-stuffey-uppey source - or something in between.

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It's not about believing you - I believe you saw something on the internet. It's about evaluating your source. It might be a good legitimate source or a funny stupid bad sensationalistic agenda-driven make-stuffey-uppey source - or something in between.

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Good point and that is exactly why I was looking for it earlier. :) I like to post my sources.

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What anti Mormon groups are there to donate to? Are they just churches? Or are there actual companies that do nothing but promote anti-Mormon literature?

It's just churches from what I know, and atheists, oh and of course "recoverers from Mormonism". Even Jeremiah Ministries (or whatever they are called) would be considered a church although I don't think any sane person would go there. Sermons about "Mormons worship Satan" each sunday would be a little dull for me in the long run.

And, of course, it's the churches losing active members to our Church, so there is plenty of reason to fight us. Anti-Mormonism comes down to this, and nothing more.

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Lol I find this CFA thing blown way out of proportion.. and the LGBT community is going to have a kiss-out in CFA? What are they trying to prove here? CFA isn't against gays, nor is their CEO... and there are protestors? Seriously? How stupid could this get?... Oh well, atleast CFA is rolling in money right now lol

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Lol I find this CFA thing blown way out of proportion.. and the LGBT community is going to have a kiss-out in CFA? What are they trying to prove here? CFA isn't against gays, nor is their CEO... and there are protestors? Seriously? How stupid could this get?... Oh well, atleast CFA is rolling in money right now lol

That's always the thing with organizing a boycott, by getting the word out concerning the boycott you get the name of the company out there.

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That's always the thing with organizing a boycott, by getting the word out concerning the boycott you get the name of the company out there.

That's exactly how Harry Potter became so popular. :D

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That's exactly how Harry Potter became so popular. :D

Yep, though there was the added benefit of people buying copies to burn. A sale is a sale, I'm sure the publisher was more than happy to sell a copy regardless of it was going to end up in a fire or on a bookshelf.

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Chick-fil-A brand health dives 40 percent after anti-LGBT remarks | The Raw Story

I am seeing this all over google but it seems to be in stark contrast to the long lines around the actual stores. Wonder which is accurate.

I'd say it's more about what matters, "brand health" or money. I'm yet to hear something like "We're bankrupt but our brand health is great!" from an enterpreneur. It could be just me though, but I'll remain with what I stated at the beginning of this whole Chick-Fil-A quarrel: CFA is going to be the only winner of it.

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I'd say it's more about what matters, "brand health" or money. I'm yet to hear something like "We're bankrupt but our brand health is great!" from an enterpreneur. It could be just me though, but I'll remain with what I stated at the beginning of this whole Chick-Fil-A quarrel: CFA is going to be the only winner of it.

it wouldnt surprise me to find he had done it deliberately, going after a religious clientele. I was reading earlier that they are worth something like 47 million so perhaps they have decided that they could be more specific in their target clientele. I would say it is working very well since so many are going there for the 1st time just to back his free speech rights.

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it wouldnt surprise me to find he had done it deliberately, going after a religious clientele. I was reading earlier that they are worth something like 47 million so perhaps they have decided that they could be more specific in their target clientele. I would say it is working very well since so many are going there for the 1st time just to back his free speech rights.

It's not done deliberately. Dan Cathy's statements was made in an interview for Baptist Press. BAPTIST Press. Where he regularly gets interviewed as one of the prominent Christians out there. And nowhere in his statement did he mention GAY marriage.

It's not a secret that Chik-Fil-A is an organization that follows Christian values. I mean, they handed out Veggie tales CDs with their happy meals for a while there! I have the complete set!

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I love veggie tales. would have gone for those even after my kids were grown!

I am cynical but he has always seemed to be very media savvy. He knows his audience and plays it very well.

Anne, I'm trying, but I just can't seem to grasp what you're saying. The entire Cathy Family is very active in humanitarian endeavors. They have a lot of them. All of their media engagements are centered around those endeavors as well as their faith (think Tim Tebow type speaking engagements and media opportunities like putting an ad in the Superbowl to talk about his mother's pro-life organization). Dan Cathy is regularly invited to speak outside of these endeavors by organizations wanting him to talk about his enterpreneurship. These are usually in Chambers of Commerce or graduation speeches.

I don't understand what you mean by "media savvy". It seems like you are assigning a negative connotation to it. If you're talking media savvy like - The LDS Church is very media savvy in the way they promoted, then okay, I don't really see anything negative about that.

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8:30PM here and Chik-Fil-A is still packed to the brim that the parking lot of the strip mall has taken on a tailgating feel with people eating their chicken sandwiches on the back of trucks. It's quite a party...

P.S. I went inside just to see how the staff is doing and very interestingly, some of the staff and a lot of the customers in line are singing to the overhead radio. I asked some people and they've been waiting almost an hour! And they're happy about it. It's quite an interesting phenomenon. No reports of unruly behavior or anything. They ran out of some items on the menu like milk and salad... nobody seems to care much.

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We had our lunch a little later, yet it was still crowded here in Missouri.

Just a simple way of voting for family values being spoken out for. That is refreshing.

And as for taking sides, well you couldn't tell if you were standing beside a Baptist or LDS, or Catholic or an anti-anything.

Good food. The waffle fries are yummy.

Spending our money however we choose, how American is that?

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