Ann Romney and garment question


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Yesterday I was upset.This morning I am laughing. I will not be making anymore posts on this forum because I don't know how to word my words right.I know this.Been a problem all my life.This is why I don't like to give talks or bear my testimony.Im so afraid of saying something that is wrong and I have done so many times not meaning what others are thinking Im meaning.I know i shouldn't be here.Was it moses that had someone speak for him? Like I said yesterday I am sorry.What I was laughing at this morning was that I mentioned Marie Osmond and noone has said anything about her. Poor Marie.Doesn't anyone care if shes wearing garments? Thank goodness I never went on a mission.The damage I could have done not knowing.Maybe this is why I sing instead of speak. I know where I belong.In the corner with my mouth shut. I do thank those who gave me answers about what to do on stage. I don't want them to show so I think I will just be more careful about the outfits I choose.Don't think I can go without them and feel right. one more thing if Anne Romney would answer my call I sure would apologize to her and Im willing to bet she would forgive me........if I could figure out what Im sorry for. Back to my corner.

I think your post point out something that I believe very strongly. You speak of damage and this is a most interesting concept. I am convinced that the damage of sin or error the we create is completely reversed and taken care of by the atonement of Christ. Sure sin and mistakes are embarrassing but not lasting and in reality unavoidable. But my point is that all your sorrow and sadness caused by whatever can be removed from you - forever. You get a 100% free pass to make all the mistakes possible. The only real damage is the damage one does to themself that they will not repent of and let the Savior release them for the bondage of sorrow. That you are sorry tells me you are willing to forgive everyone but yourself. Please forgive yourself - for no other reason that I believe you contribute valuable concepts and ideas.

But there is another side of the atonement. That is that regardless of what anyone else says or does to us - we can eliminate any possibility of any damage to our tender soul by forgiving them knowing Christ has freed us from all that damage. Thus the only damage is that which we do to ourselves in blaming others as an excuse for behaviors or choices.

The Traveler

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Yesterday I was upset.This morning I am laughing. I will not be making anymore posts on this forum because I don't know how to word my words right.I know this.Been a problem all my life.This is why I don't like to give talks or bear my testimony.Im so afraid of saying something that is wrong and I have done so many times not meaning what others are thinking Im meaning.I know i shouldn't be here.Was it moses that had someone speak for him? Like I said yesterday I am sorry.What I was laughing at this morning was that I mentioned Marie Osmond and noone has said anything about her. Poor Marie.Doesn't anyone care if shes wearing garments? Thank goodness I never went on a mission.The damage I could have done not knowing.Maybe this is why I sing instead of speak. I know where I belong.In the corner with my mouth shut. I do thank those who gave me answers about what to do on stage. I don't want them to show so I think I will just be more careful about the outfits I choose.Don't think I can go without them and feel right. one more thing if Anne Romney would answer my call I sure would apologize to her and Im willing to bet she would forgive me........if I could figure out what Im sorry for. Back to my corner.

I'm not sure I understand this newest post? Your orginal said you were a performer. Are you performing now. Because this post seems at odds with the first.

To answer the original question, if as an actor your particular "costume" does not allow for wearing your garments properly, then of course you wouldn't. This could be said for anyone whos profession would not allow them to wear their garments in the way we are professional athlete, actor

After saying that however, don't misunderstand that I'm saying that on an everyday basis we adjust our garments to fit whatever clothing we "desire" to wear.

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Like others have I said I would assume the only reason not to wear garments on stage or in sports is if the garments would be exposed.

There's also the issue of clothing changes; I worked a job for a while where it wasn't uncommon to go through 3-4 uniform changes (and showers) in a shift. The company provided the outer clothing, and most of us guys in that department had the cheapest briefs we could get because even boxers were just extra fabric to get waterlogged and/or soak up dangerous chemicals. One of the women there told me she bought the flimsiest bras and panties she could find by the case at the flea market for the same reason.

Depending on what you got soaked with on a given day, it wasn't uncommon to just toss the non-uniform items straight in the trash and let the company's laundry service worry about the rest.

Having seen how much I can sweat on stage, I could see wanting a full change of underwear during costume changes too. Plain old boxers have the distinct advantage in that situation of not needing to be treated with respect while you're rushing to be ready for the next scene; shuck 'em, leave 'em where they land, and clean up after the show.

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Yesterday I was upset.This morning I am laughing. I will not be making anymore posts on this forum because I don't know how to word my words right.I know this.Been a problem all my life.This is why I don't like to give talks or bear my testimony.Im so afraid of saying something that is wrong and I have done so many times not meaning what others are thinking Im meaning.I know i shouldn't be here.Was it moses that had someone speak for him? Like I said yesterday I am sorry.What I was laughing at this morning was that I mentioned Marie Osmond and noone has said anything about her. Poor Marie.Doesn't anyone care if shes wearing garments? Thank goodness I never went on a mission.The damage I could have done not knowing.Maybe this is why I sing instead of speak. I know where I belong.In the corner with my mouth shut. I do thank those who gave me answers about what to do on stage. I don't want them to show so I think I will just be more careful about the outfits I choose.Don't think I can go without them and feel right. one more thing if Anne Romney would answer my call I sure would apologize to her and Im willing to bet she would forgive me........if I could figure out what Im sorry for. Back to my corner.

Marie's garment wearing is between her and the Lord. As is Anne' is any member's. You are doing an unfairness to people when you speculate in public about their garment-wearing, as you leave the impression that you are saying they don't wear garments. Having been in the business as long as she has, Marie has endured on more than one occasion public specualtion on whether she wears garments. Rude interviewers have even directly asked the question. But their speculation is not appropriate and neither is anyone else's. While people outside the church might not understand this (and others bring up the garment question to be deliberately provocative), members of the church should know better to speculate or gossip about who is wearing garments and who is not.

To decide to not wear the garments just because someone else may or may not be wearing them in a given situation, is not necessarily an appropriate reaction. To put someone in the situation of their garment wearing being speculated upon is unfair and inappropriate.

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Leah, I don't care I don't care I don't care who wears garments or not!!! I have apoligised over and over and over.IM SORRY!!!!! When someone apoligizes your suppose to forgive them.I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry!!! I don't know what else to say.I beg for your forgiveness.Im so sorry I ever brought this up you can believe me it won't happened again. You are missing my question and not getting it AT ALL.I sure have learned my lesson.I guess my original question should have been. Is it ok to wear garments when you are a performer? I asked it all wrong and wasn't thinking.Boy I wish I could go back. If you only knew. Why do you keep digging? I already feel horrible.I feel more than horrible about this but I don't know what to do to make it better.

Edited by angel333
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nobody's mentioned the three S's of garment wearing. Wear at all times except for: Swimming, sports, sex...

Seriously though, who looks up a woman's skirts to determine what kind of underwear they are wearing? need to do what you feel is right as regards to garments. It was stated early on in the thread that we are not to be instructed/commanded in all things.

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nobody's mentioned the three S's of garment wearing. Wear at all times except for: Swimming, sports, sex...

Seriously though, who looks up a woman's skirts to determine what kind of underwear they are wearing? need to do what you feel is right as regards to garments. It was stated early on in the thread that we are not to be instructed/commanded in all things.

The three S's?

At girls camp one year at the end of the hike there was small water fall and pond. We were there because my husband was in the Bishopric. Swimming wasn't planned. The girls got in the water. My husband being who he is ended up in the water having a water fight with the girls. He got some flack from one YW leader in particular. How dare he go swimming with his garments on!!!:eek:

What? You can't get wet with your clothes on? For Pete's sake, he didn't get undressed down to his garments and then get in the water. Now that really would have been inappropriate.

Which brings me to another point that has been bugging me in this thread. My husband is a Contractor. If he was worried about sweating in his garments he wouldn't be wearing them to work. I know...we all get to choose. I can't for the life of me see the difference in sweating while working and sweating while working out. :eek:

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I can't for the life of me see the difference in sweating while working and sweating while working out. :eek:

I can definitely understand this argument.

I only work out in garments at home. I do not wear them to the gym. My excuse, sadly enough, is the layers--they bug me when I'm working out. At home I can garments and nothing else.

I have an office job in a place with decent air conditioning, so I don't comprehend sweating while at work. The last time I did a "job with sweating" my uniform consisted of a swim suit.

As it is, I sometimes feel like the "I don't like layers and the garments don't fit under my workout clothes" is a major excuse. Perhaps it's a sign to change my ways.

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As an active member of the LDS faith, I am dumbfounded by this blog post as well as the story on the news. The garment is sacred. Not something to speculate, judge, or debate on a public blog.

Edited by pam
Have to be careful with the rules of the site regarding comments about political candidates.
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As an active member of the LDS faith, I am dumbfounded by this blog post as well as the story on the news. The garment is sacred. Not something to speculate, judge, or debate on a public blog...

What public blog? Are you talking about this forum?


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Ok its no one elses buisness but you / your Bishop / the obvious individuals.... You cannot assume that she isn't wearing them unless you take her clothes off and who gives you the right to judge jeez. This is how nasty rumors are started, kind of selfish comment.

Garment discussion should be between you and your Bishop.

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