All out? Or not?


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Girls Night is rapidly approaching and the task of preordering tickets has fallen upon me. We are going to see one of the first viewings of Twilight 5 but are torn between doing the all out marathon or just part 5. Out of the four of us, only two are hardcore Twifans, and are already planning their sparkly vampire makeovers.. The other two, me included, aren't entirely sure we're wanting to sit through 10+ hours of Bella's mopey moments and Edward's emotionally void stares.. I understand the idea of the marathon is for re-cap and build-up to the newest addition but.. in particular there was one part of the Twilight series (I think it was part 3) that was terribly terribly boring. If we could skip that one part, maybe the marathon idea wouldn't feel so painful? Should we just flip a coin? LOL.

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I'd have to be really committed to a story and love the movies to do that. Harry Potter over a few days, maybe. Lord of the Rings, definitely.

When the last LOTR movie came out, the local theater hosted a marathon on premiere night. All 3 movies in a row. The tickets were $40. I surprised my husband with one (we had a new baby so I couldn't have done 9 hours or whatever of movies). He got a migraine not even halfway into it and had to come home. :(

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Okay, as a movie buff who sat through all 6 Star Wars movies, 3 LOTR movies, 8 HP movies, 3 Batman movies, etc... I can tell you, it can be really fun.

BUT TWILIGHT? I mean, c'mon, I barely sat through the first one the first time I saw it. It was so terribly acted and directed. I mean, okay, if you want continuity with the book - you can sit through the last movie to lead in to the new one - they're from the same book after all. But even THAT I wouldn't be able to do... the last book is not worth 2 movies... and that's why the last movie was soooooooo boring and dragging.

The 2nd movie held promise with Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning... but even those 2 couldn't save the scene from Kristen Stewart. Taylor Lautner - love the guy from Sharkboy - was terrible... but then, I don't think the audience cared after he took off his shirt. Blech.

So yeah, we're probably going to catch the midnight show again for Twilight 5 - because my husband really likes the show. And no, it's not because of Taylor's abs... he doesn't care how terrible a movie is as long as it's about vampires and werewolves... and it's rare to find vampires on a PG-13 movie.

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The "Twilight" movies have not been great films, just as (I have heard) the Twilight books were not great literature. But they (the movies, at least) have been decent, non-profane, and reasonably entertaining, which is more than can be said for many movies today, including very popular movies. The first movie took a while to warm up, and I think the second movie dragged a bit, but I thought the third was the best of the bunch. I am sure I will be taking my wife to see the fourth, and I expect I will enjoy the evening out with her.

It's easy to be a critic, and you get to feel smart. But as the food critic in the Pixar film "Ratatouille" said:

In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.

I don't shy away from criticizing things I think are critic-worthy, especially when I sense duplicity or hypocrisy. But I always remember the critic's self-criticism. Destruction is easy; creation is hard.

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The "Twilight" movies have not been great films, just as (I have heard) the Twilight books were not great literature. But they (the movies, at least) have been decent, non-profane, and reasonably entertaining, which is more than can be said for many movies today, including very popular movies. The first movie took a while to warm up, and I think the second movie dragged a bit, but I thought the third was the best of the bunch. I am sure I will be taking my wife to see the fourth, and I expect I will enjoy the evening out with her.

It's easy to be a critic, and you get to feel smart. But as the food critic in the Pixar film "Ratatouille" said:

In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.

I don't shy away from criticizing things I think are critic-worthy, especially when I sense duplicity or hypocrisy. But I always remember the critic's self-criticism. Destruction is easy; creation is hard.

I appreciate the sentiment, but with Twilight - creation is very easy. The fanaticism is such that you can put poop on the screen and it will be a hit.

And splitting the last book into 2 movies is just.... milking the fat cow.

The movies are of course, decent and non-profane. Target audience: Tweens.

The reaction of married women to shirtless boys... eh, byproduct of an indecent society.

Okay, okay, you can tell I really don't like these movies. :D

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Okay, as a movie buff who sat through all 6 Star Wars movies, 3 LOTR movies, 8 HP movies, 3 Batman movies, etc... I can tell you, it can be really fun.

BUT TWILIGHT? I mean, c'mon, I barely sat through the first one the first time I saw it. It was so terribly acted and directed. I mean, okay, if you want continuity with the book - you can sit through the last movie to lead in to the new one - they're from the same book after all. But even THAT I wouldn't be able to do... the last book is not worth 2 movies... and that's why the last movie was soooooooo boring and dragging.

I fell asleep during the first one. I kid you not! I was having a special late night with my 14 yr old DD since she wanted so badly for me to see it. Actually, we both fell asleep. :lol:

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Guest SquidMom

I liked the books okay, but the movies were disappointing. However, you kinda have to finish them anyway, it feels like. I want to see the last one, but can totally wait for Netflix. My 12 y/o daughter is dyin to see it, but I won't let her until I have the ability to FF through the wedding night scene!

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I love going to the movies, and go often. But, I have never seen any of the Twilight movies. Just a preference. Now if it was an all Batman, Pirates of Carib I'd go. But with the price of movies and popcorn, I'd have to pass.

It's funny you mention this, cause a couple of my friends want me to go see this movie with them. My response "not for a million dollars".

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I'd have to be really committed to a story and love the movies to do that. Harry Potter over a few days, maybe. Lord of the Rings, definitely.

When the last LOTR movie came out, the local theater hosted a marathon on premiere night. All 3 movies in a row. The tickets were $40. I surprised my husband with one (we had a new baby so I couldn't have done 9 hours or whatever of movies). He got a migraine not even halfway into it and had to come home. :(


I've done LOTR marathons of the extended versions. True fans know how to survive. :P

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I would not consider myself a "fan". The allure of doing Twilight 5 this weekend is more of just going out with the girls (without husbands, boyfriends or kiddos) and having fun.

I think we've decided to just do Twilight 5 and not the marathon.

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Aw, Bini...I'm sorry. I just have a nervous tic that makes me do silly things when someone mentions Twilight...I didn't mean to make light of your thread. :(

I think a night out with the gals sounds like a load of fun...I don't know if I could sit through more than 4-5 hours worth of movies, though. Dinner and a movie sans hubby and kids would be faboo! Kind of jealous. :D

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I would not consider myself a "fan". The allure of doing Twilight 5 this weekend is more of just going out with the girls (without husbands, boyfriends or kiddos) and having fun.

I think we've decided to just do Twilight 5 and not the marathon.

How about a two-fer? Wreck-it Ralph and Twilight 5? At least if Twilight 5 sucks really bad, you can bask in the afterglow of Wreck-it Ralph. :D

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Yep, I'd seriously rather have my eyes gouged out than sit through 10 hours of Twilight movies. I couldn't even get through 2 minutes of that dreck last summer when one came on TV.

No, you wouldn't. I have an uncle that got his left eye gouged out and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't recommend it..

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How about a two-fer? Wreck-it Ralph and Twilight 5? At least if Twilight 5 sucks really bad, you can bask in the afterglow of Wreck-it Ralph. :D

I'm not worried about Twilight 5 sucking. I'm going because I'm looking forward to having an awesome Girls Night with my three good friends, regardless, of the poorly written script or poor acting :)

I still want to see Wreck It Ralph, although, I heard just today that it got "good" reviews but not "great" reviews. Like I said, I'll still see it. Now, I did see James Bond: Skyfall and I did enjoy it, however, it lacked the 007 feel that the other movies had (less action, less sensual scenes, less humour). But Daniel Craig did a fine job as the leading man. That said, I hold a special place in my heart for the old Bond days.. I've seen every, single, one.

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If people are dressing up. Definitely go to all of them in a row. That is the best part of going. Myself, I love terrible movies, but these jsut fall in the middle somewhere and doesnt deserve either a marathon or a midnight. I am saving my midnight-ed-ness for the Hobbit.

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The only conceivable way I can stomach any of it...:bouncingclap:

I thank the Lord for Rifftrax every day. :D

ETA: For Eowyn, from my FAVORITE movie of all time.

Experience the romance. White Linen, by Estee' Lauder. :rofl:

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