Political overreaction?


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My wife and I sit down with our ballots and talk about things. Sometimes we argue a bit before voting. Once or twice it's been pretty passionate. But most of the time one of us ends up being won over to the other's position.

It's always been fun, but then again we've never been holding car keys when we do it.

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Hmm, I have a better idea. "Oh my gosh, someone is reading Marx's Capital over there!" As she turns the key in the ignition is the time to slip away unnoticed.

Alternatively, "Is that Obama's Kenyan birth certificate I see over there?" Much more effective, though the number of people it works on is smaller.

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Politics in the facebook era has been hysterically funny. Various members of my family and friends have blocked various other family and friends. It was not uncommon for my husband to read some of my posts that had 15 or so comments and only see 3 :P

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It's the abominable church of politics where it can divide families into supporters of two opposite Grand Old Parties of liberals and conservatives. It can turn a love one into a mad hatter that wants to run over someone thought to be so dear to them. What do you make of this? Well, for one those who think the government is the answer to all problems have just been warned that if the house of congress cannot come to an agreement on the issues at stake everyones taxes will be raised regardless of income bracket. LOL -The End-

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