Gender Genie detects whether author is M or F


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This was mentioned on the Katie Couric talk show and I decided to test it out. Here's a short read on what it is:

Yes, it’s a bit of a novelty, but it’s surprising how well it works. The Gender Genie is a simple site set up from an algorithm that was developed by Moshe Koppel of Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and Shlomo Argamon of Illinois Institute of Technology.

The idea is that it analyzes the language used by an author, and uses vocabulary and syntax to detect the probably gender of the author. Certain ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ keywords are parsed, and it uses those as flags to work out whether the author is male or female.

It works best with longer passages (500+ words), but it still works remarkably well with short excerpts. 4 out of 5 of my blog entries that I copy-pasted from this site came out as male – I must have been feeling a bit girly on the day I wrote the 5th…

And here's the Gender Genie.

What's your findings?

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Weird. I put in a part of an old neuro paper I wrote...

Damage to the Putamen, a component of the neostriatum, would effectively inhibit the inhibitory output to the interior globus pallidus / substanta nigra pars reticulata (GPi/SNr) complex as well as inhibit the inhibitory output to the external Globus Pallidus (GPe). The net effect of this loss of inhibition results paradoxically in increased thalamic inhibition due to uninhibited GPi/SNr inhibitory output and decreased cortical activity due to the disinhibited inhibitory thalamatocortical neurons in the indirect path.

Female Score: 4

Male Score: 125

So it correctly guessed that I'm male, but I'm unsure how a female might have written it differently.

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Weird. I put in a part of an old neuro paper I wrote...

Female Score: 4

Male Score: 125

So it correctly guessed that I'm male, but I'm unsure how a female might have written it differently.

My understanding is that scientific writing tends to peg male on tests such as this. I suppose if one wanted to double check they could submit part of a women's scientific paper and see how it fairs.

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I put it on one of my girly fairy tale stories I've written...

Yes, it told me I was a girl.

Hah! I then stuck in the beginning of a high fantasy story I'm writing. MALE!!!! (though I felt I wrote like I always do).

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I submitted the text from an article I wrote on minority graduate students and information anxiety. I thought it was kinda girly, but I got:

Female Score: 333

Male Score: 1224

I submitted another, more technical article on knowledge management system design for team work and got a similar high male score.

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I submitted the text from an article I wrote on minority graduate students and information anxiety. I thought it was kinda girly, but I got:

Female Score: 333

Male Score: 1224

I submitted another, more technical article on knowledge management system design for team work and got a similar high male score.

Did you tell them your name was Dahlia? How many guys do you know with the name of Dahlia? :lol:

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Did you tell them your name was Dahlia? How many guys do you know with the name of Dahlia? :lol:

For that matter, how many other women do you know with the name of Dahlia?

Clarification: I think "Dahlia" is a beautiful name, just unusual.

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It's not that popular anymore (and isn't my real name), but you see it old movies and literature. The Victorians and Edwardians loved flower names for girls.

So are you saying you are a wanna be flower child?

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