Can we PLEASE just stop the political jabs?


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I've been seeing a lot of political bickering (NOT discussion - bickering -and it's coming from BOTH "sides") going on on this site lately, completely outside of political threads, and it's really destroying the spirit of this place for me.

It's not necessary. It's not kind. And, imo, does great harm to the very mission of this forum, as well as being outside of what I would deem to be appropriate behavior for Latter-Day Saints.

There is no need for comments meant to make someone feel dumb, or less faithful, or what have you, for their political leanings. Could we just keep political discussions to being political discussions (and not political name-calling), and non-political discussions to being non-political discussions (without the jabs), pwetty pwease? :(

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I'd like to see it end on the boards and in life as well. Before the election I and people I know have been accused of being unchristian and in violation of sacred covenants for my political beliefs and voting practices. This past week, a former member of my ward posted on Facebook that she was glad to not be in a ward with many liberal members because she could teach the lesson she wanted to without the liberals getting offended. The intensity of these discussions keeps escalating and I'm finding myself more and more short tempered when people level those accusations my way. Is it really so difficult to disagree and move on?

(I know that's kind of hypocritical coming from me--I'm probably one of the most argumentative people on the forum. But I do make an effort not to tie anyone's political beliefs to their spiritual worthiness. Is that too much to ask in return?)

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Unfortunately, this is a situation where an area's Mormon culture is found going against Mormon doctrine. As long as there is a strong cultural argument in some areas that believing in a certain set (or sets) of political opinions is grounds for an accusation of apostasy, even though such a claim is obviously doctrinally wrong, this issue will continue to pop up (and where did people get the idea that accusing others of apostasy was ever a good thing?). Perhaps the best remedy against this is to realize that we are a global church, and there are no doctrinal matters that only apply to the members of one particular area.

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I actually haven't noticed it on here very much. Don't get me wrong -- there's just as much disagreement (and even contention at times) as always, but I haven't noticed much of it being politically-themed, though maybe it's in thread that I'm not participating in. I've seen it a lot on Facebook lately, though -- a lot -- and I've been really hurt by some of the comments that have been thrown my direction, whether intentionally or not.

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I actually haven't noticed it on here very much. Don't get me wrong -- there's just as much disagreement (and even contention at times) as always, but I haven't noticed much of it being politically-themed, though maybe it's in thread that I'm not participating in. I've seen it a lot on Facebook lately, though -- a lot -- and I've been really hurt by some of the comments that have been thrown my direction, whether intentionally or not.

There's a few subtle jabs here and there. ;)

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Jabs can be "okay" in various parts of the forum.

In my opinion, the nature of these sub-forums (not that this is an extensive list) should be free of "political" discussion:

- Introductions

- Marriage & Relationship Advice

- Advice Forum

- Learn about the Mormon Church

The threads in these sub-forums are generally personal in nature, and should be respectful throughout these threads.

Political commentary is probably best done in:

- General Discussion

- Current Events

The Preserving Marriage Between a Man and a Woman sub-forum is about preserving marriage, not debating its merits, so I personally don't think it's a good place for political debate.

This is only my opinion.

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I'm pretty cautious about expressing political views in public forums. They are divisive, and my calling is more important.

The way the political scene is right now, I'd probably be jabbing left, right and center if I did get started (Deep breath, counting to 10...)...yeah, so I won't get started...

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My wife put up a sign some time ago in our kitchen that reads:

"Kindness begins with me"

I believe it. My problem is that I don't always know when I'm being unkind. However, I do know that if I want kindness to be the norm, I need to focus on making my own words and behavior kind.



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