The "No one appreciated my great joke!" whining metathread


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How many times have you posted a funny comment or brilliant zinger, just to have everyone ignore it? Or maybe it just sailed over their heads. Or maybe you were a bit too subtle. Who knows?

Well, now your lead zeppelin can gain new life! Just post a link to your misunderstood post and we can laugh at it (or maybe at you). Here are the rules:

  • Your clever (?) remark must have garnered ZERO laughs since you posted it. (At the time you reference it here; people can laugh at it AFTER you mention it on this thread.)
  • You must have made the post AT LEAST 48 hours ago. In other words, if this is the third day since you posted and still no laughs, you can whine about it.
You are also welcome to offer feedback, constructive or otherwise, concerning the referenced posts. (But be nice.)

The "No one appreciated my great joke!" whining metathread is officially open.

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I can't even measure my laugh or thanks rate as we only added those buttons about 4-5 years ago and I've been around FOREVER!!

So I'm sure I'm funnier than what my stats say. :)

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Look at my stats. Mine are reversed. Seriously no one thinks I am funny!! I have to go find some good jokes now. hmmm. Darn you, Vort!

Or it means you are just easily amused. :)

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Well, I am thinking the first option should be from ZERO - ONE, because I think I have given some real zingers and only one person clicks the ":lol: laugh" button.

I am thinking the reason why some of my zingers are not "clicked" is because they are laughing so hard that they fell out of their chairs, by the time they recover, they literally are unable to click the button -- afraid again to laugh so hard....just saying.

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So we massively derailed Vorts thread from the get go into a discussion about stats?

Lets see it appears that I am ungrateful and not easily amused... But people find me helpful often and funny every now and then...

Clearly Grumpy Bear as some work to do to catch up with Grumpy Cat

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So we massively derailed Vorts thread from the get go into a discussion about stats?

Oh no, I searched, but found most of my jokes had ONE laugh click, however the one I did find without any clicked laughs, I now realize why no one was wasn't really that funny, although at the time I thought it was.

Not posting it again only to find out it wouldn't be "laugh" clicked.... again. :lol:

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So we massively derailed Vorts thread from the get go into a discussion about stats?

Lets see it appears that I am ungrateful and not easily amused... But people find me helpful often and funny every now and then...

Clearly Grumpy Bear as some work to do to catch up with Grumpy Cat

Yet you find no one funny or helpful. :P

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Alright, since no one has seen fit to post an actual whiny post about a neglected funny remark, let me attempt to start it:

I was so proud of my references to "adults" while working the word "pee-pee" in multiple times, including as a reference to an actual body part. That's comedy gold right there, folks.

Okay, so Anddenex actually did weigh in with a real whining post just before me. Congrats, Anddenex! (And btw, you haven't really only been here since last May, have you? And estradling, you didn't really start here in 2011, did you?)

Edited by Vort
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(And btw, you haven't really only been here since last May, have you? And estradling, you didn't really start here in 2011, did you?)

Yep, my 1st birthday is this May :)

Vort, the link provided tells me I do not have permission to view the post...I am looser -- I suppose. ;)

Dang it! I had two zingers in the same thread with no laughs me some love -- laughs -- people

Edited by Anddenex
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Well, pam, sign me up, I have always wanted to be righteously naughty.

In order to read the messages on this board you must contact Pam and ask to be able to view the open board. In that PM you must acknowledge that you are over 18 and that you understand that the viewpoints discussed in the open forum are of a sensitive nature.

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