A dream about smoking

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Before anyone suggests I think this dream is prophetic or anything of the sort, no. It is just a dream but it makes me think.

I dreamt that the church decided that smoking would be ok for those who wanted to smoke. We all went to church but the doors were not open yet. People started breaking out their smokes while we waited. A cloud of smoke hung over everyone. Those who did not smoke started complaining about the stench of the smoke making very pointed remarks. I was one of those. The doors opened but only the nonsmokers were allowed in. We went in and took our seats around the chapel. Then the smokers were allowed in. They filled the pews and kept smoking. The bishop was one who smoked. (not a recognizable bishop, just generic) The smell was terrible. I wondered about the temple. Would they be allowed to smoke in the temple?

After I woke up the dream stayed clear. It seemed to me that the smokers were people who were committing visible sins. The rest of us had less visible sins yet we sat there and condemned the visible sins of others as stinking. I am not quite sure what my dream was getting at but I do think it was trying to make a point to me. :)

Anyway was just wondering what lesson I might take from the dream. Any ideas?

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Before anyone suggests I think this dream is prophetic or anything of the sort, no. It is just a dream but it makes me think.

I dreamt that the church decided that smoking would be ok for those who wanted to smoke. We all went to church but the doors were not open yet. People started breaking out their smokes while we waited. A cloud of smoke hung over everyone. Those who did not smoke started complaining about the stench of the smoke making very pointed remarks. I was one of those. The doors opened but only the nonsmokers were allowed in. We went in and took our seats around the chapel. Then the smokers were allowed in. They filled the pews and kept smoking. The bishop was one who smoked. (not a recognizable bishop, just generic) The smell was terrible. I wondered about the temple. Would they be allowed to smoke in the temple?

After I woke up the dream stayed clear. It seemed to me that the smokers were people who were committing visible sins. The rest of us had less visible sins yet we sat there and condemned the visible sins of others as stinking. I am not quite sure what my dream was getting at but I do think it was trying to make a point to me. :)

Anyway was just wondering what lesson I might take from the dream. Any ideas?

Yes, the lesson is that the brain has a wonderful ability to imagine and create.

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The early brethern smoked and drank (got drunk)... They were allowed to, felt the spirit, though were "recommended" to not be intoxicated for spiritual events also if someone showed up to the temple intoxicated they were asked (ok kicked out) to go home until they were "sober"...

It would not surprise me if it was acceptable again (to some degree) mainly talking about alcohol not tobacco which is nasty... (partly wishful thinking ;) )

Anyways, I had somewhat similar dream... I saw a popular celebrity and I saw him with lots of money than I saw another person who sued him for this money for no reason... It occured to me that "this is what is wrong with society today". We are so fixiated on money, greed, getting what we want, worldly affairs, materialistic pursuits and items... It could be that perhaps its telling you

1) Be clean for the temple (others are disgracing the temple and it will be fixed soon?)

2) The world is full of filth and corrupting their bodies

3) Our bodies are a temple and should keep them pure like the temple is "a building" and should be kept pure


Have you prayed for an interpretation? We should askt he Lord in sincere prayer than seek/ponder for the answer... If he doesn't give you one than shut the dream up.

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It would not surprise me if it was acceptable again (to some degree) mainly talking about alcohol not tobacco which is nasty... (partly wishful thinking ;) )


Have you prayed for an interpretation? We should askt he Lord in sincere prayer than seek/ponder for the answer... If he doesn't give you one than shut the dream up.

It would completely surprise me. Opening the door even the tiniest bit to alcohol would be a devestating thing to many peoples' lives. These commandments are for our safety and protection.

I wonder why there aren't more commandments about other harmful things like refined sugar. (That said after having half a brownie for breakfast. )

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Before anyone suggests I think this dream is prophetic or anything of the sort, no. It is just a dream but it makes me think.

I dreamt that the church decided that smoking would be ok for those who wanted to smoke. We all went to church but the doors were not open yet. People started breaking out their smokes while we waited. A cloud of smoke hung over everyone. Those who did not smoke started complaining about the stench of the smoke making very pointed remarks. I was one of those. The doors opened but only the nonsmokers were allowed in. We went in and took our seats around the chapel. Then the smokers were allowed in. They filled the pews and kept smoking. The bishop was one who smoked. (not a recognizable bishop, just generic) The smell was terrible. I wondered about the temple. Would they be allowed to smoke in the temple?

After I woke up the dream stayed clear. It seemed to me that the smokers were people who were committing visible sins. The rest of us had less visible sins yet we sat there and condemned the visible sins of others as stinking. I am not quite sure what my dream was getting at but I do think it was trying to make a point to me. :)

Anyway was just wondering what lesson I might take from the dream. Any ideas?

I think you can understand that every sin that you take with you (do not repent of) will some day stink and be offensive to those that repent - regardless of what calling you have or other good you have done.

The Traveler

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It would completely surprise me. Opening the door even the tiniest bit to alcohol would be a devestating thing to many peoples' lives. These commandments are for our safety and protection.

I wonder why there aren't more commandments about other harmful things like refined sugar. (That said after having half a brownie for breakfast. )

Do you need a commandment for refined sugar? :lol:

Imagine the FDA version for the LDS church. That's all we need....:huh:

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Anyway was just wondering what lesson I might take from the dream. Any ideas?

I don't know what lesson you can to take, but the lesson for the rest of us is "Annewandering is sensitive to hypocracy".

But then again, I think most of us knew that already, so we didn't need the dream. ^_^

Dreams rock. Last night, I dreamt that the violent protestors had come to my work, to smash stuff and fight da man. They had about 20 people. I knew if we could get 10 men to just stand there and look unafraid, they wouldn't try anything. So I was running around trying to convince 10 men to show up and just look strong, even if they didn't feel strong. Everything had changed. Many coworkers who I look up to as honorable, smart, talented, good at their jobs, shrank back at the mere idea of opposing bad guys. Some coworkers who were unassuming, humble, minor figures in my daily work experience, immediately stood up and walked boldly with me. Some of the protestors were ticked off employees.

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I just had a dream that I moved back to Phoenix, my house was huge, and impossibly at the splitting of one large liver into two rivers (there's only one river flowing through Phoenix)

I turned to my wife and told her I had to get a fishing license now.

That was the entire dream. I guess mine just aren't as deep as ya'alls dreams.

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I believe your dream touches on what you and others pointed out. There are sinners at church, surprise! We all sin in different ways, some more openly than others.

Secondly, alot of judement in your dream.

The idea that alcohol would ever be allowed again gave me goose bumps.

Were they smoking tabacco or pot?

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We may look for angels and receive their ministrations, but we are to try the spirits and prove them, for it is often the case that men make a mistake in regard to these things. God has so ordained that when He has communicated, no vision is to be taken but what you see by the seeing of the eye, or what you hear by the hearing of the ear. When you see a vision, pray for the interpretation; if you get not this, shut it up; there must be certainty in this matter. An open vision will manifest that which is more important. Lying spirits are going forth in the earth. There will be great manifestations of spirits, both false and true. (President Joseph F. Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 161)

The above being true regarding visitations and visions it is likewise true about dreams.

1 Nephi 8:2 And it came to pass that while my father tarried in the wilderness he spake unto us, saying: Behold, I have dreamed a dream; or, in other words, I have seen a vision.

It is important that before any of us dissect or try to interpret our dream that we know the source. While you indicate that you do not think it was from God, it is important to also know that it's not of the devil. If it is of the devil then, "shut it up" and do your best to forget it for our intellect is simply no match for his cunning and deviousness in crafting believable lies.

"it requires the Spirit of God to know the things of God; and the spirit of the devil can only be unmasked through that medium, then it follows as a natural consequence that unless some person or persons have a communication, or revelation from God, unfolding to them the operation of the spirit, they must eternally remain ignorant of these principles"(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, Chapter 33)

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I think most dreams are just things we are trying to work out in our own minds, not visions from God or from satan.

These people were smoking cigarettes. It feels more like I am reminding myself to not be judgmental but being torn because sin stinks and who wants to be around stench? It is probably the conflict between the two that my mind hasnt resolved.

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I think most dreams are just things we are trying to work out in our own minds, not visions from God or from satan.

These people were smoking cigarettes. It feels more like I am reminding myself to not be judgmental but being torn because sin stinks and who wants to be around stench? It is probably the conflict between the two that my mind hasnt resolved.

It is good to be kind and compassionate and at times tolerant. But is it really judgmental to ask someone smoking in public (especially in closed places) to please put out their cigaret? Are we to kept quiet if someone is smoking in a car, windows rolled up with an infant? Is it being judgmental if someone is being raped to call 911 or to make an effort to stop the crime. Is it judgmental to see someone breaking into a neighbors house to make and effort to stop it?

We like to think we should welcome anyone that wants to come into church but is it judgmental to stop a suicide bomber from coming into the church? How about being judgmental about others being judgmental?

I do not think that we should not ever judge others, I think there are times that we must make judgments and I think there are many times we should not judge. What I am not sure is how to handle every case and every individual. Sometimes I think we make too much of it and sometimes I do not think we make enough of it. But - for sure - I do not think anyone can participate in a discussion about being judgmental without, to some degree, being judgmental.

The Traveler

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