A little foreshadowing?


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I would love to see Mother's Day go away. And Father's Day. ick.

Hmmmmm: I would be most interested in knowing why you object to honoring or showing reverence for the divine concept of Mother or Father.

The Traveler

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Well, combining Father's Day and Mother's Day into one holiday for school purposes doesn't seem too unreasonable. People in the comments are quick to blame homosexuals for some kind of attack on the family, but I think that's the wrong conclusion. This change is more inclusive of kids with a single-parent household or who are raised by stepmom/stepdad/uncles/grandparents/etc. I think this will help make them feel more included and help them realize that their family still counts as a family even if it's not the most ideal situation.

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Well, combining Father's Day and Mother's Day into one holiday for school purposes doesn't seem too unreasonable. People in the comments are quick to blame homosexuals for some kind of attack on the family, but I think that's the wrong conclusion. This change is more inclusive of kids with a single-parent household or who are raised by stepmom/stepdad/uncles/grandparents/etc. I think this will help make them feel more included and help them realize that their family still counts as a family even if it's not the most ideal situation.

I agree. The school district I grew up in let out for Summer break the week before Father's Day, so while my mom usually got some sort of heavily-glued macaroni art, or a tissue paper flower every Mother's Day, my dad got *zip* (at least as far as school projects go). I would have loved to have had a combined "Family Celebration Day" so that I could make something for all of the important adults in my life.

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If you expect schools to instill your values, morals, ethics, senses of right and wrong, faith, important beliefs, or favorite colors in your kids, you may find yourself up a creek without a paddle.

It has always been the parent's job. If you try to outsource part or all of it, you may be disappointed.

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Well, combining Father's Day and Mother's Day into one holiday for school purposes doesn't seem too unreasonable. People in the comments are quick to blame homosexuals for some kind of attack on the family, but I think that's the wrong conclusion. This change is more inclusive of kids with a single-parent household or who are raised by stepmom/stepdad/uncles/grandparents/etc. I think this will help make them feel more included and help them realize that their family still counts as a family even if it's not the most ideal situation.

OK, OK I think Family Celebration Day is a good idea, too. But it WAS homosexuals who threw cold water on the Mother's Day and Father's Day events at this school.

So now that this itsy bitsy percentage of people who deliberately choose to live their lives in an out of ordinary way ( which in my opinion is not a valid choice when considering the needs of children) go and upset the apple cart for everyone else. Another example of the selfishness behind this whole agenda. Is this foreshadowing of what will happen in the states if it's not happening already? As we know, Canada is much more advanced.

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If you expect schools to instill your values, morals, ethics, senses of right and wrong, faith, important beliefs, or favorite colors in your kids, you may find yourself up a creek without a paddle.

It has always been the parent's job. If you try to outsource part or all of it, you may be disappointed.

That's not the problem here. It's matter of upholding innocent and well grounded traditions that some folks are trying to villainize.

By the way, the school that we've found for our kids DOES uphold our values, morals, ethics, etc. So it can be done. Not that I turn all responsibility for teaching that stuff to my kids over to the school. We do a hefty amount of that at home and I think (mother's bias here) that my kids are turning into excellent people.

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Well, combining Father's Day and Mother's Day into one holiday for school purposes doesn't seem too unreasonable. People in the comments are quick to blame homosexuals for some kind of attack on the family, but I think that's the wrong conclusion. This change is more inclusive of kids with a single-parent household or who are raised by stepmom/stepdad/uncles/grandparents/etc. I think this will help make them feel more included and help them realize that their family still counts as a family even if it's not the most ideal situation.

My thoughts are along the same lines.

I think rewording these Father/Daughter dances would be considerate too. Some girls don't have loving daddies to take them to these events but they may have some other adult male that they look up to as a father figure.

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Let's just have Human Being day and celebrate how no one is different or special.

Some of these events have the opportunity to encompass everyone, specifically, these children that don't fall under "traditional" or "conventional" family units. I think only good could come from acknowledging that there are more and more of these kids, and making some adjustments to INCLUDE THEM, is a great thing.

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So we need to eliminate the days that celebrate good mothers and fathers, so that no one feels left out? Let's also get rid of Christmas so the Buddhists and atheists and such don't feel bad. And I'm tired of hearing about Hannukah because it has nothing to do with me, so let's be rid of that, too.

Today is my daughter's birthday. Are we allowed to celebrate it even though it's not yours?

I know it's been said to death, but political correctness has gotten laughably ridiculous.

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So we need to eliminate the days that celebrate good mothers and fathers, so that no one feels left out? Let's also get rid of Christmas so the Buddhists and atheists and such don't feel bad. And I'm tired of hearing about Hannukah because it has nothing to do with me, so let's be rid of that, too.

Today is my daughter's birthday. Are we allowed to celebrate it even though it's not yours?

I know it's been said to death, but political correctness has gotten laughably ridiculous.

I can address this.

Schools are melting pots with teachers and students with different cultures, faiths and upbringings. Making adjustments to INCLUDE everyone can be nothing but a positive. Many schools now celebrate "Holidays" and highlight a bit of everything. I know there are schools here in good ole Salt Lake City that do that now, so Christians, Jews and other faiths can feel apart instead of secluded.

What you choose to celebrate or believe in YOUR HOME is fine. It doesn't affect what I or anyone else does. And while I think the birthday analogy is irrelevant, I'll respond to it, most everyone can relate to having a "birthday" -- it's common. Not everyone can relate to having a traditional or conventional family, and that number is increasingly growing. Not sure why there's so much intense tension over this. Some tolerance for diversity and allowing change is a good thing.

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I have seen far too many schools during my teaching days that tried to include all faiths--except Christianity. For instance, in Idaho, one school decided to do a holiday concert. All songs from all sorts of faith were sung. And... a Christian carol was sung. A few families were VERY upset over this.

Yes, diversity is a good thing, but a problem arises when those demanding diversity scorn anything a little too traditional.

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I have seen far too many schools during my teaching days that tried to include all faiths--except Christianity. For instance, in Idaho, one school decided to do a holiday concert. All songs from all sorts of faith were sung. And... a Christian carol was sung. A few families were VERY upset over this.

Yes, diversity is a good thing, but a problem arises when those demanding diversity scorn anything a little too traditional.

Fair enough.

In my experience I've seen it work. I have a friend that currently teaches and has for 25 years. Her school does this and they've had no problems. I wish it were more widespread.

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I can address this.

Schools are melting pots with teachers and students with different cultures, faiths and upbringings. Making adjustments to INCLUDE everyone can be nothing but a positive. Many schools now celebrate "Holidays" and highlight a bit of everything. I know there are schools here in good ole Salt Lake City that do that now, so Christians, Jews and other faiths can feel apart instead of secluded.

What you choose to celebrate or believe in YOUR HOME is fine. It doesn't affect what I or anyone else does. And while I think the birthday analogy is irrelevant, I'll respond to it, most everyone can relate to having a "birthday" -- it's common. Not everyone can relate to having a traditional or conventional family, and that number is increasingly growing. Not sure why there's so much intense tension over this. Some tolerance for diversity and allowing change is a good thing.

I agree. And we're talking about *kids* here, innocent persons who had no say as to the makeup of their families. Little Suzie isn't the one who decided drugs are more important than raising a kid, her missing parent did that and now she lives with grandma. her family doesn't fit the "acceptable" mold but she loves her grandma and people get up on arms when her school tries to let her know she is just as much a part of a family as Johnny-has-two-parents. Talk about absurdity.
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