Mission presidents meeting

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Guest Doctrine

I have been hearing that this Sunday the church is having a mission presidents training meeting and that they are going to announce a change in policy, or something.

This comes to me from the stake office and bishops office, I can only think two things this is true or they are trying to raise interest in the meeting to get everyone to go.

Have any of you guys heard anything about this.

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I've heard they are calling it "historic"

With them also saying If Sacrament or other church meeting conflict.... move or cancel them. That is something they rarely say about Sacrament Meeting.

I haven't heard anything about a change in policy, but they do seem to think it is going to be a 'big deal' whatever it is that they are going to do... So it easily could be

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This meeting has been widely announced in my ward for about a month. Nothing official has been announce by the church other than be there. Considering unit leaders are instructed to keep other meetings, including regularly scheduled block meetings, from interfering with this meeting I think whatever will be discussed is of significant importance.

I can think of a few things that can be taking place at the meeting based on a "trial program" some of the Stakes in at least Utah have been participating in concerning the ward missionary efforts. I have not been in one of the trial programs so I don't feel comfortable trying to explain it.

Or it could be the Brethren just want to introduce us to the Three Nephites so all the speculation about their where about can be put to rest.

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Someone yesterday posted something that they'd heard rumors of an announcement happening this weekend about missionaries getting iPads or something.

UPDATED: Here's where I read that: http://www.lds.net/forums/general-discussion/54192-electronics-during-sacrament-meeting-3.html#post756615

Edited by Wingnut
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I won't be attending. I'll be traveling to North Carolina for something far more interesting: a week of backpacking, mining, and natural water slides. Old Butt Knob (yes, that's actually a place we'll be hiking to) here we come!

More than likely, the meeting will be about combining the efforts of the ward mission and the full time missionaries. In light of the huge influx of missionaries we'll have for the next 18 months to 2 years, this is going to be a theme that's touched on a lot. The cynic in me, however, expects that you'll get a repackaging of familiar principles complete with new sound bites and catch phrases, but no actual new substance.

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What we have been told is that the Ward Council and spouses should attend and also anyone who is interested.

Here is what LDS.org says about it

Ward and stake council members, their spouses, full-time missionaries, and other interested Church members are invited to participate in a special session of the Seminar for New Mission Presidents entitled “The Work of Salvation,” which will be broadcast from the Marriott Center in Provo, Utah, on Sunday, June 23, 2013, at 4:00 p.m. mountain daylight time. The program will be subsequently rebroadcast to many areas of the world. President Thomas S. Monson, President Boyd K. Packer, and members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will share messages about how members and missionaries work together in a unified effort.

Where necessary, local leaders should adjust scheduled worship services so that members are able to participate in the live broadcast of this historic event.

A new website titled “Hastening the Work of Salvation: A Unified Effort in Conversion, Retention, and Activation” will accompany the broadcast. The site provides information and helps for priesthood leaders, for ward councils and ward mission leaders, and for members and missionaries. It also helps youth know how they can best prepare for and participate in the work of salvation as they serve in the priesthood, receive temple ordinances, and accept calls as full-time missionaries.

Edited by mnn727
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It may be that it's 'historic' because it's the first time that the Mission President's conference is being broadcast throughout the Church... and because of the influx of new missionaries at the new, lower age requirements.

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I've heard that Sunday's meeting will reconvene six months later in Daviess County, Missouri; with breakaway sessions to be held at the Kansas City temple. There's talk of some "special guests" to be in attendance whose identities are, for the moment, undisclosed.


(On a more serious note--I suspect MoE has pretty much nailed it.)

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I think we will see an announcement that the full time missionaries will start doing genealogy work and they will have the youth put more effort in doing genealogy/work for the dead. I know our elders said just in the last week they received training on genealogy. I guess we will see tomorrow.

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Elder Holland is 'skyping' around the world LIVE! lol. I think this is the first 'inter-active' broadcast I've ever heard.

It actually made DH and I both pretty teary. It's amazing.

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I feel like I'm sitting in a MGF staff meeting. Elder Perry is saying the same things we've been talking about so much lately in our meetings. It's awesome and I'm so grateful to work for an organization that does just these things.

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Elder Holland is 'skyping' around the world LIVE! lol. I think this is the first 'inter-active' broadcast I've ever heard.

The November 2010 leadership training broadcast had a couple of remote locations, didn't it? Or were those pre-taped?

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