Panic Question About sealings

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So, A long time ago I asked all kinds of questions about my sealing, kds and other things. So, now, there is the possiblity that my ex might pass away, very soon, our sealing has not been broken. Please tell me that this will not prevent me from being sealed to my husband! If he passes before our sealing is canceled and cleared, can it still happen if my ex dies? (My ex has drunk himself almost to death, his liver is failing bad)

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Do you believe in Christ? Specifically his promise that no righteous desire will be withheld from his faithful?

Are you doing your best to be one of his faithful?

If you answer yes to both question... relax and believe Christ. You might not see it in this world but this life is such a short time anyways but it will happen.

If not... well then you know were you need to get to work.

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No, it should not prevent you from being sealed to your husband.

One of my neighbor's sisters married a young man for time and all eternity and he unfortunately passed away 6 months after they were married.

She is now married and sealed to her current husband. This shouldn't be a problem, nothing to worry about.

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I would simply go through the process without causing any unnecessary stress within your heart. The point, the sealing cancellation will happen, simply begin the process with your bishop, stress your concerns, and then wait patiently as the process unfolds to your sealing with your husband.

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Oh it was started years ago. The only hold up is the lies he put on his letter. My current husband's sealing is cancelled, but no clearence yet due to this. My husband and I are both recommend holders. And we even went the night before we married. We each have tow kids from before and one together. We have been married for almost 4 years.

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Oh it was started years ago. The only hold up is the lies he put on his letter. My current husband's sealing is cancelled, but no clearence yet due to this. My husband and I are both recommend holders. And we even went the night before we married. We each have tow kids from before and one together. We have been married for almost 4 years.

Do you have "witnesses" that would be able to write a letter to your bishop regarding the bearing of false witness?

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Have you even started the process? Talked to your Bishop, wrote the letter requesting it?

Edited: While I was writing out my post, this got answered. For a wife to get a clearance/cancellation when children are involved, it takes more time. There was a woman in my branch who waited 6 years for her clearance/cancellation to hubby #1 and father to her first three children to be approved. In the meantime hubby #2 and her had 4 more children. When it finally came, pretty much the entire branch went to the temple with them in support of their sealing.

It took 2.5 years for my now husband to get his sealing to his second wife (I am wife #4) cancelled and for approval to be sealed to me.

All totaled there was four letters written, two interviews with the Stake President and too many to count meetings with three bishops. He moved from one ward/ stake boundaries to another and then the bishop in the second ward was released. Thus the 3 bishops.

We were told one month before he got the letter of approval, that the 1st Presidency does not review cancellation requests on a daily/weekly basis. They do it like on a quarterly basis. So you can not plan your next sealing until AFTER you get the approval, and then it must be withing 30 days of receiving it.

If his second wife had died prior to his request or during the process, it would have sped things up a bit. She refused to respond, and finally her Bishop caught up with her. Read the letter to her, got the questions asked and answered and returned that information to the 1st Presidency.

It was a week after that meeting that she wrote a long, disjointed rant to her Bishop to be forwarded to her ex-husband and his sick and convoluted church (he met her through the LDS Church) that she wanted to be divorced for time and all eternity from all things LDS.

Her name has been removed from the Church records. Husband and I were sealed on 12 May 2006. One week after we got the letter from the 1st Presidency granting the clearance and approving our sealing.

Have you put your ex's name on the prayer rolls at the Temple? Have you prayed for him, and worked hard to keep the animosity out of your heart towards him.

That was one thing that the Stake President asked husband. No hate, no negatives. Yes you want rid of her/him, but no negatives. Banish the adversary.

Edited by Iggy
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So, A long time ago I asked all kinds of questions about my sealing, kds and other things. So, now, there is the possiblity that my ex might pass away, very soon, our sealing has not been broken. Please tell me that this will not prevent me from being sealed to my husband! If he passes before our sealing is canceled and cleared, can it still happen if my ex dies? (My ex has drunk himself almost to death, his liver is failing bad)

Life brings out many oddities. Sometimes tragedy results in blessings. I would think that your husband's passing would make it easier to get the sealing cancelled. With his death, there shouldn't be anyone to object to the cancellation.

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My good friend in my ward was concerned about getting her sealing cancelled to her ex husband, so she could be sealed to her current husband. Her ex had committed suicide after their divorce. They had two children together. The cancellation was granted. It took about 3 months.

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I have a friend who passed away while still being sealing to her ex husband. She had remarried before she passed away. Her sealing cancellation still went through and her last husband was able to be sealed to her by proxy.

Those that have been around for awhile (Palerider and BenRaines) would remember her. It was Tina.

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In my case it really isn't as sad. I consider myself very luck to have a man that is good to me, puts his religion as a priority and honors his respnisibilities and preisthood. The sad part is where my ex is and how my children need to learn to deal with it. My heart hurts for them, but divorce was a very last ditch effort to keep them safe. My husband's ex sought out her own cancelation w/ my husband. I would like to be sealed to the man that treats me like a person. To me the cancellation from my ex and sealing to my husband will be a happy day.

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No, it should not prevent you from being sealed to your husband.

One of my neighbor's sisters married a young man for time and all eternity and he unfortunately passed away 6 months after they were married.

She is now married and sealed to her current husband. This shouldn't be a problem, nothing to worry about.

When I was a kid I remember friends of my parents who had 5 little girls. It was her second marriage. Her first husband died in a car accident on their honeymoon. She was not able to be sealed to her second husband and the father of the girls.

Did something change in the last several decades about this issue?

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When I was a kid I remember friends of my parents who had 5 little girls. It was her second marriage. Her first husband died in a car accident on their honeymoon. She was not able to be sealed to her second husband and the father of the girls.

Did something change in the last several decades about this issue?

I know of a woman who was sealed to her first husband. He shortly thereafter went to war and was killed. They had no children. She was able to get a sealing cancellation and was sealed to her second husband. I don't think this is a common occurrence (where the sealing is cancelled to the first husband). I know that she told very few people.

Edit: This was years ago--WWII or Korean conflict. Can't remember which one.

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