Comment from coworker


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Being brought up in the church I have no idea what other religons believe. I had a coworker tell me that her religon believed that when we die and we see our loved ones we won't know them as members of our families. What else would they be known to us then? Why are we put in families down here on earth then? If it don't make sense it ain't true.......says Judge Judy

This has really bothered me and didn't seem to bother my coworker whatsoever. Does anyone know where she got this from? Certainly not in the scriptures.

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No no no I do not believe that at all.Im just curious where did she get this information.It just doesn't make sense to me.Is there something in the scriptures that she read? Did her preacher tell her this? Curious why anyone would believe this. Something I have always loved about the gospel is it makes so much sense to me. What bothered me most is she was ok about what she was telling me.

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It depends on a particular scriptural understanding of Jesus saying, "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven."

That single statement has had a lot read in to it. There are a lot of places online where you can read more about it. I invite you to take a look and you'll find the answers of why they believe it.

I don't find the evidence compelling, however, so I would be a bad person to make that argument.

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She is Assembly of God. I guess I could go to a website.Its just confusing to me why people believe what they do.

PrisonChaplain can explain that to you quite well. He's a pastor for AoG.

In Catholic teaching, Funky touched on it quite well. That's exactly where that came from. But even in Catholic faith, they don't go so far as to say we won't recognize them as our families. The members strongly hold that family members help each other in purgatory.

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She is Assembly of God. I guess I could go to a website.Its just confusing to me why people believe what they do.

Hi angel, I can say the same thing with some LDS beliefs. I think I pretty much no most of LDS beliefs and then someone surprises me with something else and I wonder how can anyone believe that! :)

We really don't know what it's going to be like after the resurrection we can only speculate. I've heard that we will be able to recognize people we know even though they might not look like their usual self.


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She is Assembly of God. I guess I could go to a website.Its just confusing to me why people believe what they do.

Yeah, that's my church. There is no official teaching that we won't know each other according to our family relationships. However, it's understood that we'll see as God sees, we'll love each other with a pure Christ-love, and that since we won't be marrying or giving in marriage, our existence will be fundamentally different.

At the same time, we talk about our loved ones "passing on." We expect to see them in heaven, and to know them, and revisit our relationships on earth. Attend an Assemblies of God funeral, and you'll not likely hear talk of us not knowing each other in heaven--or what our familial relationships are.

Details about the heavenly realm are few. We know that our love will be less exclusive, but not much more. Some people choose to speculate, and then find scriptures that seem to justify their guesses. Your friend is probably influenced by such.

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Thank you for sharing that with me. For some odd reason I get anxiety when I think about this.It has really really bothered me ever since I heard this.I just wonder why would God put us in families down here on earth if it wasn't so in heaven? What would be the purpose?

To propagate the species.

It's not so hard to think about for those whose parents are nincompoops and whose spouses are lazy bumms. Or for those kids who were left at the garbage dump by their mothers who are now passed around in the foster care system growing up to be family-less adults. There was this scene on God's Army when the missionaries went to this guy's house and the wife was nagging him and the missionaries told him about eternal families and the guy goes, "What?". LOL.

But yeah, with a family like mine, it's a comfort to know we can be together forever.

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Being brought up in the church I have no idea what other religons believe. I had a coworker tell me that her religon believed that when we die and we see our loved ones we won't know them as members of our families. What else would they be known to us then? Why are we put in families down here on earth then? If it don't make sense it ain't true.......says Judge Judy

This has really bothered me and didn't seem to bother my coworker whatsoever. Does anyone know where she got this from? Certainly not in the scriptures.

The purpose of families and family life for us is an opportunity to show that we have in our heart a desire to live that way forever or, for some, a chance to express that it is not really in the hearts desire to live within a family structure.

I am of the opinion that we will all see each other as we did prior to coming here, which is as brothers and sisters. I don't think that relationship will change much.

I remember when I was in Kindergarten or maybe it was first grade, I made a stink about not sitting next to a friend. My mom came in and spoke to the teacher and the next day I was sitting across from my friend. Maybe this reveals how old I am, but to this day I can't even remember the name of that friend. I know it happened but the details of the who and why are gone. I think it will be similar to that for those that don't see the family relationship as being very important. The desire of the heart is what dictates that over the actual situation. This life offers a chance to express the desires of our heart and for some that requires a desire to learn how to love it.

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Being brought up in the church I have no idea what other religons believe. I had a coworker tell me that her religon believed that when we die and we see our loved ones we won't know them as members of our families. What else would they be known to us then? Why are we put in families down here on earth then? If it don't make sense it ain't true.......says Judge Judy

This has really bothered me and didn't seem to bother my coworker whatsoever. Does anyone know where she got this from? Certainly not in the scriptures.

what scriptures does she believe in?

During my life, mostly late teens and adulthood I read about all sorts of religions, tis what brought me here and... well this is the one I liked the best.

But when I grew up, I always wondered why religious people were religious.

I didn't grow up in a religious household and I don't live in one now, there's a great many beliefs about family and such, religions have different idea's on why families exist and what will become of them in the end.

Though there is a great deal of my family I don't care to see now, letalone spending eternity with, but they aren't Mormon so...

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Being brought up in the church I have no idea what other religons believe. I had a coworker tell me that her religon believed that when we die and we see our loved ones we won't know them as members of our families. What else would they be known to us then? Why are we put in families down here on earth then? If it don't make sense it ain't true.......says Judge Judy

This has really bothered me and didn't seem to bother my coworker whatsoever. Does anyone know where she got this from? Certainly not in the scriptures.

probably just children of God. There are more relationships out there besides family relationships.

Edited by gem2477
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Thank you for sharing that with me. For some odd reason I get anxiety when I think about this.It has really really bothered me ever since I heard this.I just wonder why would God put us in families down here on earth if it wasn't so in heaven? What would be the purpose?

Since I am not LDS, I can answer from the non-LDS perspective. I believe families are essential on earth because of sin. A family offers comfort, protection, and companionship that we need to survive. A family provides the environment needed to raise children. In heaven, there will be no sin and suffering. There will be nothing to be protected from, no need for comfort because there will be no discomfort, and our companionship with everyone in heaven will be perfect, so we won't need covenant relationships like marriage to keep people tied together.

It is different than your beliefs, but I hope it explains the idea in a way you understand.

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One of the problems between Jesus and the Scribes and Pharisees was what Jesus called hypocrisy. I personally define hypocrisy a number of ways - one way is to use terms generally understood by everybody to mean something different. For me a family is defined by a mother, a father and children. If a most important element is missing then it is not really what the term specifies. So when someone talks about the “family” of G-d; I think that they are a little hypocritical when in any way imply that there is not a mother. They can call it the church of G-d or the group of G-d - but without a mother it is not a family to me. They can call it what-ever they want but not a family

This is one of the reasons I object to homosexual marriage. It really is not a marriage - call it whatever you like except a marriage. To me - if you take two slices of bread and put peanut butter on one slice and jelly on the other and put them together calling it a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But if you put peanut butter on both slices or jelly on both slices and put them together it is not a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Please people do not use phrases that mean something to describe something else. In my mind it is not honest.

The Traveler

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Traveler, your church and my church do operate like a family. We call each other "brother" and "sister." While it is true that there is really no one we call "mother," we are bound by blood relation--to Jesus Christ. Scripture says we are grafted into the lineage of Abraham. So, we are kin. It is our familial love for one another that informs outsiders that we are Christians. I'll not shy away from this agape love out of fear that acknowledging spiritual family somehow seems to give credence to homosexual "families."

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Traveler, your church and my church do operate like a family. We call each other "brother" and "sister." While it is true that there is really no one we call "mother," we are bound by blood relation--to Jesus Christ. Scripture says we are grafted into the lineage of Abraham. So, we are kin. It is our familial love for one another that informs outsiders that we are Christians. I'll not shy away from this agape love out of fear that acknowledging spiritual family somehow seems to give credence to homosexual "families."

In Roman Catholic belief, the Church is referred to as the Bride of Christ as depicted in Ephesians 5.

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Traveler, your church and my church do operate like a family. We call each other "brother" and "sister." While it is true that there is really no one we call "mother," we are bound by blood relation--to Jesus Christ. Scripture says we are grafted into the lineage of Abraham. So, we are kin. It is our familial love for one another that informs outsiders that we are Christians. I'll not shy away from this agape love out of fear that acknowledging spiritual family somehow seems to give credence to homosexual "families."

though I have kind parents, if I had to like go back and relive my childhood with new ones for whatever reason, would rather have a good homosexual couple raising me, then a crappy straight couple

just cause one can have children, doesn't mean they should... I have met a lot of straight couples that should never breed, did breed and were awful parents

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though I have kind parents, if I had to like go back and relive my childhood with new ones for whatever reason, would rather have a good homosexual couple raising me, then a crappy straight couple

just cause one can have children, doesn't mean they should... I have met a lot of straight couples that should never breed, did breed and were awful parents

The logic to justify any degree of awful or horrible by finding something more awful or horrible is not really logical or even sane. In my mind such decisions are not really choices of will but circumstances of misfortune. Why even consider any situation short of what ought to be as a degree of desirable and honorable. Of course we do the best we can with any circumstance but when we can do better - then we must never honor anything less of the best we are capable.

Gandhi said something about prejudice. He said that if you as a devout Muslim can take the child of a Hindu and raise them in your home as a devout Hindu then you can possibly say that you are not prejudice against the Hindus. Are we raising children to be devout biological parents? Because there is a war currently taking place against the traditional family many are willing to compromise children, sacrificing them on the alters of their personal and selfish wants and desires. We must realize that valuing one’s pleasurable preference of sexuality (regardless of its orientation) more than the sacred privilege of parenting children is a road to social ruin. This insanity is now reaching such proportions in our society that over half the children currently being born will be abandoned by one or both biological parents that will fail to honor the kind of stable relationship children ought to have.

Children are not being raised to respect and honor marriage and family. I disagree with some of my non-lds religious cozens that do not quite understand family as divine and eternal. Anciently family was the most important relationship. Thus the relationship of covenants with G-d is compared to marriage to help us understand the importance of both. I believe that marriage is of G-d. This means that marriage is something that G-d himself is involved with and in. Thus marriage is something of which he is an example. It also means that without marriage one does not fully understand G-d and to have failed at marriage is to have failed in understanding G-d and the divine.

I understand that many of our society intend to worship their sexuality and thus pleasure becomes the driving force of their worship and thus their G-d. But as my post should indicate - I am no part of that kind of thinking. Sadly many of religious stripe have apostates and separated from the divine doctrine of family - which is the sad state of many modern Christians that have abandoned the eternal family of G-d.

The Traveler

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though I have kind parents, if I had to like go back and relive my childhood with new ones for whatever reason, would rather have a good homosexual couple raising me, then a crappy straight couple

just cause one can have children, doesn't mean they should... I have met a lot of straight couples that should never breed, did breed and were awful parents

I'm sure all the victims of incest, abuse, or, as you say, just inept--often selfish--parenting would say "Amen!" Still, neither model is God's design.

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Are we raising children to be devout biological parents? Because there is a war currently taking place against the traditional family many are willing to compromise children, sacrificing them on the alters of their personal and selfish wants and desires. We must realize that valuing one’s pleasurable preference of sexuality (regardless of its orientation) more than the sacred privilege of parenting children is a road to social ruin. This insanity is now reaching such proportions in our society that over half the children currently being born will be abandoned by one or both biological parents that will fail to honor the kind of stable relationship children ought to have

I wanted to answer this part, because I think you are right. The people today are nuts. Growing up everything in high school revolved around having sex. I was told by everyone I knew wanting to be with someone I loved was insane.

(Though I believe as a mentally ill individual with... problems with maintaining relationships, bringing a child into the world would be an awful thing for me to do-for the child and me).

As I said, people these days are nuts, everyone wants more. I honestly think a lot of people see relationships as a simple game and that you can "trade up" whenever you want.

There's no love, a relationship is something someone needs to get, like the latest shoes or an xbox.

People have problems well before children come along.

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Since I am not LDS, I can answer from the non-LDS perspective. I believe families are essential on earth because of sin. A family offers comfort, protection, and companionship that we need to survive. A family provides the environment needed to raise children. In heaven, there will be no sin and suffering. There will be nothing to be protected from, no need for comfort because there will be no discomfort, and our companionship with everyone in heaven will be perfect, so we won't need covenant relationships like marriage to keep people tied together.

It is different than your beliefs, but I hope it explains the idea in a way you understand.

Thanks for sharing. Our beliefs are almost 180 degrees opposite of this idea. We believe that we are given a little stewardship here to see if we are willing and able to take on greater stewardship in the next life. The family unit is a part of God's eternal plan, not just for mortality. "Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan." (The Family: A Proclamation to the World) and "We, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children."

The family unit is part of the plan for happiness. It adds to our eternal happiness. It is not just a defense but provides something beyond what the individual could do for herself. Satan wanted to do it on his own, without giving credit to anyone else. The opposite is what we do. Every aspect of glory and happiness is not centered around personal achievement but our relationships, with God, Christ and those around us. The family unit is not just a mortal probation concept.

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