May You All Have Sweet Dreams Tonight


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Mirk! Are you the one that has watched all the seasons of The Walking Dead? I can't remember if it was you or someone else. But anyone can answer. Is that series worth watching? I'm debating whether to start it..

The Walking Dead is the best thing on TV, bar none!

That being said, it is truly disturbing sometimes. It also has some extreme gratuitous gore. Worse than anything I've seen in most R-rated movies, when I used to watch anything many years back. I have zombie nightmares if I watch it just before bed. So does my wife. But it is very, very good television. It is, perhaps, the only TV show that has ever made me sob like a baby. Whereas I will grant that I cry at entertainment easily (which stinks because I don't cry at most other things that easily) TV generally isn't powerful enough.

The language in it isn't horribly horrible, and there's not a ton in the way of nudity/sex (nothing explicit for sure).

So... Would I recommend it? Depends on how sensitive you are to watching zombies ripping guts out of people and chomping on them, close up shots of zombie's head getting smashed, etc, etc. Beyond thing on TV.

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The Walking Dead is the best thing on TV, bar none!

That being said, it is truly disturbing sometimes. It also has some extreme gratuitous gore. Worse than anything I've seen in most R-rated movies, when I used to watch anything many years back. I have zombie nightmares if I watch it just before bed. So does my wife. But it is very, very good television. It is, perhaps, the only TV show that has ever made me sob like a baby. Whereas I will grant that I cry at entertainment easily (which stinks because I don't cry at most other things that easily) TV generally isn't powerful enough.

The language in it isn't horribly horrible, and there's not a ton in the way of nudity/sex (nothing explicit for sure).

So... Would I recommend it? Depends on how sensitive you are to watching zombies ripping guts out of people and chomping on them, close up shots of zombie's head getting smashed, etc, etc. Beyond thing on TV.

Watching it! Thanks.

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Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any destruction to Bini's soul from this decision. Please sign here:


Church, you haven't been here long but if you ask around, I'm probably one of the more rebellious members on here. :)

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Church, you haven't been here long but if you ask around, I'm probably one of the more rebellious members on here. :)

Irrelevant! Please sign:



Anyhow, just because, for example, a serial killer is probably going to kill anyway doesn't mean I should recommend they do so.

Oh...wait...whoops.... I just compared people who watch Walking Dead to serial killers (at least according to the Gay Appreciation Thread).

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The Walking Dead = best show currently on tv. I have not seen any of Season 4. I wait for the season to be released on DVD and then watch the previous one followed by the new one at my leisure. That usually means 3-4 episodes a night.

The only tv show in the last decade I have liked better was The Unit. Alias and 24 are close runners up to WD.

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I recall walking in, as a very small child, on my dad watching "It". I was terrified.

I finally watched it a couple of years ago.

My thoughts "Seriously? This is supposed to be scary?"

For me it was "Cocoon" and that weird peanut butter movie where the kid puts it on his bald head and it grows out of control. Re-watched both recently and wow, not what I remembered, exactly..

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When I was maybe 17 or 18 or so, I watched a movie about King Arthur. I described it as being "gritty" and "realistic". I thought it was amazing. I spent decades afterward fondly remembering what I had seen.

A month or two ago, I happened upon the selfsame movie. I'm quite sure it was the very same one. I watched the last third or maybe half. It was...amateurish. Almost embarrassing. Definitely low-budget. The acting was wooden, the script was a hack job. I mean, really? THAT is the movie I was so impressed with?

This is one reason why I don't take my own movie reviews very seriously.

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