Mock Election! Who should be President? Only posters may be nominated!


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Let's have some fun...but be nice. Nominate someone to be our next president. Feel free to make up policy positions you think they might propose. Humor is great...but be cute, not crass.

I'll begin by nominating PAM. She's young, smart, looks presidential on camera, and probably agrees with me on all the important issues--such as an immediate doubling of pay for all federal prison chaplains! :D

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lol pc, what made you think of this topic????? Double pay for me too!!! At the end of the year what ever I made I get a bonus so if I made ex. 25k At the end I get another 25K if I made 40K That year @ the end I get another 40 k etc etc. Double the pay!!! Bonus with good major medical health insurance which includes your eyes, + dental!!! I'm not sure who I'd pick. I'd really need to think hard about this. I do know I would want someone with a very high level of integrity. Some one who didn't take bribes!!! And some one who didn't let power get to their heads. I wonder who would be up for the runing? hehe.

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I have a few candidates, if some of you do not see your name, hold on I have a long list :D :

MOE (my hero! clever, witty, arrogant, heck.. love ya brother!)

Wingnut (my heroine! smart, she tells you like it is without anesthesia, and she has a feminist touch)

Just_A_Guy (the guy who can crash you like you are an ant during a debate and you stillll love the man!)

Bini ( Who doesn't love her? We need a woman's touch in the Presidency! She has a lot of charisma)

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Jenamarie: (we agree in a lot of topics, and if she is voted President I hope she gives me a little job! Don't forget me!)

Eowyn: (we need a nurturing and caring President and she is right for the job!)

LiterateParakeet: (good and gentle soul, we need real people in the Presidency!)

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Pam (because she is very hard working! And takes the time to listen to your concerns)

Beefche (Great for President but heck, she would make a fine Chef!)

Dravin (the man is obviously very eloquent, and unlike Obama, I doubt he will need the teleprompter that often! :D )

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I nominate Vort.

He is a great voice of experience. He is one of the smartest people I indirectly know. He has the right touch of self importance to ignore the fringe issue pushers and even seems to have the ability to ignore the "little people" as needed.

Not to mention who doesn't want a commander in chief who wears Stark Industry's finest mechanized weapon suit.

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How about Snow? Can he still run for president, even though he's been exiled twice? If not, then I nominate Vort. :)

I have otherrr names. :D But like in the cartoons...

This little guy ---->:satan: says "nominate them! nominate them!" but this one -----> :angel:

says "Nah, don't". :P

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So, I've taken all the nominees into account. They've been run through a major computer program, out of Heal-a-Bend College (mostly correspondence), out of Healabend, AZ. After careful consideration, the winner is . . .

Drum roll please!


So, by default, as the original poster, I declare myself, the nominee for President! YAY ME!!!


Edited by prisonchaplain
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