Is the Restoration ongoing?


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I was listening to a podcast with Terryl and Fiona Givens. One of the things they were saying was that the Restoration wasn't an event, it's a process that is still going on.

So I was wondering, do you think the Restoration is ongoing? Is there an end to it before the Millennium?

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I always assumed they meant that the restoration would be complete once LDS was everywhere (like the world or a good chuck of it was LDS)


The church will fill the whole earth..but it will never be a large percentage of the population. My father (who I always felt was pretty knowledgeable about the gospel) even explained that when the Savior returns people my still hold on to their traditional forms of worship. They will acknowledge him as the Savior but they will not convert to his Church and remain their particular denomination. 

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(And now, just to be equal opportunity :) ) If you think the restoration is still ongoing, what do you think is still left to be restored?


Well, for one thing, as I discovered recently, the sacrifice of animals. Some other things are questionable, for example, polygamy and the law of consecration. Does the fact that they were restored count as restored before the end, or do all things restored have to be currently in place before the end? Even if the first is true, I don't know that the law of consecration counts as having been fully restored. ??


I'd have to do more thinking and research to come up with anything else.

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The church will fill the whole earth..but it will never be a large percentage of the population. My father (who I always felt was pretty knowledgeable about the gospel) even explained that when the Savior returns people my still hold on to their traditional forms of worship. They will acknowledge him as the Savior but they will not convert to his Church and remain their particular denomination. 

how does something fill the whole earth and not be a large percent?

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relative to what?


Well, obviously, to the number of people on the earth. What else could it mean? We are talking, after all, about how the church will never be a large percentage of the population, per Windseeker's post.


Point being, there are already over 15 mill members. I'd call that numerous...but not relative to the population of the earth.

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I would consider numerous a group larger then any 1 city in the world


But the word "numerous" and it's meaning was your addition to the conversation. The initial comment was that the church would fill the earth but never be a significant percentage of the population.

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I know


Then why did you ask why the church feels it will not be numerous? I'm not even sure where you're going with this any more. I made an honest attempt to explain to you what is mean by Windseeker's post. We do not feel we won't be numerous, but we do feel that we will fill the earth by reaching all nations, and yet be a relatively lesser percentage of the population. I'm not sure wherein there seems to be some lingering contention. Am I being confusing in my explanations or am I confused at your responses?

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Then why did you ask why the church feels it will not be numerous? I'm not even sure where you're going with this any more. I made an honest attempt to explain to you what is mean by Windseeker's post. We do not feel we won't be numerous, but we do feel that we will fill the earth by reaching all nations, and yet be a relatively lesser percentage of the population. I'm not sure wherein there seems to be some lingering contention. Am I being confusing in my explanations or am I confused at your responses?

No I understood what you meant so I moved on in the conversation

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I would agree with this.  All things are certainly not restored.  Location of the 10 tribes, New Jerusalem,........temple in old Jerusalem.


Not sure how to interpret "fill the whole earth".  We know many of  the wicked will be destroyed, and of course some "good" non believers will live to see the millennium.  Everyone will get at least a chance to hear the gospel, but how numerous the church is relative to the rest of the world....who can really know?  The scriptures are silent.

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(specifically windseeker since he voiced it, but others if your feel the same way) If you think the restoration is complete, when was it completed?


When the Priesthood was restored. So what are we missing with the ten tribes? I don't think that has anything to do with the restoration. 

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