The celestial kingdom and children


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My brother lost his daughter when she was just 6 months old, she was blessed and I would hope Heavenly Father will have let her in to the celestial kingdom seeing as she did not have time to prove herself worthly or otherwise.


My question is will she be the same age or will she have aged? Do people stay the same age?  As they didn't get a chance to be sealed to their daughter will her sprit still be there for them or will heavenly father send her to another earthly body?

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My question is will she be the same age or will she have aged? Do people stay the same age?  As they didn't get a chance to be sealed to their daughter will her sprit still be there for them or will heavenly father send her to another earthly body?

  Wouldn't that be reincarnation?  Which is something that is not in LDS doctrine.

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Yes I guess so but that was just a minor question really. I don't understand why HF would send a sprit to an earthly home if he knew they were only going to be around for 6 months.


Any idea on the other questions?

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She will have the opportunity for ordinances required to enter the celestial kingdom. I believe I've read somewhere that spirits already have the appearance of adults before birth, so yes the age would be different.

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My brother lost his daughter when she was just 6 months old, she was blessed and I would hope Heavenly Father will have let her in to the celestial kingdom seeing as she did not have time to prove herself worthly or otherwise.


My question is will she be the same age or will she have aged? Do people stay the same age?  As they didn't get a chance to be sealed to their daughter will her sprit still be there for them or will heavenly father send her to another earthly body?

LDS believe that those that die before the age of accountability will automatically be accepted into the Celestial Kingdom and we believe that before coming to Earth we are fully matured spirits having grown as much as we can as a spirit.


As we spent eons with our Heavenly family prior to coming here, the few years between our departure from Earth to the time we meet again is a relatively short time, so probably no apparent "aging" would have taken place, although the changes that occur after having had an experience such as this mortal one may change the appearance of the spirit.  I don't know of specific descriptions.  We know that by having this experience we are more like God.  So, I would imagine a spirit that has experienced mortality appears more glorious than one that hasn't.

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This is a good article: What Happens After We Die

A few quotes from the article: "People’s spirits had an adult form in premortal life and will have that same form in the spirit world, even if they die as infants or children.3"

"According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the parents of a child who died in childhood “will have the joy, the pleasure and satisfaction of nurturing [it], after its resurrection, until it reaches the full stature of its spirit.”12"


Here's another quote from: "Teachings of Joseph F. Smith

Little children who pass away before they are accountable are redeemed.

With little children who are taken away in infancy and innocence before they have reached the years of accountability, and are not capable of committing sin, the gospel reveals to us the fact that they are redeemed, and Satan has no power over them. Neither has death any power over them. They are redeemed by the blood of Christ, and they are saved just as surely as death has come into the world through the fall of our first parents. …

… Our beloved friends who are now deprived of their little one, have great cause for joy and rejoicing, even in the midst of the deep sorrow that they feel at the loss of their little one for a time. They know he is all right; they have the assurance that their little one has passed away without sin. Such children are in the bosom of the Father. They will inherit their glory and their exaltation, and they will not be deprived of the blessings that belong to them; for, in the economy of heaven, and in the wisdom of the Father, who doeth all things well, those who are cut down as little children are without any responsibility for their taking off, they, themselves, not having the intelligence and wisdom to take care of themselves and to understand the laws of life; and, in the wisdom and mercy and economy of God our Heavenly Father, all that could have been obtained and enjoyed by them if they had been permitted to live in the flesh will be provided for them hereafter. They will lose nothing by being taken away from us in this way. …"

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She will have the opportunity for ordinances required to enter the celestial kingdom. I believe I've read somewhere that spirits already have the appearance of adults before birth, so yes the age would be different.

No ordinances are required for those who die before the age of accountability.

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Not strictly true. Sealing to parents is.


Edit: Unless born in the covenant, of course.


True.  I was thinking along the lines of baptism etc. But yes sealing to parents if not BIC.

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My brother lost his daughter when she was just 6 months old, she was blessed and I would hope Heavenly Father will have let her in to the celestial kingdom seeing as she did not have time to prove herself worthly or otherwise.


My question is will she be the same age or will she have aged? Do people stay the same age?  As they didn't get a chance to be sealed to their daughter will her sprit still be there for them or will heavenly father send her to another earthly body?

no idea if someone who has not had a chance to experience childhood, will get to or not.

however as to getting a chance to be sealed to her, yes they will get that chance.

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I don't have the source material in front of me, but it has been taught that our spirits are fully mature at birth. They don't start out as babies and grow with us as we age. I imagine they would look about like what we will look like at the resurrection when our bodies are rejoined with our spirits.

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