Another Malaysia Airlines flight down


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 A Malaysia Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur has crashed in eastern Ukraine, Russian news agency Interfax reported Thursday.

Malaysia Airlines confirmed that it lost contact with MH17, and the flight's last known position was over Ukrainian airspace, the airline said on Twitter.

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I hadn't even read the updated reports after getting home from work when I made my last post but here it is in an article I just read.


"Russian President Vladimir Putin said Ukraine's military campaign against the separatists was to blame."

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The plane wasn't supposed to be flying over Russia. There's speculation on why it was, but I want you to imagine that the US was on a state of high alert. Maybe just after September 11th.


A plane goes off course and flies in to your airspace. Airspace that is right next to a warzone right now.


What do you do?


I don't blame Putin for this. Either the plane was hijacked or the pilots were painfully stupid. My bet is that the plane was hijacked by very stupid terrorists.

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The plane wasn't supposed to be flying over Russia. There's speculation on why it was, but I want you to imagine that the US was on a state of high alert. Maybe just after September 11th.


A plane goes off course and flies in to your airspace. Airspace that is right next to a warzone right now.


What do you do?


I don't blame Putin for this. Either the plane was hijacked or the pilots were painfully stupid. My bet is that the plane was hijacked by very stupid terrorists.

Something here doesn't sound right. It was flying over Ukraine not Russia. It was flying in unrestricted air space, I haven't seen or heard a blip about it being out of place.

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I was just reading an article stating it was 300 miles north of the planned flight pattern.  But still over Ukraine not over Russia.

Where did you read that, based on this map the path *looks* pretty spot on.

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That really doesn't say it was off of the flight path though. Only that it was off of the route *most* Malaysian flights take. Malaysian airlines says it was on an approved flight path.

I don't read that as off the approved flight path imo.

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 A Malaysia Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur has crashed in eastern Ukraine, Russian news agency Interfax reported Thursday.

Malaysia Airlines confirmed that it lost contact with MH17, and the flight's last known position was over Ukrainian airspace, the airline said on Twitter.

For some reason this is reminding me a lot of Hunt for the Red October........

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Here is an excellent high-level reflection on both the downed airplane and Israel's invasion:


Stratfor: Reflections on an Unforgiving Day


Our job is to find order in the apparent disorder, even if meaning is fleeting. There are two things we can point to. First -- tragedy aside for the moment -- the plane crash had to do with the struggle for Ukraine, between the right of Russia to be secure from the West, the right of the Ukrainians to determine their own fate, either as one country or two, and the right of Western powers to involve themselves in these affairs. Gaza is about the right of Israel to have a nation, the right of the Palestinians to have a nation and the right of Western countries to involve themselves in the matter.

Read more: Reflections on an Unforgiving Day | Stratfor 
Follow us: @stratfor on Twitter | Stratfor on Facebook

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I think here is some more information on the subject:


Experts: If Ukranian Rebels Shot Down Passenger Jet, They Likely Lacked Technology to Identify It

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I think here is some more information on the subject:


Experts: If Ukranian Rebels Shot Down Passenger Jet, They Likely Lacked Technology to Identify It



This aligns to my thoughts on the incident. The rebels have demonstrated time and time again that they are highly disorganized and this kind of incident is more likely to come about by someone who has had very little experience/training on using such equipment, only knowing enough to perform basic operations. They'd probably never used this kind of kit prior to a few months ago.


What's that well known phrase? Knowing enough to be dangerous... quite literally in this case.


None of this information will be of any comfort to the relatives of those on board, knowing that there was no good reason for their deaths, they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, there were a series of actions that could have been taken to avoid their deaths and they'll probably never find the person directly responsible.

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